Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Big Education Ape - Morning Wink 4-9-13 AM Posts #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2


Schooling in the Ownership Society: Making college accessible only to the rich

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 7 minutes ago
Schooling in the Ownership Society: Making college accessible only to the rich: Making college accessible only to the rich by Mike Klonsky Despite all the talk about college readiness and 21st-century jobs, a college education is becoming inaccessible to all but the children of the rich or to those able to take on a burden of life-long debt. Like the indentured servants of old, today's poor or working-class students will graduate with dimming prospects for working in the field for which they are trained and will be working as much for the bankers as for their employer or themselve... more »

The Time is Now for Dreamers: Join the rally April 10 - Lily's Blackboard | Lily's Blackboard

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 7 minutes ago
The Time is Now for Dreamers: Join the rally April 10 - Lily's Blackboard | Lily's Blackboard: The Time is Now for Dreamers: Join the rally April 10 by Lily The Time is Now for Dreamers: Join the rally April 10 Apr 9th, 2013 by Lily. Wednesday I will stand on the West Lawn of our nation’s capitol with thousands of others and demand that a dream come true. *Congress isn’t Disneyland and I am not wishing on a star for Tinker Bell to wave a magic wand.* It’s not that kind of dream. *Real dreams aren’t about magic. They’re about work and sacrifice and never giving up*. Martin Luther Kin... more »

Roger would have given Squeezy Quinn a thumbs down. | Fred Klonsky

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 7 minutes ago
Roger would have given Squeezy Quinn a thumbs down. | Fred Klonsky: Roger would have given Squeezy Quinn a thumbs down. by Fred Klonsky I can’t say I *knew* Roger Ebert personally. [image: images]But, as I wrote last week, I took two film classes with him. I had more than a few conversations with him. And like many of you, I have watched him and read his reviews of movies and his comments on social and political issues for 40 years. Roger Ebert wasn’t just an observer, thinker and writer. Roger was in SDS in college at the University of Illinois. He was a union rep at the Sun-Times. B... more »

Understanding 'No Excuses' - Bridging Differences - Education Week

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 27 minutes ago
Understanding 'No Excuses' - Bridging Differences - Education Week: Understanding 'No Excuses' by Deborah Meier *Today, Deborah Meier continues her blog conversation with Elliott Witney.* Dear Elliott, We're going to have to converse for more than a month to get ourselves straightened out! It would be a useful learning experience for me so I'm hoping you're willing. I've been trying for the past few months to get into a healthy and vigorous disagreement with some other bloggers. It has been much more difficult than I anticipated it would be to get people to engage in constructive s... more »

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Newark students walking out today

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 29 minutes ago
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Newark students walking out today: Newark students walking out today by Mike Klonsky Popout Valerie Strauss at The Answer Sheet: *Three years ago, thousands of Newark students chanting “Save Our Schools” walked out of class and marched down city streets to protest budget cuts by the administration of Gov. Chris Christie. Another student demonstration is set for today, this time to protest more budget cuts and the closing of public schools.*

Daily Kos: SC Considering Flawed Reading, Fiscal Policy

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 29 minutes ago
Daily Kos: SC Considering Flawed Reading, Fiscal Policy: SC Considering Flawed Reading, Fiscal Policy by rss@dailykos.com (plthomasEdD) SC Senate Majority Leader Harvey Peeler, R-Cherokee, has introduced an education bill modeled on a third-grade retention policy widely promoted by Jeb Bush as one aspect of the larger so-called Florida formula. Superintendent Mick Zais has endorsed the bill as well as suggested implementing similar policies at seventh grade. SC political leadership must not follow Florida’s lead in reading or grade retention policy for several reasons, including t... more »

Pension call Tuesday. | Fred Klonsky

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
Pension call Tuesday. | Fred Klonsky: Pension call Tuesday. by Fred Klonsky [image: mike] *“I’m taking Mike Madigan at his word that there will be a comprehensive bill put together,” said Rep. Elaine Nekritz, D-Northbrook, a leading pension reform negotiator.* There is so much to unpack in that sentence. Taking Madigan at his word? Nekritz is a leading pension reform negotiator? Anyone who is not actually sitting at Madigan’s table at Saputo’s will admit that his word is worth no more than the word of any common gangster. And what has happened to the English language when a pension b... more »

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 4-9-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Bruce Baker Challenges the Logic of Privatization by dianerav Bruce Baker of Rutgers is one of the wisest and sharpest critics of the privatization movement (aka “reform”). In this post, he analyzes two favorite terms of the privatizers: “relinquishment,” which means “give up,” abandon your antique belief in public education, turn your school over to private management and get over it. The other is “sector agnosticism,” which means pretty much the same thing as ... more »

Best of the Ed Blogs | National Education Policy Center

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 2 hours ago
Best of the Ed Blogs | National Education Policy Center: Best of the Ed Blogs *Best of the Ed Blogs* features a frequently updated selection of interesting and insightful blog posts on education policy. The views expressed by the bloggers on our blog roll are thoughtful, original, and entirely their own. We hope you make *Best of the Ed Blogs* your first stop for concise takes on today's most important education topics. My Discussion with Matt Barnum Part 1 Best of the Ed Blogs Gary Rubinstein April 9, 2013 Why Is the US Department of Education Weakening FERPA? Best of the Ed Blog... more »

Show Up For Tests and Win + Big data strikes again with Coursesmart, #highered take notice – @ the chalk face

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 2 hours ago
Big data strikes again with Coursesmart, #highered take notice – @ the chalk face: Big data strikes again with Coursesmart, #highered take notice by Chalk Face, PhD According to the NYT, professors can now track how students are reading digital materials: Major publishers in higher education have already been collecting data from millions of students who use their digital materials. But CourseSmart goes further by individually packaging for each professor information on all the students in a class — a bold effort that is already beginning to affect how teachers present material an... more »

Wilcox school chief applauds student effort to integrate proms, but stresses that these aren’t school events | Get Schooled

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 2 hours ago
Wilcox school chief applauds student effort to integrate proms, but stresses that these aren’t school events | Get Schooled: Wilcox school chief applauds student effort to integrate proms, but stresses that these aren’t school events by Maureen Downey [image: downeyart (Medium)]Wilcox County Schools finds itself in the unflattering eye of a social media storm after reports of its integrated proms — a vestige of 1970s integration when many high schools stopped sponsoring proms and it fell to parents to organize the dances – hit the newspapers, TV stations and Facebook. The south G... more »

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Sun-Times takes a tour of 'underutilized' school. Guess what they find?

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 2 hours ago
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Sun-Times takes a tour of 'underutilized' school. Guess what they find?: Sun-Times takes a tour of 'underutilized' school. Guess what? by Mike Klonsky *“Our guarantee is that no child will go to a school that is lesser performing than the school that they’re in,” Byrd-Bennett explains, adding that for many years students have been “trapped in under-utilized and under-resourced schools.”* The S-T editorial board goes from classroom to classroom at supposedly "half-empty" Garvey Elementary and finds every one of them in use. * In fact, during a visit... more »

The absolute worst story (and video) about standardized testing

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 2 hours ago
The absolute worst story (and video) about standardized testing: The absolute worst story (and video) about standardized testing Posted by Valerie Strauss on April 9, 2013 at 12:07 am 4 Comments More [image: fcat1]I recently ran a post about how the state of Florida was forcing a 9-year-old blind boy who was born with a brain stem but without most of his brain to take the state’s standardized test, known as the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test. The piece, written by veteran educator Marion Brady, explains that this travesty came to light when a state legislator, Linda Stewart of... more »

Eugenics, Standardized Tests Schools Matter: Feds Making More on Student Loans Annually Than Ford Motor Co.

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 3 hours ago
Schools Matter: Feds Making More on Student Loans Annually Than Ford Motor Co.: Past and Present: Eugenics, Standardized Tests, and the Politics of School Reform by Douglas Storm *[Editor's note: An early draft version was posted in error. This has been corrected.]* * ***Guest Post by John Loflin* *Past and present: Eugenics, standardized tests, and politics of school reform* “If such a thing as a psycho-analysis of today’s prototypical culture were possible such an investigation would needs show the sickness proper to the time to consist precisely in normality.” ... more »

Legislators Are Against Making Teacher Evaluations Public… Except When They Aren’t in Parent Trigger | Scathing Purple Musings

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 3 hours ago
Legislators Are Against Making Teacher Evaluations Public… Except When They Aren’t in Parent Trigger | Scathing Purple Musings: Legislators Are Against Making Teacher Evaluations Public… Except When They Aren’t in Parent Trigger by Bob Sikes In a curious story that largely sailed under the radar, the *Florida Times-Union *has sued the Florida Department of Education to make value-added data from SB736 public. The Florida Education Association has joined the FLDOE in opposition. The Florida legislature has weighed in. Topher Sanders reports in the Times-Union: About a week after ... more »

NYC Educator: My Latest Unity-New Action Mass Email

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 3 hours ago
NYC Educator: My Latest Unity-New Action Mass Email: My Latest Unity-New Action Mass Email by NYC Educator Today's mass email complained bitterly about receiving mass email. In fact, it compared mass email to spam. The fact its sender was doing exactly the same thing was apparently not relevant. Actually, this too came from someone I know and like. Yet it was riddled with misconceptions. One thing that was true was that there are indeed Unity-New Action people who work hard. You'd have to be a fool to say the union, dominated by Unity-New Action, never done anything of value or fo... more »

Special Late Nite Cap UPDATE 4-8-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 9 hours ago
*Nite Cap UPDATE* * * ** *UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE* ** *CORPORATE ED REFORM* Newark's Students Fight Back Tomorrow! by Jersey Jazzman Now that's what I'm talking about:Popout First things first: if any of the yahoos on talk radio or in the press decide to make a big stink about these kids cutting classes tomorrow, remind them of this: This past week, pro-voucher forces in New Jersey bussed kids in from local Catholic schools to rally in support of a school voucher bill. Quote Of The Day: “I Was Tired Of Giving In” by Larry Ferlazzo There’s an excellent review of a new biograph... more »

An Open Letter From The Trenches [To Education Activists, Friends, and Haters] | The Jose Vilson

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 9 hours ago
An Open Letter From The Trenches [To Education Activists, Friends, and Haters] | The Jose Vilson: An Open Letter From The Trenches [To Education Activists, Friends, and Haters] by Jose Vilson [image: martin-luther-king-arrested] To my fellow education activists: I’ve come across a few pieces that concern me and others in the last few months, and we got some shit to talk about. On normal days, I wake up at 5:30am hellbent on kicking butt at work, metaphorically of course. The stirring in my belly long after my butter toast and coffee is the passion with which I approach my students... more »

School 'Discipline Gap' Explodes As 1 In 4 Black Students Suspended, Report Finds

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 13 hours ago
School 'Discipline Gap' Explodes As 1 In 4 Black Students Suspended, Report Finds: School 'Discipline Gap' Explodes As 1 In 4 Black Students Suspended, Report Finds by Joy Resmovits For years, education advocates have highlighted the dire importance of closing the achievement gap of academic performance between students of different ethnic and socioeconomic groups. Now, another group of advocates is drawing attention to the discipline gap of unequal punishments to different groups of students. The Center for Civil Rights Remedies at the University of California, Los Angeles Civ... more »

A collection of links from Occupy the DOE 2.0 #uoodc13 – @ the chalk face

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 13 hours ago
A collection of links from Occupy the DOE 2.0 #uoodc13 – @ the chalk face: A collection of links from Occupy the DOE 2.0 #uoodc13 by Chalk Face, PhD As the dust finally settles on a great event, there’s still work to be done. Namely, collecting coverage of the event. I’m going to start posting links here. If I’ve missed any, please let us know in the comments. We’re expecting some long form pieces in the coming days, so they’ll be updated. Democracy Now! Mother Jones Truth Out MSNBC’s The Cycle [Although, I must say, that we at no point in any of our work contacted the United Way for... more »

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Is Thatcher's ghost haunting the White House?

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 13 hours ago
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Is Thatcher's ghost haunting the White House?: Is Thatcher's ghost haunting the White House? by Mike Klonsky Margaret Thatcher with her pal PW Botha in 1984. Botha was first leader of the Apartheid regime accorded the privilege of a state visit to UK since 1961, a diplomatic coup for the white supremacist regime in South Africa. via @Tobias AgricoltoreI know that diplomacy dictates that when a former head of state passes on, our president has to pay his respects and not say anything critical. But today's statement by Pres. Obama on the death of *Marga... more »

Sometimes truth is… – @ the chalk face

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 14 hours ago
Sometimes truth is… – @ the chalk face: Sometimes truth is… by Chris Cerrone Back a few weeks ago I created a quick graphic for a post asking for examples of test prep and Common Core assignments using an online graphic generator. This picture went viral as parents and teachers passed it on via social media. [image: newsign] I created this picture to gain a few laughs and make a statement about the amount of time that is lost to testing in our schools. Detractors might say my creation is a piece of propaganda, but sometimes truth is stranger than fiction, or pretty darn close. S... more »

Daily Kos: Principal warns parents: ‘Don’t buy the bunk’ about new Common Core tests

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 14 hours ago
Daily Kos: Principal warns parents: ‘Don’t buy the bunk’ about new Common Core tests: Principal warns parents: ‘Don’t buy the bunk’ about new Common Core tests by rss@dailykos.com (teacherken) That is the title of this post at the Answer Sheet Blog of the *Washington Post*, run by Valerie Strauss. The author is Carol Burris, an award-winning principal in Long Island who originally supported the idea of Common Core but has become increasingly concerned about the damage it will do as she has watched it take shape, particularly with respect to the assessments that will go with the ... more »

My discussion with Matt Barnum Part 1 | Gary Rubinstein's Blog

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 15 hours ago
My discussion with Matt Barnum Part 1 | Gary Rubinstein's Blog: My discussion with Matt Barnum Part 1by Gary Rubinstein A few weeks ago I was invited by Matt Barnum to discuss various issues in education reform through a series of letters. Matt is a TFA alum who is now in law school. He has written several articles in various newspapers about the complexity of improving education. Most recently he wrote something about how it is time for TFA to fold. My first thought was that since we have so much in common, these discussions would not have enough conflict to make them very int... more »

Zorn may think I’m contemptible. But he really hates CTU Prez Karen Lewis. I call that good company. | Fred Klonsky

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 15 hours ago
Zorn may think I’m contemptible. But he really hates CTU Prez Karen Lewis. I call that good company. | Fred Klonsky: Zorn may think I’m contemptible. But he really hates CTU Prez Karen Lewis. I call that good company. by Fred Klonsky *Scorned by Zorn* Eric Zorn took a few minutes out of his busy schedule chasing down leads to send me an email calling me contemptible for objecting to his ugly discourse on race and school closings. But just to remind readers where Zorn is coming from, here’s a Trib column of his from November of 2011. *Karen Lewis should step down as president of ... more »

NYC Public School Parents: More on inBloom, including parent right to opt out denied and potential costs to states and districts

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 15 hours ago
NYC Public School Parents: More on inBloom, including parent right to opt out denied and potential costs to states and districts: More on inBloom, including parent right to opt out denied and potential costs to states and districts by Leonie Haimson Many NY parents received an email from Commissioner King last week, in response to their request to opt their children’s personally identifiable confidential educational records out of the inBloom database and shared with vendors without their consent. He made it clear that he does not intend to honor any requests from parents to opt ... more »

Ed Notes Online: Leonie Haimson Offers Parents Real Choice: Low class size, rich non-test driven curriculum

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 15 hours ago
Ed Notes Online: Leonie Haimson Offers Parents Real Choice: Low class size, rich non-test driven curriculum: Leonie Haimson Offers Parents Real Choice: Low class size, rich non-test driven curriculum by ed notes online There is no little irony in the Daily News assault on Leonie Haimson for sending her son to a private school while supposedly denying choice to other parents without that option open to them. Leonie has been such a thorn in the side of the deformers, they must disparage her work. How interesting that they chose one of their funding darlings, Gotham Schools and wri... more »

Low test scores are the symptom, not “The Cause” | Crazy Crawfish's Blog

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 15 hours ago
Low test scores are the symptom, not “The Cause” | Crazy Crawfish's Blog: Low test scores are the symptom, not “The Cause” by crazycrawfish [image: Problem solved!] Problem solved! Recently my posting has started dropping off because of some nasty fatigue issues that seemed to come out of nowhere. (Hopefully you haven’t noticed the lull too much, as I have quite a few pieces I’m working on at any given time, and researching others.) Sometimes a recent event or flash of insight drives me to squeeze one out in the wee hours of the morning, so I assumed that was the cause of my fatig... more »

I’m Angry | Cooperative Catalyst

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 16 hours ago
I’m Angry | Cooperative Catalyst: I’m Angry by robinclane It’s Monday, and I’m angry. I’m angry because, after a weekend of careful planning, after differentiating an assignment for students who have mastered skills at different levels, after catching up on all of my grading, after getting my lesson plans in on time with the TEKS and the Reading Comprehension standards and the ELPS, I couldn’t print anything I needed for class because our copy machine is broken. *Again*. I’m angry because I had to make something up on the fly, putting my students further behind from where we sho... more »

Message from Mali: Sacramento City USD DAC April Agenda

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 16 hours ago
*Message from Mali: Sacramento City USD DAC April Agenda * Open in full size window: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7wdDUUSR15dUGRoUHJaa1Y2YWM/edit?usp=sharing

Jersey Jazzman: Newark's Students Fight Back Tomorrow!

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 16 hours ago
Jersey Jazzman: Newark's Students Fight Back Tomorrow!: Newark's Students Fight Back Tomorrow! by Duke Now that's what I'm talking about: Popout First things first: if any of the yahoos on talk radio or in the press decide to make a big stink about these kids cutting classes tomorrow, remind them of this: This past week, pro-voucher forces in New Jersey bussed kids in from local Catholic schools to rally in support of a school voucher bill. [image: N.J. protesters rally in Trenton to support school vouchers] Chris Christie condemned that rally; he thinks it is wrong to take kids... more »

#StopCommonCore Twitter Rally | Truth in American Education

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 16 hours ago
#StopCommonCore Twitter Rally | Truth in American Education: #StopCommonCore Twitter Rally by Shane Vander Hart Parent-Led Reform (@ParentLedReform) will host a Twitter Rally on April 16, 2013 which will start will go from 12:00p-2:00p (EST). We will discuss how the Common Core State Standards effect your family, community and schools? We invite you to participate. There will be an expert panel and several organizations that will discuss #StopCommonCore. So far I know the panel will consist of: - Me (@shanevanderhart) representing Truth In American Education ( @TruthinAmEd... more »

Obama to announce Tobacco Tax plan for funding Pre K | Pass / Fail | 89.3 KPCC

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 16 hours ago
Obama to announce Tobacco Tax plan for funding Pre K | Pass / Fail | 89.3 KPCC: Obama to announce Tobacco Tax plan for funding Pre K by Deepa Fernandes [image: Smokers Could Face Tobacco Tax Increase] *White House confirms universal pre-K plan will call for increased cigarette taxes.; Credit: Spencer Platt/Getty Images* California is seen as a shining example of how tobacco taxes can be used to both dissuade smoking and also improve children’s health and readiness for school. Now President Obama is following California’s lead. When he presents his budget Wednesday, the president wil... more »

Parents:: We have a NEW fact sheet re: opting out of #highstakestesting! | Change the Stakes

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 17 hours ago
Parents: CHOOSE TO REFUSE! | Change the Stakes: Open link in full window : https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7wdDUUSR15dMXk0cHNyWHphNk0/edit?usp=sharing

Education's Greatest Common Factor — Whole Child Education

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 17 hours ago
Education's Greatest Common Factor — Whole Child Education: THE WHOLE CHILD BLOG [image: Walter McKenzie]Education’s Greatest Common Factor April 8, 2013 by Walter McKenzie Are you tired yet of working to the lowest common denominator? Think about it. Every problem under discussion in public education boils down to it. Funding. Staffing. Standards. What's the least, the minimum we can expect everyone to accept? To make it sound reasonable, we reference "milestones" and "benchmarks" to suggest that anyone can go beyond these minimum expectations, but the reality is the lowest common ... more »

New York State Association of School Attorneys: Corporate #edreform Thugs? – @ the chalk face

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 18 hours ago
New York State Association of School Attorneys: Corporate #edreform Thugs? – @ the chalk face: New York State Association of School Attorneys: Corporate #edreform Thugs? by Timothy D. Slekar Please read the document pasted below carefully. This is a legal *“opinion”* that actually tries to convey to parents that they DO NOT have an opt out right. [image: NYTESTING] What parents need to understand is that this is a legal opinion written by (lawyers) supporters of high stakes testing. Notice how they refer to people fighting corporate education reform as *ANTI -testing advocates*. No,... more »

As the Illinois House prepares to cut retired teacher pensions, remember the $100 M give-away to the CME? | Fred Klonsky

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 18 hours ago
As the Illinois House prepares to cut retired teacher pensions, remember the $100 M give-away to the CME? | Fred Klonsky: As the Illinois House prepares to cut retired teacher pensions, remember the $100 M give-away to the CME? by Fred Klonsky The odds makers are placing money on the Illinois House voting to cut retired teacher pension benefits this coming week. But remember when they voted to give the Chicago Mercantile Exchange a one hundred million dollar tax break? Don’t you think it is rubbing our faces in it to announce today that the former CEO of that same CME paid its CEO $... more »

Joy Resmovits: Amplify, Rupert Murdoch's Education Subsidiary, Does Not 'In Any Way Endorse' Donkey Sex

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 18 hours ago
Joy Resmovits: Amplify, Rupert Murdoch's Education Subsidiary, Does Not 'In Any Way Endorse' Donkey Sex: Amplify, Rupert Murdoch's Education Subsidiary, Does Not 'In Any Way Endorse' Donkey Sex by Joy Resmovits On Sunday, the blog Slashdot posted a bit of news regarding Amplify Education, Inc., the education division of Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation. Murdoch has said that he sees a multibillion dollar opportunity in the education sector, and has followed up on the goal of capitalizing on that market share by buying Wireless Generation and launching Amplify. News Corp. annou... more »

The Problem With Black & White Statements in Education | Connected Principals

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 18 hours ago
The Problem With Black & White Statements in Education | Connected Principals: The Problem With Black & White Statements in Education by Chris Wejr cc licensed ( BY NC SA ) flickr photo by the BCth: http://flickr.com/photos/bcii/4499830063/ I continue to hear how certain educational practices are harmful to kids. Things like homework, desks in rows, multiple choice questions, worksheets, and tests are stated as being “toxic” and “educational malpractice”. I think as educators we need to be careful when we make dichotomous statements like these as they tend to end the chance for a... more »

Video by former TFA- message to education policymakers | Parents Across America

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 18 hours ago
Video by former TFA- message to education policymakers | Parents Across America: Video by former TFA- message to education policymakers by pureparents A Former TFA teacher speaks PAA Board member Karran Harper Royal shared this video with the following comment: If another state or local education board votes to fund TFA after viewing this video, they should be arrested for conspiracy to commit child abuse. This video along with the Baye Cobb videos from Blackboard Wars shows how ineffective some of these young teachers can be. They should not be in a classroom as the only teach... more »

Diane in the Evening 4-8-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 20 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Why Is the US Department of Education Weakening FERPA? by dianerav In the past few years, the privacy protections built into federal law have been weakened by the U.S. Department of Education to allow third-parties to access confidential information about students. The Electronic Privacy Information Center summarizes the chronology. It has filed a lawsuit and is fight the Department’s new policy, which will give the private sector access to confidential student data. In December 2011, the U.S. Department of Educa... more »

A Part of Us is Dying in Chicago

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 20 hours ago
A Part of Us is Dying in Chicago: A Part of Us is Dying in Chicago by Sam I can’t reconcile the deep sense of community that filmmakers Amy and Tom Valens have captured in their 10-part video series about a year in the life of a public school in Boston, with the painful public clashes we’re witnessing in Chicago – where 54 of the city’s schools will soon be shuttered. Indeed, although the nation’s attention is fixed on the historic fight for marriage equality in the U.S. Supreme Court, a part of us is dying in the Windy City – and no one in the mainstream media seems to care. No ... more »

Why School Test Resistance May Be About to Sweep the Nation - LA Progressive

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 20 hours ago
Why School Test Resistance May Be About to Sweep the Nation - LA Progressive: Why School Test Resistance May Be About to Sweep the Nation By Mark Naison [image: united opt out 350 Why School Test Resistance May Be About to Sweep the Nation] Morna McDermott of United Opt Out, an Associate Professor at Towson University, Maryland When people decide to resist unjust policies that have overwhelming support and for which there are few antecedents in their lifetime, mast movements do not erupt overnight. They are often inspired by the accumulation of individual acts of protest, taken at... more »

Arooj Ahmed- Changing Education Student Voice

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 21 hours ago
Student Voice: Arooj Ahmed- Changing Education by admin Popout The need for education reform is evident. But what’s the practical solution? It is easy to point out the flaws of the current system, but it is much more difficult to come up with relevant, applicable solutions. And it is even more difficult for policy makers to bring about change. But it has to be done. The gaping flaws of America’s education system have to be dealt with. Students, teachers, administrators, and parents have to step out of their comfort zones and advocate for change. It has to be a collective effort ... more »

Hell in New Haven Education reformers convene | Yale Daily News

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 21 hours ago
Education reformers convene in New Haven | Yale Daily News: Education reformers convene in New Haven BY HANNAH SCHWARZ STAFF REPORTER Monday, April 8, 2013 - SHARE - TWEET - DISCUSS Last Thursday and Friday, New Haven’s Omni Hotel and Shubert Theater became home to hundreds of education reformers from around the country. The seventh annual Yale School of Management Education Leadership Conference brought in roughly 700 attendees from organizations like Democrats for Education Reform, the KIPP Foundation, Teach for America, City Year and Achievement First. The two days in... more »

Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee and Friends Too Weird Even for Tennessee's GOP | Pith in the Wind

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 22 hours ago
Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee and Friends Too Weird Even for Tennessee's GOP | Pith in the Wind: Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee and Friends Too Weird Even for Tennessee's GOPPOSTED BY JEFF WOODS ON MON, APR 8, 2013 AT 8:20 AM WPLN's Blake Farmer reports this morning on the many so-called education reform bills that have died this legislative session. Despite an army of lobbyists and a massive TV and radio ad campaign, Michelle Rhee & Co. couldn't persuade even our Republican supermajority to make these radical changes. Among the casualties are school vouchers and makin... more »

Commissioner Pryor, where is your Department’s mandated report on school safety and bullying? - Wait, What?

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 22 hours ago
Commissioner Pryor, where is your Department’s mandated report on school safety and bullying? - Wait, What?: Commissioner Pryor, where is your Department’s mandated report on school safety and bullying? by jonpelto *It is one of the most important reports that the State Department of Education produces.* *It was supposed to include recommendations for how to create safer school environments.* *It WAS DUE February 1, 2012…almost fifteen months ago!* *Where is it?* Although Connecticut is learning the hard way that lawyers, with no classroom or education background, don’t make the b... more »

remnant 5: “an artist has an obligation to be en route” [George Carlin] | DISCOURSE as quilting

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 22 hours ago
remnant 5: “an artist has an obligation to be en route” [George Carlin] | DISCOURSE as quilting: remnant 5: “an artist has an obligation to be en route” [George Carlin] leave a comment » It makes me immeasurably sad that George Carlin has died, as he had to, as we all must. I cried spontaneously and without warning for several days after Kurt Vonnegut died, as he had to, as we all must. And that sudden welling of tears and sadness came again at the end of this video of Carlin being interviewed by Jon Stewart: —– This is not an exaggeration: Beyond the great fortune of my having been ... more »

UPDATE: Silas Takes a Plea Seattle Schools Community Forum: Caroline Kennedy to Promote Poetry at Sanislo Today

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 22 hours ago
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Caroline Kennedy to Promote Poetry at Sanislo Today: Caroline Kennedy to Promote Poetry at Sanislo Today by Melissa Westbrook Caroline Kennedy will be at Sanislo Elementary today, visiting one of their 1st grade classrooms and meeting members of their school poetry club. Members of the club, as well as students from View Ridge will join her tonight to read from her new poetry anthology, "Poems to Learn by Heart." She will be the featured guest at an event tonight co-hosted by the Washington Center for the Book at the Seattle Public Library and Se... more »

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 23 hours ago
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES: WEEKEND QUOTABLES by Mike Klonsky *Just in case BBB's hearing problems are ongoing, this weekend's Quotables are all from Lauren Fitzpatrick's excellent reporting on the school-closing hearings in Chicago. * * * Alida Diaz, a bilingual teacher at King Elementary School shares her concerns about school closings at the first Chicago Public School hearings for the school, April 6, 2013 at Whitney Young High School. King Elementary School with close into Jensen Elementary. | Jessica Koscielniak ~ Sun-Times Nikkitoya Roberts one of the mo... more »

ASCD Forum: How Do We Define and Measure Teacher and Principal Effectiveness? — Whole Child Education

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 23 hours ago
ASCD Forum: How Do We Define and Measure Teacher and Principal Effectiveness? — Whole Child Education: THE WHOLE CHILD BLOG [image: Meg Simpson]ASCD Forum: How Do We Define and Measure Teacher and Principal Effectiveness? April 8, 2013 by Meg Simpson [image: ASCD Forum] Across the globe, nations, districts, schools, and individuals face a timely and complex issue: How do we define and measure teacher and principal effectiveness? Is there a definitive answer to this challenging question? We're not sure, but since January, ASCD has convened the ASCD Forum to focus educator conversati... more »

FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Monday, April 8, 2013

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 23 hours ago
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: LAUSD board member seeks overhaul of 'teacher jail' system Education Headlines *Monday, April 8, 2013* Coast Unified employees thinking about the unthinkableCambria schools, students and teachers could be safer now, thanks to a daylong in-service day Monday, April 1, at which Coast Unified School District teachers, administrators, coaches, bus drivers and other staff members were taught how to prepare for, act and react during an attack or an “active shooter†incident. Read more here: http://www.sanluisobispo.com/2013/04/04/... more »

Share and Share Alike! | My Island View

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 23 hours ago
Share and Share Alike! | My Island View: Share and Share Alike! by tomwhitby I recently bumped into a friend at an education Conference. This friend is what I consider a thought leader in education. He is a well-known speaker and author and a person who many educators deservingly look up to for both guidance and wisdom. I thought that I would take advantage of the encounter by asking for a guest post for SmartBlog on Education, an education blog with which I am associated. He must have been having a bad day based on his response. “I am tired of teaching everyone”, he said. Knowin... more »

EduShyster Does Spring Break | EduShyster

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
EduShyster Does Spring Break | EduShyster: EduShyster Does Spring Break by edushyster2012 *Thomas Friedman goes down best with a jello shot and other lessons from America’s choice-iest state* Greetings high achievers. While you were administering standardized tests, preparing to administer standardized tests or boldly disrupting our hopelessly stifled public schools, I spent last week chillaxing in America’s choice-iest state. That’s right, reader. EduShyster took the show on the road to Florida, USA in order to enjoy an old-school style spring break. My travels afforded me the opp... more »

Shanker Blog » On Teacher Evaluations, Between Myth And Fact Lies Truth

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
Shanker Blog » On Teacher Evaluations, Between Myth And Fact Lies Truth: On Teacher Evaluations, Between Myth And Fact Lies Truth by Matthew Di Carlo Controversial proposals for new teacher evaluation systems have generated a tremendous amount of misinformation. It has come from both “sides,” ranging from minor misunderstandings to gross inaccuracies. Ostensibly to address some of these misconceptions, the advocacy group Students First (SF) recently released a “myth/fact sheet” on evaluations. Despite the need for oversimplification inherent in “myth/fact” sheets, the genre can be u... more »

The disturbing language and shallow logic of Ed Reform: Comments on “Relinquishment” & “Sector Agnosticism” | School Finance 101

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
The disturbing language and shallow logic of Ed Reform: Comments on “Relinquishment” & “Sector Agnosticism” | School Finance 101: The disturbing language and shallow logic of Ed Reform: Comments on “Relinquishment” & “Sector Agnosticism” by schoolfinance101 Two buzz phrases have been somewhat quietly floating around reformyland of late, for at least a year or so. I suspect that many have not even picked up on these buzz phrases/words. They are somewhat *inner circle*concepts in reformyland. The first is the notion of the great *relinquisher* (a seemingly bizarre contradiction in... more »

Modern School: Protecting Children by Punishing Whistleblowers

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
Modern School: Protecting Children by Punishing Whistleblowers: Protecting Children by Punishing Whistleblowers by Michael Dunn Carol Buchanan, a former Moraga School District teacher (in the SF Bay Area) was told by students in the 1990s that science teacher, Dan Witters, had been sexually abusing them. She reported it to school officials, but was ignored and punished, Cheryl Hurd reported last week. While she was never fired, Buchanon claims the district did strongly urge her to take a “leave of absence,” which she ultimately did, retiring after a 25-year career. Last year, Un... more »

Occupy The Department Of Education Ushers In America’s Angry Spring

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
Occupy The Department Of Education Ushers In America’s Angry Spring: Occupy The Department Of Education Ushers In America’s Angry Spring ** No offense, but the Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education building in Washington, DC is not a pretty sight. Crossing the National Mall on 4th street, you pass between the glisteningly modern National Air and Space Museum and the sculpted brown stone of the National Museum of the American Indian to come face to face with what can only be described as a monument to bland austerity. It was at the base of this concrete and glass slab that a... more »

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