Sunday, March 17, 2013

Big Education Ape - Morning Wink 3-17-13 AM Posts #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2


College student leads fight against anti-evolution teachings in schools

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 11 minutes ago
College student leads fight against anti-evolution teachings in schools: College student leads fight against anti-evolution teachings in schools Posted by Valerie Strauss on March 17, 2013 at 10:05 am 2 Comments More [image: Zach Kopplin (] Zach Kopplin ( Going to college is tough enough without leading a campaign to stop creationism from being taught in school as an alternative to evolution, but that’s whatZach Kopplin, 19, has been doing for several years. He began by taking on the badly named Louisiana Science Education Act, which actually allows tea... more »

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 3-17-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 12 minutes ago
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Mayor Bloomberg’s Chaos Theory by dianerav This article in the New York Times describes how one large high school now houses nine small schools. Some succeed, some fail, some statistics are better, some are worse or no different. Some statistics are undoubtedly inflated by credit recovery and other tricks to game the system. One thing is clear: a building that once had one principal now has nine. It is not clear that the nine schools are doing a better job than the one old school in meeting the needs of the ... more »

Missouri Education Watchdog: Data Collection Gets High Tech and Personal

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 16 minutes ago
Missouri Education Watchdog: Data Collection Gets High Tech and Personal: Data Collection Gets High Tech and Personal by Anngie How many of us heard, as a child growing up, that we were not living up to our potential? I remember taking some comfort in the belief that the person doing the chastising had no idea what my potential was and that I was perfectly happy with my level of performance. A young child's world of rationalization, true, but it was based in my following my definition of happiness. Like most kids I resisted efforts to push my performance beyond levels I felt I w... more »

Ed Notes Online: Karen Lewis and Mike Mulgrew at Left Labor Project

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 16 minutes ago
Ed Notes Online: Karen Lewis and Mike Mulgrew at Left Labor Project: Karen Lewis and Mike Mulgrew at Left Labor Project by ed notes online The panel. Darn, wish I had cropped out that balding guy on the right.Saturday, March 16, 7 AM. Just racing off to NYCORE but I wanted to share some quick views of last night's LEFT Labor Project event at the UFT. Given the background and connections of some of the people in the LLP and the willingness of Mulgrew to host and support this event, I found the evening somewhat remarkable, especially given that this was right outside the Shanker hall... more »

Jersey Jazzman: The Rhee-al World

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 24 minutes ago
Jersey Jazzman: The Rhee-al World: The Rhee-al World by Duke *You'll see the data that I say you can see!* The Rhee-al World, as described by Michelle Rhee on *Real Time with Bill Maher*: MAHER: *I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I hear that all the time: "closing down schools." Where do the kids go then? * RHEE: *Well because the district had done such a poor job of education kids for a very long time, kids were sort of fleeing the district. So we were running the same number of schools, but just with fewer kids. So you can close down the low-performing schools, and then, hopefu... more »

State files charges against Phila. charter that opened in September -

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
State files charges against Phila. charter that opened in September - State files charges against Phila. charter that opened in September By Martha Woodall, Inquirer Staff WriterPOSTED: March 16, 2013 The Solomon Charter School only opened in September, but Pennsylvania's secretary of education filed charges Friday to revoke the operating charter of the Philadelphia-based cyber school for violating its charter and state law. Secretary Ron Tomalis said the cyber school based at 1209 Vine St. was not meeting the requirement of offering a significant portion of its i... more »

Tea Party explains its opposition to Cobb education SPLOST vote on Tuesday | Get Schooled

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
Tea Party explains its opposition to Cobb education SPLOST vote on Tuesday | Get Schooled: Tea Party explains its opposition to Cobb education SPLOST vote on Tuesday by Maureen Downey J.D. Van Brink is a Cobb County resident, businessman and chairman of the Georgia Tea Party, Inc. In this essay, he explains the Tea Party’s opposition to the *Cobb Education SPLOST IV referendum*. On Tuesday, Cobb taxpayers will decide whether to renew a 1 percent special sales tax. The special purpose local option sales tax was created in 1996 as a way to fund capital projects. Of the 562 educatio... more »

Louisiana Educator: Muddying the Narritive on VAM

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
Louisiana Educator: Muddying the Narritive on VAM: Muddying the Narritive on VAM by Michael Deshotels *In the old days before the Jindal reforms, educators could count on our State Department of Education to provide us with the facts about various education programs. If a program was new and needed to be evaluated to see if it was really working, we could generally count on our DOE to give us a legitimate evaluation, without bias and spin. Sadly this is no longer the case. John White set the standard last year around the time of his confirmation hearings when it was discovered by... more »

NYC Public School Parents: A St Patrick's Day Salute to Brave Educators Everywhere

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
NYC Public School Parents: A St Patrick's Day Salute to Brave Educators Everywhere: A St Patrick's Day Salute to Brave Educators Everywhere by Patrick J. Sullivan In the arts section of today's print edition, the NT Times ran a full copy of the Easter Proclamation, the document announcing the formation of an independent Irish Republic in 1916. Along with its political importance, the Proclamation is recognized for its literary qualities. Those qualities are due to its authorship by teacher, school principal and poet Patrick Pearse. He had founded a school to teach the Irish in ... more »

Jersey Jazzman: Rhee Knows Nothing About Inequality

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
Jersey Jazzman: Rhee Knows Nothing About Inequality: Rhee Knows Nothing About Inequality by Duke I finally got around to watching failed author Michelle Rhee's appearance on *Real Time with Bill Maher *from last night. Maybe I'll say more about it later, but I wanted to get to one of the little data points she threw out last night: MAHER: "*I have some statistics here on studies they have done on schools here in America, and it doesn't really indicate that it's the schools that is the problem. I mean, we hear all the time that America is falling behind, but in three major internat... more »

H.R.1041: Providing Resources Early for Kids Act of 2013 - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 14 hours ago
H.R.1041: Providing Resources Early for Kids Act of 2013 - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress: Bill Introduced: H.R.1041 Providing Resources Early for Kids Act of 2013 Open Congress : Major Bill Actions in Education - 6 minutes ago To amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to improve early education. Bill Introduced: S.502 Prepare All Kids Act of 2013 Open Congress : Major Bill Actions in Education - 6 minutes ago A bill to assist States in providing voluntary high-quality universal prekindergarten programs and programs to support infants and toddlers. Bill Introduced: S.... more »

Michelle Rhee Needs a Head Shrinker… – @ the chalk face

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 14 hours ago
Michelle Rhee Needs a Head Shrinker… – @ the chalk face: Michelle Rhee Needs a Head Shrinker… by Kris Nielsen …so, here I am! (*Disclaimer: I am not a psychologist, but I play one on the Internet. The following is for entertainment purposes only and should not be used as an official diagnosis, even though I know I’m totally right.*) [image: "Hey, everyone! Watch me school this kid before I close his school!"]This probably isn’t healthy. Perhaps I should find a new hobby, before people start to think I’m obsessed or something. I’ve already previously diagnosed her as a full-blown ... more »

Public ed heroes of the day: School closings | Parents United for Public Education

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 14 hours ago
Public ed heroes of the day: School closings | Parents United for Public Education: Public ed heroes of the day: School closings by helengym [image: Photos via, Joseph Dworetzky, Research for Action, Media Mobilizing Project] Photos via, Joseph Dworetzky, Research for Action, Media Mobilizing Project History is not made only by those with titles and power. It is defined and understood through the heroic actions of many. Here are a few public ed heroes who stood out for us during the school closings vote: *Media Mobilizing Project and the public education testim... more »

ASCD Conference Highlights: Day 1 | InterACT

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 14 hours ago
ASCD Conference Highlights: Day 1 | InterACT: ASCD Conference Highlights: Day 1 by David B. Cohen [image: Freeman Hrabowski] What a busy day! There are 10,400 participants in this conference, hundreds of sessions, in a facility that seems like a whole campus. Lots here to write about in greater depth, but here are my highlights from Day 1. Freeman Hrabowski Dr. Freeman A. Hrabowski III was the keynote speaker this morning. His speech offered some inspirational examples of what’s possible when children have the support, expectations, structures, and nurturing that they need. Sometim... more »

John Thompson: Documentarians Uncover the Trauma in Urban Schools - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 14 hours ago
John Thompson: Documentarians Uncover the Trauma in Urban Schools - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher: John Thompson: Documentarians Uncover the Trauma in Urban Schools by Anthony Cody *Guest post by John Thompson.* * * * * Brilliant documentaries, such as PBS Frontline's "Dropout Nation" and This American Life's "Harper High School" do what "reformers," who mostly lack knowledge of teaching and learning, should have done. They go into troubled schools without preconceived notions, and document what they find. "Dropout Nation" covers the School Improvement Grant (SIG) "tu... more »

Saturday coffee. | Fred Klonsky

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 16 hours ago
Saturday coffee. | Fred Klonsky: Saturday coffee. by Fred Klonsky [image: IMG_0106] In Chicago it is a damp and cloudy Saturday. The river is green for the Saint Patrick’s day parade. It is best not to drive on the north side tonight. Last year Anne and I went to dinner in Wrigleyville to celebrate her birthday, forgetting it was Saint Patrick’s day. As we drove down Halsted Street, young green-shirted twenty-something boys literally fell forward – face down drunk – in front of our car. *Several time*s. This week Chicago has seen a performance of *send in the clowns.* It began wit... more »

The Weekly Cheddar : blue cheddar

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 16 hours ago
The Weekly Cheddar : blue cheddar: The Weekly Cheddar by bluecheddar March 10 - 16, 2013 Here’s my weekly round-up of political news from Wisconsin. I added a selection of coming events to the end. As always, if I forgot something ultra-important, leave me a comment about it. *About Voucher Schools in Wisconsin…* I hope you’ll read and then come back to this post: Take Action: Five Things You Can Do to Fight Voucher Schools – from ACLU A Peek Into the World of Publicly Funded Private Schools – Wisconsin Soapbox – MARCH 12 Walker’s budget means millions in cuts, Madison superintende... more »

Diane in the Evening 13-16-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 16 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Book Banning in Chicago by dianerav Since I wrote a book a decade ago called “The Language Police,” I can’t pretend to be shocked that a book was pulled, removed, or censored by the Chicago Public Schools. Jersey Jazxman sums up the controversy here. It is no consolation, perhaps, to know that school boards–state and local–have been censoring books for many My Debate in Louisiana by dianerav Last Thursday I flew to Louisiana for a lunch debate with Chas Roemer, who is chairman of the state board of education... more »

“But no one…” | Deborah Meier on Education

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 16 hours ago
“But no one…” | Deborah Meier on Education: “But no one…” by debmeier When I first came to NYC with three school-age children I was confronted by a near consensus view from old friends…”but no one sends their children to public school in NYC.” Followed by other suggestions. But, I stammered, there are more than a million children in NYC’s public schools…. Silence, embarrassed expressions. I felt naughty saying this. But it wasn’t unanimous. Among the standouts was my friend Rochelle (Ricky) Flanders whose three children were attending NYC public schools!! I thought all three of h... more »

Well, shit…THAT didn’t work. Now what? | Mr. Teachbad

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 16 hours ago
Well, shit…THAT didn’t work. Now what? | Mr. Teachbad: Well, shit…THAT didn’t work. Now what? by teachbad This is stunning. You remem­ber Michelle Rhee, right? She came to turn the DC pub­lic school sys­tem around. In 2007 she grabbed this city by the throat and shook it into sub­mis­sion. Teach­ers were fired by the hun­dreds and prin­ci­pals by the dozens. Thou­sands have left the sys­tem because they did not want to work under the con­di­tions Rhee and Jason Kam­ras, her chief teacher tech­ni­cian, were imposing. That was fine with her. *Screw ‘em*. She would find new peo­ple... more »

Okay boys and girls, time to learn how to take a test. – @ the chalk face

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 16 hours ago
Okay boys and girls, time to learn how to take a test. – @ the chalk face: Okay boys and girls, time to learn how to take a test. by Chris Cerrone I have some recollection of kindergarten many years removed. Mrs. Pongo was a venerable institution at Abbott Road Elementary School. We had a half-day session full of sharing, letters, numbers, songs, and movement. I do not remember anything such as this: [image: 313307_10200598451512579_347010857_n] This McGraw-Hill workbook page is assigned in September when some students are four years old. Follow the author on twitter : https://twi...more »

Can We Build Schools Better, Faster, and Cheaper? | PWC Education Reform Blog

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 17 hours ago
Can We Build Schools Better, Faster, and Cheaper? | PWC Education Reform Blog: Can We Build Schools Better, Faster, and Cheaper? by pwceducationreform Parents have raised concerns in recent weeks about the projected construction costs of Prince William County’s 12th high school. The school, which is set to open in September 2016 in the Independent Hill area of Prince William County, has a projected construction cost of $110,943,000. Of particular concern to some parents are the school division’s plans to include a pool in the 12th high school. The projected cost of this school... more »

The Folly of Defunding Social Science | toteachornototeach

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 17 hours ago
The Folly of Defunding Social Science | toteachornototeach: The Folly of Defunding Social Science by aristotlethewise *The Folly of Defunding Social Science* by Scott Atran [image: ban]With the so-called sequester geared to cut billions of dollars to domestic programs, military funding, social services, and government-sponsored scientific research — including about a 6 percent reduction for the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation — policymakers and professionals are scrambling to stave off the worst by resetting priorities. One increasingly popular pr... more »

Where do we go from here? | Parents United for Public Education

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 17 hours ago
Where do we go from here? | Parents United for Public Education: Where do we go from here? by helengym [image: Image]Hundreds of Philadelphians gathered on March 7th to oppose school closings. (Photo by Bill Hangley. Used with permission) [image: 10sept]After last week’s vote in the School Reform Commission, which closed down 23 schools in Philadelphia creating education deserts in communities already suffering from public disinvestment, I went home, turned out the lights and buried my head under the covers. The past week has felt like a collective sense of mourning for our schools ... more »

It’s Time to Call the FLDOE and the Bush Foundation on Their Latest Charter School Study | Scathing Purple Musings

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 17 hours ago
It’s Time to Call the FLDOE and the Bush Foundation on Their Latest Charter School Study | Scathing Purple Musings: It’s Time to Call the FLDOE and the Bush Foundation on Their Latest Charter School Study by Bob Sikes I have no idea why Foundation for Excellence in Education (FEE) writer Mike Thomas is whining about the lack of media coverage on the latest FLDOE study which found that Florida’s charter schools are outperforming public schools in just about every category imaginable. A *Google* search for news found over 4000 references. I suppose Thomas expects this latest study... more »

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Seattle Schools and Arts Education

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 17 hours ago
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Seattle Schools and Arts Education: Seattle Schools and Arts Education by Melissa Westbrook Precisely what I thought might happen with the Wallace Foundation grant to develop a plan for arts education in Seattle, *did *happen. The district received about $1M to develop this plan about 18 months ago. At the time I thought, well, great but what if you plan and don't get any money to carry it out? Yesterday it was announced that the Wallace Foundation declined to fund the SPS plan. The district's communication says: *While we’re disappointed that ... more »

Teachers v. billionaires | Dangerously Irrelevant

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 17 hours ago
Teachers v. billionaires | Dangerously Irrelevant: Teachers v. billionaires by (Scott McLeod) David Sirota says: The pervasive media mythology tells us that the fight over the schoolhouse is supposedly a battle between greedy self-interested teachers who don’t care about children and benevolent billionaire “reformers” whose political activism is solely focused on the welfare of kids. Epitomizing the media narrative, the Wall Street Journal casts the latter in sanitized terms, reimagining the billionaires as philanthropic altruists “pushing for big chan... more »

One Teacher's Perspective: A Biased Letter From a Public School Product

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 17 hours ago
One Teacher's Perspective: A Biased Letter From a Public School Product: A Biased Letter From a Public School Product by Imagine Wisconsin *Jenni Dye, an attorney and a Dane County Board Supervisor, let me republish below her open letter to the Janesville Board of Education. She blogs regularly at More Fine Print*. * A Biased Letter* **I submitted this letter today, with tears in my eyes and hope in my heart. I am sharing it with you because I am truly saddened by what things have come to in Wisconsin and because I think as we deal with contracts, and are often caught up in their f... more »

Tim Furman gave me the Flu!

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 23 hours ago
*Tim Furman gave me the Flu!* *You Shouldn't Blog When You Are Sick!* * *[image: School Tech Connect] **

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 3-16-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 23 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Who Is the Most Incoherent Ex-Governor in America? by dianerav Jersey Jazzman knows. Read here. Bill Gates “Loans” $10 Million to Central Falls, RI by dianerav This is an odd story Bill Gates is “loaning” $10 million to Central Falls, Rhode Island, to expand and repair “high-performing” public and charter schools. If you recall, Central Falls is the tiny district where the district superintendent announced her intention to fire the entire staff of the high sch... more »

Teachers For Social Justice: School Closings Fact Sheets

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 23 hours ago
Teachers For Social Justice: School Closings Fact Sheets: School Closings Fact Sheets by sarah-ji [image: OccupyCityHall047] A TSJ working group/task force has created a series of Popular Education Pieces on school closings. Please download and share these fact sheets widely! - School Closings and Who Decides - School Closings and Testing - School Closings and Racism - School Closings and Charter Schools - School Closings and UNO Help Organize Against School Closings! by sarah-ji * * *Join TSJ, GEM, and CTU in organizing against school closings. * *Help us gather TSJ... more »

Parents, Teachers and Unions: Can’t We All Just Get Along? | toteachornototeach

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 23 hours ago
Parents, Teachers and Unions: Can’t We All Just Get Along? | toteachornototeach: Parents, Teachers and Unions: Can’t We All Just Get Along? by aristotlethewise *Parents, Teachers and Unions: Can’t We All Just Get Along?* by Susan Naimark Widespread shuttering of public schools has filled the news this month — from New York to Chicago, Philadelphia to Birmingham, Ala. Triggered by a convergence of forces, including the growth of charter schools, new accountability systems, and dwindling state budgets, the atrophying of our nation’s public education systems should be cause for alarm... more »

Right Wing Takeover of New Zealand Education – @ the chalk face

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 23 hours ago
Right Wing Takeover of New Zealand Education – @ the chalk face: Right Wing Takeover of New Zealand Education by Activism in paradise - Voices from down under New Zealand teacher ‘Boonman’ wrote the following article on his blog . I felt that this provided another insight into the mad rush to ‘reform’ and privatise New Zealand education. I’ve added explanatory notes in italics. Allan ———– The Right Doesn’t Know What the Right Hand is Doing Hello y’all. This week has been pretty cool. As a teacher that is. It’s been the first week of the year (yes, that’... more »

Now We Know Why Obama Doesn’t Understand VAM | deutsch29

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 23 hours ago
Now We Know Why Obama Doesn’t Understand VAM | deutsch29: Now We Know Why Obama Doesn’t Understand VAM by deutsch29 In order to truly understand value added modeling (VAM), forget the likes of me and of others who hold degrees in mathematics, or statistics, or measurement. Forget that we offer solid, detailed discussions of the problems of VAM. Forget also that those who formerly promoted VAM, like Louisiana’s George Noell, are mysteriously ”no longer associated with the project.” According to Michael Bloomberg, just ask a banker. That’s right. Banker and former director of the Off... more »

Daily Kos: A reflection on work and age

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 23 hours ago
Daily Kos: A reflection on work and age: A reflection on work and age by (teacherken) I may not still be in a classroom, but Saturday morning remains a time of reflection for me. Today as was often the case while still in the classroom, I sit in my local Starbucks and try to put some thoughts together. In a bit over two months I will hit 67. I would, when Leaves on the Current no longer needs so much attention from me, like to return to working in some fashion. I would love to teach in the right setting, and if I could make enough money (does not have to be m... more »

NYC Educator: Cruisin' the Net--Two Weeks in Review

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 23 hours ago
NYC Educator: Cruisin' the Net--Two Weeks in Review: Cruisin' the Net--Two Weeks in Review by NYC Educator Leonie Haimson and friends just held a press conference to keep data on students and teachers private. Next year, when we're being judged by junk science VAM, you won't want the New York Post getting hold of bad data. They've already used it to call a working teacher the worst in NYC. Windows 8 isn't working any better than Bill Gates' education programs. Looks like Eva Moskowitz schools are not the panacea she says they are after all. South Dakota teachers will now be able ... more »

What school choice means to parents with ‘bad’ kids

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 23 hours ago
What school choice means to parents with ‘bad’ kids: What school choice means to parents with ‘bad’ kids Posted by Valerie Strauss on March 16, 2013 at 9:30 am 2 Comments More [image: SchoolChoice]What rights do kids have in schools? This is one of the poignant questions asked in this hard-hitting post by Natalie Hopkinson, who looks at what happens to kids in charter schools who have discipline problems. Hopkinson is a contributing editor to The RootDC. E-mail her at (and join her and The Root DC for a discussion on Saturday, March 16, from 1-3 p.m. at THEAR... more »

SACRAMENTO PROGRESSIVE ALLIANCE: Sacramento Teacher Lay Offs Decline

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
SACRAMENTO PROGRESSIVE ALLIANCE: Sacramento Teacher Lay Offs Decline: Sacramento Teacher Lay Offs Decline by Duane Campbell Excellent news. Teachers lay offs have declined. Only 2,900 teachers received these notices this week in time for the mandatory lay off notices. Less than 350 teachers received these notices in Sacramento county. How did this happen? WE – the voters- passed Proposition 30 and to a lesser extend Prop. 39 in the 2012 elections. If you didn’t vote- you did not contribute. Voting makes a difference. Working together we passed Prop. 30, to fund schools, uni... more »

4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 3-16-13

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
*4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit:* *4LAKIDS - SOME OF THE NEWS THAT DOESN'T FIT* IMPROVING MORALE: A MORAL IMPERATIVE smf at 4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit - 1 hour ago From the Associated Administrators of Los Angeles Update/Week of March 18th. | 14 March, 2013 :: Employee morale can be defined as the employee's outlook, optimism, self - concept and belief in themselves and their organization, its mission, goals, defined path, daily decisions and employee appreciation. Employee morale describes the overall outlook, attitude and UC REGENT...more »

Top Content this Week - 3-16-13 The Educator's PLN

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
Top Content this Week - The Educator's PLN: 1[image: Why Twitter is the hub of my personal learning network]Why Twitter is the hub of my personal learning network Added by Jennie Snyder on January 23, 2013 2[image: Response to lack of interest in classrooms]Response to lack of interest in classrooms Added by Sara Rosentreter on March 4, 2013 3[image: What does inclusion look like in your school for the student, the special educator and gen ed teacher?]What does inclusion look like in your school for the student, the special educator and gen ed teacher? Posted by Marcy J. Perry on Ju... more »

This Week's Education Research Report 3-16-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
Education Research Report: *THIS WEEK'S EDUCATION RESEARCH REPORT* * * How can we stlil raed words wehn teh lettres are jmbuled up? Jonathan Kantrowitz at Education Research Report - 12 minutes ago Researchers in the UK have taken an important step towards understanding how the human brain 'decodes' letters on a page to read a word. The work, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), will help psychologists unravel the subtle thinking mechanisms involved in reading, and could provide solutions for helping people who find it difficult to read, for example in conditio... more »

Missouri Education Watchdog: Speak Out Against Common Core Survey for Teachers/Administrators

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
Missouri Education Watchdog: Speak Out Against Common Core Survey for Teachers/Administrators: Speak Out Against Common Core Survey for Teachers/Administrators by stlgretchen Are you a teacher or administrator who would like to speak out against Common Core but fear backlash from your state agency, school or the union? Here is a way for your opinion to be heard in Missouri. Take this survey here. Your identity will not be disclosed, unless you specifically allow it. We do request you inform us in which county you live so we can forward comments to legislators in that county. ... more »