Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sunday reads. | Fred Klonsky

Sunday reads. | Fred Klonsky:

Sunday reads.


CTU President Karen Lewis at yesterday’s NYCoRE conference.  ”When you call my school a failure, them’s fightin’ words.”
The pension fight in Illinois is creating a civil war in Springfield. Who is getting a free lunch?
Senate Bill 2404 is supported by the We Are One coalition of public employee unions. I support it too. I don’t like the part that requires active teachers to contribute 2% more. It makes our pensions the most expensive in the country. It divides active and retired teachers. And it misses the point. We already pay and paidour share.
My “eight amazing photos” of students at Lane Tech protesting the ban on Persepolis.
Chicago’s school closings. In a district where 41.7% of the students are African American, 90% of the targeted