Thursday, August 28, 2014

Morning Wink 8-28-14 AM Posts #edchat #edreform


LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 8-28-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: “The People Who Write These Tests Don’t Know You…”I received news from England that a letter written by Rachel Tomlinson, the head of Barrowford, a primary school in Lancashire, went viral. The letter was a clone of one written by American teacher Kimberly Hurd Horst on her blog. No claims of plagiarism here. Maybe every principal
8-28-14 Engaging Parents In School… | Going Beyond Parent "Involvement"
Engaging Parents In School… | Going Beyond Parent "Involvement": “Teacher home visits ease kindergarteners’ fears of first day of school”Teacher home visits are certainly in the news these days! Here’s the latest article about what’s going on in Tulsa: Teacher home visits ease kindergarteners’ fears of first day of school. Here’s the final sentence in the story: “We’re really trying to f
Who Owns Your Schools? In Lee County, Florida They Belong to Parents and Children
Who Owns Your Schools? In Lee County, Florida They Belong to Parents and Children: Who Owns Your Schools? In Lee County, Florida They Belong to Parents and ChildrenAUGUST 28, 2014 BY NANCY BAILEY 1 COMMENTFor years now, I’ve wondered who owns school boards. Venture philanthropists come into cash-strapped districts and suddenly parents and citizens find their voices no longer matter. Anyone with th
The Answer Sheet 8-28-14
Answer Sheet: Assistant principal who secretly changed son’s grades gets $7,000 fineTeachers can lose their jobs if their students don’t do well enough on standardized tests. An assistant principal in New York City who secretly changed 11 of his own son’s test scores and class grades received a $7,000 fine but still remains employed by the Education Department. The New York Daily News explains in
8-28-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: School District in Florida Votes to Opt-Out of Common Core TestingIn what can only be called unbelievable courage, a school district in Florida, Lee County, has voted to opt the entire district out of Common Core testing. The school board vote was 3-2 with the superintendent warning, "This will hurt children."From News-Press:Throughout the tense three-hou
8-28-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Little Eva Moves to Wall Streetfrom Juan Gonzalez at the Daily News:Eva Moskowitz, the firebrand chief of the city’s fastest growing charter chain, isn’t just backed by Wall Street, she’s officially moved there — with Wall Street-type salaries to boot.Last November, Moskowitz, who for years boasted of opening her Success Academy Charter Schools in the city’s poorest neighborhoods,
8-28-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: New Resources On Students & Sleep© 2011 Pink Sherbet Photography, Flickr | CC-BY | via Wylio Here are some new additions to The Best Resources For Helping Teens Learn About The Importance Of Sleep: Let Them Sleep In: Docs Want Later School Times for Teens is from NBC News. Students Aren’t Getting Enough Sleep—School Sta
8-28-14 the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness
the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness (the public and scholarly writing by P. L. Thomas, Furman University): Denying White Privilege Has an Evidence ProblemIf I had to guess, I suspect Bill O’Reilly fancies himself more akin to George Will, Newt Gingrich, or Cal Thomas than Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck. But speculating on that self-delusion isn’t really necessary because the rea
8-28-14 Hemlock on the Rocks
Hemlock on the Rocks: LAUSD’S John Deasy shoots his iPad outEdNotes: below is an editorial by someone with half the story who writes like he actually did his homework. While it is true the government has imposed the common core thus gadgetry on schools, it is not exactly Sacramento that mandates the common core, although the state does have final say on using CCSS. Notably, Governor Brown butted h
empathyeducates – I’m Black, My Brother’s White … and He’s a Cop Who Shot a Black Man on Duty
empathyeducates – I’m Black, My Brother’s White … and He’s a Cop Who Shot a Black Man on Duty: I’m Black, My Brother’s White … and He’s a Cop Who Shot a Black Man on DutyIt’s one thing to have to ask this of the police. It’s another to ask it of your brother. Photograph: Steve Eberhardt/Demotix/CorbisBy Zach Stafford | Originally Published at The Guardian. August 25, 2014 07.30 EDTI never thought
8-28-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Time To Send Tony Avella To The Political Trash HeapI have nothing but disdain for the the Independent Democratic Caucus, the group of breakaway Dems that governed with Republicans and helped Governor Cuomo with much of his pro-Wall Street, pro-education reform agenda.The member of the IDC I have the most disdain for is Tony Avella, the "maverick" who stuck the kni
Serial Killers! Don’t call the cops! | Bill Ayers
Serial Killers! Don’t call the cops! | Bill Ayers: Serial Killers! Don’t call the cops!I’m re-reading Herman Melville and thinking about Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, Kajieme Powell—and the serial killing of young African Americans that characterizes America today.In Melville’s Benito Cereno a New England sealing ship operating off the coast of Chile in 1805 comes upon a Spanish frigate with a fi
NYC Educator: Role Model Among Role Models
NYC Educator: Role Model Among Role Models: Role Model Among Role ModelsAsk yourself this--what do you do when your own kid fails classes? Do you talk to them? Get them extra help? Take away some electronic device? Well, if you happen to be principal of the school they attend, you have other options. You can simply change their grades. After all, you have the super-duper master password to the sch
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Talking violence, trauma tonight on WGN
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Talking violence, trauma tonight on WGN: Talking violence, trauma tonight on WGNLATE-NIGHTERS...I'll be back on WGN tonight at 11:30, on the Patti Vasquez Show. Along with a few other noteworthy Chicagoans I'll be talking about gun violence. You can call in and join the conversation.Doctors demand trauma centerI'm certainly going to take issue with the Univ. of Chica
8/28/14 – Charter Schools Don’t Need An Ad Campaign
8/28/14 – Charter Schools Don’t Need An Ad Campaign: 8/28/14 – Charter Schools Don’t Need An Ad CampaignAugust 27, 2014 SubscribeTHIS WEEK: Widening Inequality … Report Urges Fewer Tests … Arne Duncan’s Harmful Policies … High Teacher Turnover … Student Loan ApocalypseTOP STORYCharter Schools Don’t Need An Ad Campaign, They Need RegulationBy Jeff Bryant“This time of year, while classroom teachers


Who Cares? | The Crucial Voice of the People
Who Cares? | The Crucial Voice of the People: Who Cares? A selling point my House representative makes to his throngs of followers is that he is “a protector of the people against the tyranny of their government.” So why hasn’t he lifted a finger, or even lent an ear, to fight against the tyranny of incessantly testing young children?Why do we still have yearly testing mandated by federal law?Did
Over Easy: Public Schools in New Orleans 1958-1959 | MyFDL
Over Easy: Public Schools in New Orleans 1958-1959 | MyFDL: Over Easy: Public Schools in New Orleans 1958-1959By: Crane-Station Wednesday August 27, 2014 3:25 am Letty Owings, age 89 and the author of this post, recalls moving to New Orleans and teaching in a public elementary school in 1958.New Orleans, 1958Cultural experiences abound in this land of ours, but none can surpass living in New Orlea
California schools superintendent Tom Torlakson tours Long Beach City College’s career technical education center
California schools superintendent Tom Torlakson tours Long Beach City College’s career technical education center: California schools superintendent Tom Torlakson tours Long Beach City College’s career technical education centerState Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson took a tour of Long Beach City College as part of a statewide tour of Career Pathways Trust grant recipients. Torla
Major Sacramento labor leader Bill Camp fired over Kevin Johnson's strong mayor initiative - Page Burner - August 27, 2014 - Blogs - Sacramento News & Review
Major Sacramento labor leader Bill Camp fired over Kevin Johnson's strong mayor initiative - Page Burner - August 27, 2014 - Blogs - Sacramento News & Review: Major Sacramento labor leader Bill Camp fired over Kevin Johnson's strong mayor initiativeby Cosmo GarvinBill Camp, the outspoken executive secretary of the Sacramento Central Labor Council, has been fired, apparently because of an inter
CRIMINAL CHARGES SHOULD BE BROUGHT AGAINST LAUSD'S SUPERINTENDENT JOHN DEASY - CHARGES SHOULD BE BROUGHT AGAINST LAUSD'S SUPERINTENDENT JOHN DEASY(Mensaje se repite en Español)Whether the Los Angeles Unified School District's  (LAUSD) Superintendent John Deasy is criminally culpable for his actions in dealing with Pearson and Apple on behalf of the district concerning his cle
Education, Inc. By Tim Scott and Deborah Keisch, Truthout
Education, Inc.: Education, Inc.Tuesday, 26 August 2014 10:28By Tim Scott and Deborah Keisch, Truthout | News Analysis44font size   Print Email(Illustration: Jared Rodriguez / t r u t h o u t)This story could not have been published without the support of readers like you. Click here to make a tax-deductible donation to Truthout and fund more stories like it!Presidential administration proclamatio
Wow! Gates, PBS, Parents, Teachers, CCSS, etc. – Interactive Graphic Journalism | Reclaim Reform
Wow! Gates, PBS, Parents, Teachers, CCSS, etc. – Interactive Graphic Journalism | Reclaim Reform: Wow! Gates, PBS, Parents, Teachers, CCSS, etc. – Interactive Graphic JournalismPosted on August 27, 2014by Ken PrevitiThe most fascinating graphic journalism about the immense power and money behind Corporate Education Reform, CCSS, high stakes testing, media information control, etc. is created by Ad
Nite Cap 8-27-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAPempathyeducates – Illinois School Bans Discussions of Michael Brown’s Deathempathyeducates – Illinois School Bans Discussions of Michael Brown’s Death: Illinois School Bans Discussions of Michael Brown’s DeathPhotographic Credit: Photo Credit: wa
empathyeducates – Illinois School Bans Discussions of Michael Brown’s Death
empathyeducates – Illinois School Bans Discussions of Michael Brown’s Death: Illinois School Bans Discussions of Michael Brown’s DeathPhotographic Credit: Photo Credit: wavebreakmedia } Shutterstock.comBy Paul L. Thomas, Ed.D. | Originally Published at AlterNet. August 26, 2014Prohibiting students from talking about events in Ferguson offers them exactly the opposite of what they need.When faced w
Boycott the cruel “One Newark” plan | Bob Braun's Ledger
Boycott the cruel “One Newark” plan | Bob Braun's Ledger: Boycott the cruel “One Newark” planDeseret Segura, 16, comforts her sobbing grandmother, Deseret Richardson, 83, outside the “enrollment center” in Newark.Angry men and women stood in the unforgiving noontime heat before television cameras Wednesday to explain why Newark parents should boycott the opening of school next week–but none  was m
America's public schools remain highly segregated
America's public schools remain highly segregated: America's public schools remain highly segregatedAuthor: Reed Jordan| Posted: August 27th, 2014Fifty million children will start school this week as historic changes are under way in the U.S. public school system. As of 2011 48 percent of all public school students were poor* and this year, students of color will account for the majority of public
Emails prompt LA schools' inspector general to reopen iPad probe | 89.3 KPCC
Emails prompt LA schools' inspector general to reopen iPad probe | 89.3 KPCC: Emails prompt LA schools' inspector general to reopen iPad probeThe inspector general of the Los Angeles Unified School Distict is reopening an investigation into the purchase of iPads and Pearson software based findings in a KPCC investigation into communication between district officials and those companies nearly a ye
Secretary Arne Duncan, Oxygen Sucker | Bill Ayers
Secretary Arne Duncan, Oxygen Sucker | Bill Ayers: Secretary Arne Duncan, Oxygen SuckerIf you need an example of hubris, hypocrisy, and arrogance, here it is. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, the tester-in-chief who has vehemently opposed sensible approaches to evaluation and assessment in favor of corporate-driven high-stakes tests for almost two decades, is now suspending for one year the tes
Teacher Asks Students To Split Into 2 Groups To Simulate Ideal Class Size | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Teacher Asks Students To Split Into 2 Groups To Simulate Ideal Class Size | The Onion - America's Finest News Source: Teacher Asks Students To Split Into 2 Groups To Simulate Ideal Class SizeGREENSBORO, NC—Hoping that a hands-on demonstration would help students grasp the concept, local teacher Rachel McKenzie reportedly instructed her class of 38 fourth-graders Wednesday to divide into two groups
Everything I know about what kids need I learned in the Utah classroom | Lily's Blackboard
Everything I know about what kids need I learned in the Utah classroom | Lily's Blackboard: Everything I know about what kids need I learned in the Utah classroomAug 27th, 2014 by Lily.SALT LAKE CITY — Lily Eskelsen Garcia will take office Sept. 1 as president of the more than 3.5 million-member National Education Association.Garcia began her career in education as the salad girl in the school lun
Multi-Craft Core Project Launched - Year 2014 (CA Dept of Education)
Multi-Craft Core Project Launched - Year 2014 (CA Dept of Education): State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson Launches Pre-Apprenticeship Pilot ProjectSACRAMENTO—Nine California high schools will participate in a pilot project this fall designed to help students earn pre-apprenticeships into the construction trade industries, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson announced today.As pa
8-27-14 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: Charter Angst: Democracy Prep Parent Ready to Pull Child After 5 DaysAll I see every morning and evening is this tall man dressed in bright clothing yelling at the parents every single day since school started... parent at Democracy PrepDP founder Seth Andrews - or Eva Moskowitz in dragOh the joy in this comment on another beloved crooked charter, especially with today's news (see
8-27-14 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: About the radio showJoin Drs. Shaun Johnson and Tim Slekar LIVE Sundays at 6PM EST and Wednesdays at 7PM EST on Blog Talk Radio for progressive, pro-public education talk radio. Call in to speak live with Tim and Shaun during the show, (805) 727-7111. You can also listen to our Monday "Sunday-Replay" at 7PM EST, and re-broadcasts of the archives every Tuesday and Thursd
Eva Moskowitz: Wall Street Stage Mother | deutsch29
Eva Moskowitz: Wall Street Stage Mother | deutsch29: Eva Moskowitz: Wall Street Stage MotherAugust 27, 2014Hedge-funded, politically-connected New York charter pusher Eva Moskowitz is trying to paint herself as a “protector of children.”She insinuates that her charter school forcefulness is.. ahem.. “for the children,” andlikens herself to to a “mama bear”:“I’d be bullied, maybe, if children weren
8-27-14 Curmudgucation
CURMUDGUCATION: Law Professor Says Duncan's Actions Un-ConstitutionalAn upcoming article in the Vanderbilt Law Review argues that the administration's waiver program is both illegal and a very, very bad precedent. University of South Carolina law professor Derek W. Black has written articles about the intersection of federal power and school law before, but none quite as feisty as "Federalizi
Elite Attackers of Public Schools Don't Admit the Impact of Economic Inequality, Racism on Education
Elite Attackers of Public Schools Don't Admit the Impact of Economic Inequality, Racism on Education: Elite Attackers of Public Schools Don't Admit the Impact of Economic Inequality, Racism on EducationWednesday, 27 August 2014 09:56By Mark Naison, Haymarket Books | Book Excerpt3font size   Print Email(Image: Nick Thompson)Wayne Au, editor of Rethinking Schoolsand coeditor of Pencils Down: Rethink
Common Core: Headache or Brain Tumor? | LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School Insights
Common Core: Headache or Brain Tumor? | LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School Insights: Common Core: Headache or Brain Tumor?By The American Federation of Teachers on August 27, 2014By Amber Chandler, American Federation of Teachers member and 7th grade English Language Arts Teacher at Frontier Middle School in Hamburg, NYReligion. Politics. Sexual Orientation. Breastfeeding. Abortion. Homesc
8-27-14 LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD
LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District): For LAUSD school board a new year, but old problemsFor LAUSD school board a new year, but old problems Alex Caputo-Pearl, President of UTLA It might be the new school year, but it was a series of old problems awaiting the LA Unified school board yesterday as it met long into the night with a full compleme
8-27-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Finding Common GroundI have been an education activist for a long time and I have never had any delusions about my effectiveness. After all, the district officials have all of the power and all of the authority, so they don't have to do anything they don't want to do and they are free to do whatever they like. We have seen that there is almost no accountability or
8-27-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: "TeacherTown" Now Paying Charters Over $80 Million Per Year in Projected Enrollment CashNot only is Shelby County and the State coughing up over $80 million each year for corporate reform schools whose test scores are, for the most part, the same or worse than the schools they replaced, but almost $20 million of that is for enrollment that never materialized.  In 2013-14,
8-27-14 Hemlock on the Rocks
Hemlock on the Rocks: Can Supt. Deasy survive LAUSD's iPad fiasco? - Los Angeles Times | Can Supt. Deasy survive LAUSD's iPad fiasco? – Los Angeles Times So, remember that $1-billion plan to get iPads for each and every Los Angeles Unified student the district has beenby Rene Diedrich / 5min 8-26-14 Hemlock on
What Chicago's upcoming mayoral race says about the power of movements - Waging Nonviolence
What Chicago's upcoming mayoral race says about the power of movements - Waging Nonviolence: What Chicago’s upcoming mayoral race says about the power of movementsKaren Lewis, the former high school chemistry teacher who led the Chicago Teachers Union to an unprecedented strike in 2012, is seriously considering running for mayor of Chicago — and she’s already beating incumbent Rahm Emanuel in the
Is Smart the New Gangsta? | Missouri Education Watchdog
Is Smart the New Gangsta? | Missouri Education Watchdog: Is Smart the New Gangsta?inShareMy daughter has left the nest and been safely delivered to University. Modern communication technology makes this parting not as difficult  as it might have been even 5 years ago. Thanks to smart phones we can Facetime any time we want (make that any time she wants) which means we can have more frequent conver
Morning Wink 8-27-14 AM Posts #edchat #edreform
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK  AM POSTS8-27-14 Wait What? - Jonathan Pelto: Gubernatorial Candidate and A Really Nice GuyWait What?: Wait What? All Week Pelto/Murphy 2014 Barriers for 3rd party challengers are widespread – Here is a new disturbing case in MassachusettsProving that the notion that supporting the Constitution and “Protecting Freedom and Democracy” is a relative term for some peop