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Thursday, November 12, 2020

glen brown: Teaching During a Pandemic, 4th Week by Vikki Reid

glen brown: Teaching During a Pandemic, 4th Week by Vikki Reid
Teaching During a Pandemic, 4th Week by Vikki Reid

*     ✏️WhAt I LeArNeD In ScHoOl THIS WEEK?✏️📚

I learned that when a social media post goes viral, you FINALLY receive the attention from administration you’ve been asking for (negative attention is STILL attention...) 😉

I learned that teachers were “never” promised more than one 16 oz refillable bottle of hand sanitizer, and that the 1-gallon jugs that were in our classrooms when we left in March were “stolen” over summer.

I learned that Costco has 1-gallon jugs of hand sanitizer for $7, and I personally purchased five for my classroom.

I learned that teachers were “never” promised that our classrooms would be arranged for us, and measured for appropriate social distancing at 6 feet apart; we were expected to measure and space our classrooms ourselves, and we are responsible for maintaining that spacing.

I learned that contact tracing is completed by our daily seating charts and by connecting students who are exposed to positive cases less than six feet apart. Teachers are STILL responsible for tracking students who remove their masks, who eat in the classroom, who leave their seats, who leave the classroom (and for how long) where they went, and how long they were gone. Did anyone sneeze? Did anyone cough? These are important details to note while trying to actually teach CONTINUE READING: glen brown: Teaching During a Pandemic, 4th Week by Vikki Reid