Monday, January 9, 2017

Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 1/9/17

Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 1/9/17

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Meryl Streep gives shout-out to public schools during her Golden Globes anti-Trump speech - The Washington Post

School Privatization Turns Business Into Predator and Students Into Prey | gadflyonthewallblog
School Privatization Turns Business Into Predator and Students Into Prey | gadflyonthewallblog : School Privatization Turns Business Into Predator and Students Into Prey The mother sea turtle struggles to shore to lay her eggs. A typical clutch includes anywhere from 50–350 eggs, which the mother hides under the sand. Her sole contribution to their future complete, she swims away. They incubate u
A disturbing look at how charter schools are hurting a traditional school district - The Washington Post
A disturbing look at how charter schools are hurting a traditional school district - The Washington Post : A disturbing look at how charter schools are hurting a traditional school district Bethlehem Steel is reflected in the Lehigh River in Bethlehem, Pa., on Nov. 8, 1995. Bethlehem Steel Corp. extinguished its last blast furnace at its flagship plant that year, sending home 1,800 workers and en
CA Finalist for National Teacher of the Year - Year 2017 (CA Dept of Education)
CA Finalist for National Teacher of the Year - Year 2017 (CA Dept of Education) : San Diego Teacher Finalist for National Teacher of the Year SACRAMENTO—State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson announced today that Megan Gross, a 2017 California Teacher of the Year from San Diego County, was selected as one of four finalists nationwide for the 2017 National Teacher of the Year awa
Weingarten speaks on the future of public education | American Federation of Teachers
Weingarten speaks on the future of public education | American Federation of Teachers : Weingarten speaks on the future of public education Watch full speech here: AFT President Randi Weingarten Delivers Remarks | Video | - In a Jan. 9 speech at the National Press Club in Washington,
CURMUDGUCATION: Warren Spanks DeVos : Warren Spanks DeVos Elizabeth Warren has noticed that there will be only one, brief opportunity to grill Secretary of Education nominee Betsy DeVos, and so today she has sent DeVos a letter outlining what sorts of answers she's looking for. The whole thing is sixteen pages long, and while Warren has not always been on the right side of education debates (in p
CHALLENGING A FAILED POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC SYSTEM PART I of III blogs | Dr. Edward F. Berger : CHALLENGING A FAILED POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC SYSTEM America is now led by people who have power because they do not follow the ethical and moral concepts that I once thought inviolate. We are experiencing the exact opposite of what I was taught, what I taught students, and what I believe. I am being for
What the Media Missed About Facebook’s Big New Hire | Vanity Fair
What the Media Missed About Facebook’s Big New Hire | Vanity Fair : What the Media Missed About Facebook’s Big New Hire The New York Times reported, “Facebook is turning to a former television news journalist to help smooth over its strained ties to the news media, which views it as both a vital partner and a potentially devastating opponent.” It mentioned, almost in passing, “In recent years, [C
Central Michigan Life - DeVos education policies a national failure 23 years in the making
Central Michigan Life - COLUMN: DeVos education policies a national failure 23 years in the making : DeVos education policies a national failure 23 years in the making On Jan. 11, the U.S. Senate plans to hold a confirmation hearing for Betsy DeVos, who was chosen by President-elect Donald Trump to head the Department of Education. If she is confirmed, one of Michigan’s most prominent champions f
Linda Darling-Hammond: Ending the No Child Left Behind Catch-22 on English learner progress | EdSource
Ending the No Child Left Behind Catch-22 on English learner progress | EdSource : Ending the No Child Left Behind Catch-22 on English learner progress CREDIT: LPI Linda Darling-Hammond California’s State Board of Education has an opportunity at its meeting this week in Sacramento to leave behind one of the most unfair and problematic features of No Child Left Behind (NCLB): the way it calculates
Urban-Education Programs Prepare Teachers to Confront Racism - The Atlantic
Urban-Education Programs Prepare Teachers to Confront Racism - The Atlantic : How Teachers Learn to Discuss Racism Urban-education programs prepare them for imperative contemporary conversations with students. After a rash of police killings last summer, H. Richard Milner, a professor of urban education at the University of Pittsburgh, set out to answer a question that had been gnawing at him for
DeVos Hearing 1/11: UPDATED Senate HELP Committee Members. Call today. - Network For Public Education
DeVos Hearing 1/11: UPDATED Senate HELP Committee Members. Call today. - Network For Public Education : DeVos Hearing 1/11: UPDATED Senate HELP Committee Members. Call today On January 11 at 10:00 am the Senate Health Education Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee will begin a hearing on the nomination of Betsy DeVos to serve as Secretary of Education. Below are committee members, along with their
Here’s what Elizabeth Warren wants to know from Trump’s education pick - The Washington Post
Here’s what Elizabeth Warren wants to know from Trump’s education pick - The Washington Post : Here’s what Elizabeth Warren wants to know from Trump’s education pick Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a Democrat from Massachusetts. (Pete Marovich/Bloomberg) In advance of this week’s confirmation hearing, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Monday sent Betsy DeVos, President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for educa
Illinois public employee union strategy to fight for pensions: Members should “do nothing” and let Madigan be our goalie. | Fred Klonsky
Illinois public employee union strategy to fight for pensions: Members should “do nothing” and let Madigan be our goalie. | Fred Klonsky : Illinois public employee union strategy to fight for pensions: Members should “do nothing” and let Madigan be our goalie. On Saturday I wrote about the discussions among Democrats and Rauner’s legislative leaders for a grand bargain to resolve the state budget
Draining dollars from our students by Wendy Lecker - Wait What?
Draining dollars from our students by Wendy Lecker - Wait What? : Draining dollars from our students by Wendy Lecker Columnist and education advocate Wendy Lecker writes about Governor Dannel Malloy’s attack on Connecticut’s public schools and his ongoing effort to privatize public education in Connecticut. In Draining dollars from our students , Wendy Lecker writes; Though the CCJEF v. Rell tria
Education Lessons From A Sparkly District: Follow Up To Who Is Voting On New Jersey's New Charter Regulations?
Education Lessons From A Sparkly District: Follow Up To Who Is Voting On New Jersey's New Charter Regulations? : Follow Up To Who Is Voting On New Jersey's New Charter Regulations? Last Sunday, I published a blog post about NJ State Board of Education (NJBOE) member, Peter Simon, and his family's philanthropic foundation, the William E. Simon Foundation. If it had not been for the New York Times
Education Law Prof Blog
Education Law Prof Blog : Are Pence and DeVos a One-Two Knock Out for Education Policy? Recent Reports Out of Indiana Suggest Yes My recent posts have focused on DeVos and the problems she presents for public education, although I emphasize that without new legislation she does not have power to do too much. Some new information out of Indiana regarding the education system Governor Pence has ove
Jersey Jazzman: Teaching In the Age of Trump
Jersey Jazzman: Teaching In the Age of Trump : Teaching In the Age of Trump Last week, Mrs. Jazzman and I decided to indulge one last time before we start our new years diets, and found ourselves in line for the best hot dogs north of the Bronx County line. As I waited for my turn at the condiments station (get the red relish), I overheard a conversation between a nice young woman working the cou
Please Take a Minute Today to Call Both of Your Senators to Oppose Confirmation of Betsy DeVos | janresseger
Please Take a Minute Today to Call Both of Your Senators to Oppose Confirmation of Betsy DeVos | janresseger : Please Take a Minute Today to Call Both of Your Senators to Oppose Confirmation of Betsy DeVos The U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP ) Committee’s confirmation hearing on Betsy Devos, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Education, is scheduled f
LAUSD Schools Face Bankruptcy While Charters Cheat on Admissions
LAUSD Schools Face Bankruptcy While Charters Cheat on Admissions : LAUSD Schools Face Bankruptcy While Charters Cheat on Admissions Through admissions policies that exclude vulnerable students by erecting various barriers to entry, charter schools have the potential to create a two-tiered system of public education. ” – ACLU and Public Advocates The LAUSD Charter School Division (CSD) says that “
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES : WEEKEND QUOTABLES Former Peltier prosecutor calls for his release. Author Yaa Gyasi ("Homegoing") The history of America has involved figuring out new ways to subjugate black people since the beginning. In this post-election in-between space, as Donald Trump takes over, we are wondering what fresh hell may be about to be devised. -- Guardian Jame
The Fizzle of Common Core Face, Student Achievement Partners | deutsch29
The Fizzle of Common Core Face, Student Achievement Partners | deutsch29 : The Fizzle of Common Core Face, Student Achievement Partners The chief purpose of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) initiative was to develop a “common core” of ELA and math standards that states (ideally all) would adopt so that state education might be standardized and therefore comparable using similar assessments.
NAT HENTOFF: I’ve lost a hero. So has anyone who dares to write. |
NAT HENTOFF: I’ve lost a hero. So has anyone who dares to write. | : NAT HENTOFF: I’ve lost a hero. So has anyone who dares to write. In 1972, when I was 25 years old, I wrote a book published by Simon and Schuster entitled “Teachers and Power: The Story of the American Federation of Teachers.” It was critical of the AFT, primarily because of the union’s efforts to destroy community control of pu
Meryl Streep gives shout-out to public schools during her Golden Globes anti-Trump speech - The Washington Post
Meryl Streep gives shout-out to public schools during her Golden Globes anti-Trump speech - The Washington Post : Meryl Streep gives shout-out to public schools during her Golden Globes anti-Trump speech Meryl Streep holds the Cecil B. DeMille Award during the 74th Annual Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills, Calif. on Jan. 8, 2017. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni When actress Meryl Streep gave her speech


Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 1/8/17
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 1/8/17 Featured Post Mother Crusader: Demand that Senators Who Have Received DeVos Money Recuse Themselves The Ugly Facts About Ed-Reform, Partisan Bickering and the 

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