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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Middle School Girl Expelled, Forced to Apologize to Boy Who Raped Her - Forbes

Middle School Girl Expelled, Forced to Apologize to Boy Who Raped Her - Forbes

Middle School Girl Expelled, Forced to Apologize to Boy Who Raped Her

Via Kevin Drum, this is insane. A 7th grade girl in Missouri, described as a special education student, reported that she had been raped and was bullied by school officials to recant on the whole thing. Now the school district is calling a subsequent lawsuit over the matter ‘frivolous’ and claiming that the girl failed to protect herself.

And yes, it gets worse:

Following instructions from the school, the girl wrote an apology to the boy she accused of raping her and had to personally give it to him, according to the lawsuit. She was then expelled for the remainder of the 2008-09 school year. The school also told "juvenile authorities" that she filed a

August 20th is Lemonade Freedom Day

When life gives you lemons…start a new holiday.

This Saturday is Lemonade Freedom Day – a day that will, alas, probably not be remembered in the history books. Robert Fernandes is the man behind the new “citrusy liberty celebration” as Katherine Mangu-Ward styles it. He offers this advice on his website for young beverage entrepreneurs facing the long arm of the regulator:

  • Always be respectful of any officials, follow their instructions even if they are wrong, and do not antagonize them.
  • Ask what is the statute or regulation that gives them the authority to shut down the stand, and what are