Monday, February 14, 2011

Evening Edition Feb. 14, 2011: Big Education Ape: Ed News Now, #education #parents

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now, #edu

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now

#edu - See the report below from Kate Lenox of the Sacramento Coalition to Save Public Education, a new affiliate of Parents Across America.Sacramento parents and concerned citizens, please join their Fac...

coopmike48 - Save Our Schools is hosting a Valentine’s Day blogging festival called I Love Public Education Blogging day. I’d like to participate, but I do not love public education. Here’s why:I do love teachi...

coopmike48 - Event Date 1: February 15, 2011 02:00 pm - 06:00 pmEvent Date 2: February 16, 2011 08:15 am - 01:30 pmEducation Secretary Arne Duncan, Department officials and several national education leaders wi...

coopmike48 - By Trish Williams, one of Gov. Jerry Brown’s nominees to the State Board of Education, will be stepping down as executive director of EdSource in June after 19 years on the job. Carl Cohn, the pres...

coopmike48 - CHICAGO (February 14, 2011)--Parent PAC, an organization of public school parents, today announced its endorsement of Miguel del Valle for Mayor of Chicago.“Education is one of the few issues being...

coopmike48 - Obama, Duncan to visit school in Baltimore Co. Baltimore Sun: President Barack Obama will visit an eighth-grade science classroom at Parkville Middle School and Center of Technology in Baltimore Co...

coopmike48 - PASADENA. Calif.—Angela Lo grew up in a strict household, under constant pressure to get grades good enough for admission to a top university. But in stark contrast to stereotypes of Asian student ...

coopmike48 - The problem that the Education Action Group in Michigan has is that the head of it, Kyle Olsen, doesn’t have much. A couple of people staff his office. Their website in rarely updated. Olsen has a ...

coopmike48 - Proposes increased yellow light duration to reduce traffic accidentsFebruary 14, 2011 (CHICAGO)--City Clerk and mayoral candidate Miguel del Valle, standing at one of the 190 intersections where th...

coopmike48 - Imagine a world in which Michelle Rhee is something of a rock star no one’s much over 45 everyone is smart and optimistic and hard working and basically competent (if not particularly wise) and thi...

coopmike48 - "The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible." - Vladimir Nabokov"Writing is easy. All you do is ...

coopmike48 - UPDATE: Veterans are strongly objecting to Walker’s “inappropriate threat to activate the National Guard to intimidate state workers, as his administration moves forward with plans to break up work...

coopmike48 - Interim Chicago schools chief executive Terry Mazany has appointed Charles Payne, a University of Chicago sociology professor and author of So Much Reform, So Little Change: The Persistence of Fail...

coopmike48 - States and other municipalities are going bankrupt. This country is self-destructing. We are simply ignoring the klaxon. But, lets examine this.Governors and mayors facing large deficits have set t...

coopmike48 - Students at the University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras protested against a special fee last week. The $800 fee is “intended to compensate for the university’s budget deficit.” A two-month student st...

coopmike48 - Florida’s lawmakers were starstruck.Before them stood Michelle Rhee, the former Washington D.C. public schools chancellor recently featured on Oprah, on a Newsweek cover and in the documentary film...

coopmike48 - It’s good news and bad news.Kyle Olsen, the chief teacher stalker at the Michigan-based Education Action Group, has responded on his blog to my responses to their attack on me.The good news is that...

coopmike48 - In the past five years, three measures attempting to restrict abortions for minors have appeared on California ballots.Last week, another state initiative "entered circulation," which means organiz...

coopmike48 - On its Web site, the Education Action Group claims “teachers are to be commended.” But in stories and columns published in newspapers across Michigan, EAG staff member and Republican Party activist...

mikeklonsky - February 12, 2011Dear Superintendent Boasberg,When I opened The Denver Post this morning and read about the 52% graduation rate in DPS, I was stunned. We have had The Denver Plan for six years now,...

coopmike48 - While the main purpose of the District's controversial new teacher evaluation system is to rate teachers' effectiveness, officials are beginning to use the fresh troves of data it generates for oth...

coopmike48 - Big Education Ape: Ed News NowBig Education Ape: Ed News - Governor Andrew Cuomo’s austerity budget has won the backing of a coalition of business interests named the “Committ...

coopmike48 - It’s Valentine’s Day, but some districts aren’t feeling the love for tomorrow’s big labor-management collaboration conference in Denver.The “unprecedented and potentially historic event” will proce...


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coopmike48 You Are Loved | The Jose Vilson - minutes ago · reply

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coopmike48 Daily Kos: Now Republicans want to repeal child labor laws - minutes ago · reply

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coopmike48 Process and promise at West Philly High | Philadelphia Public School Notebook - minutes ago · reply

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coopmike48 Seattle Public Schools community blog: Showdown in Olympia - minutes ago · reply - Big Education Ape: Ed News NowBig Education Ape: Ed News - Tell Me What to Cut in the Budget I suspect you, like most Minnesotans I meet, are tired of the reckless, ...

coopmike48 - I’ve followed Schools Matter for a couple of years. The views might be considered extreme by some, but I often find myself reading and thinking, “this is right on.” I’ve quoted them and used their ...

coopmike48 - Arne Duncan proclaimed a couple of days ago that he wants the U. S. to be #1 in educational achievement but that we have "a long way to go." But that's okay, boys, we're in a hole, so keep digging....

coopmike48 - Last Tuesday over a thousand teachers and parents showed up to lobby at the Indiana State House in Indianapolis. Below is a news clip of the event and below that is a testimonial from a 38 year vet...

coopmike48 - from ReclaimUC:1) The Live Week 12/11/2009 MeetingThe Campus Rights Project is working with Oakland Civil Rights Attorney Dan Siegel on issues regarding the December 11, 2009 arrests in Wheeler Hal...

coopmike48 - With many school districts facing budget shortfalls, teachers, including those in Philadelphia, will likely face layoffs.The budget crunch coincides with a growing attack on teacher tenure and seni...

coopmike48 - Lost amid the controversy last week in which 75 District of Columbia Public Schools teachers wereun-fired was the casual nature with which teachers were granted tenure. From the arbitrator’s ruling...

coopmike48 - I like Jim Horn’s wit, and his empathy for students and teachers certainly come from a good heart. But when he resorts to the same kind of shock jock name calling of his pet bogeymen, (e.g., Beck a...

coopmike48 - The former longtime president of the teachers union in Toledo, Ohio, a progressive leader named Dal Lawrence, considers Wisconsin’s statewide union to be among the most “retrograde” in the country....

coopmike48 - When I first met my husband, he was teaching at a small, private school. On more than one occasion I joked that if he wanted to marry me, he had to get a job at a “real” school. There was nothing w...

coopmike48 - President Obama’s new budget proposes some $10 billion a year in Pell Grant cuts, but looks to achieve that goal without reducing the maximum grant or dropping any students from the program. They’r...

coopmike48 - Over the last two and a half weeks, the world witnessed Egypt’s stunning move toward democracy. We watched as the brutal dictator Hosni Mubarak unleashed camel and horseback riding thugs to bash in...

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