Thursday, January 17, 2013

Big Education Ape - Morning Wink 1-17-13 AM Posts #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2


Best of the Ed Blogs | National Education Policy Center

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 14 minutes ago
Best of the Ed Blogs | National Education Policy Center: Best of the Ed Blogs *Best of the Ed Blogs* features a frequently updated selection of interesting and insightful blog posts on education policy. The views expressed by the bloggers on our blog roll are thoughtful, original, and entirely their own. We hope you make *Best of the Ed Blogs* your first stop for concise takes on today's most important education topics. What’s Going On in Seattle? Best of the Ed Blogs Steph Rivera January 17, 2013 $50 million. 3 Years. No Clue. Best of the Ed Blogs Gary Rubinstein January 17, 2013 NC... more »

The inbox. From the Teacher Retirement System. « Fred Klonsky

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 49 minutes ago
The inbox. From the Teacher Retirement System. « Fred Klonsky: The inbox. From the Teacher Retirement System. by Fred Klonsky TRS members received this yesterday: *Dear Frederick Klonsky:* *The new 98th Illinois General Assembly convened on January 8, 2013, but will not return to Springfield and begin work on legislative proposals until the end of the month. * *All legislation introduced and debated during the 97th General Assembly, but not enacted, is no longer active.* *Teachers’ Retirement System will continue to track important legislation affecting the state’s pension code, a... more »

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 1-17-13 Diane Ravitch's blog

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] John White Is #1, And So Is Louisiana by dianerav Crazy Crawfish has a regular blog where he skewers the mighty, the powerful, the phonies, and the masters of data manipulation. Like EduShyster, CC knows data, and he has humor. And he seems to know more about state school data–and the games people play–than most people. Read this brilliantly witty report of John White’s statistical legerdemain. So what if Education Week gave Louisiana an F for academic performance? Michelle Rhee *Diane in the Evening... more »

It Breaks My Heart - Bridging Differences - Education Week

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
It Breaks My Heart - Bridging Differences - Education Week: It Breaks My Heart by Deborah Meier Dear Pedro, I'm so glad that you mentioned the New York Performance Standards Consortium. It has been a pioneer for a different approach to standards and accountability for more than 25 years! One of the many "failed" successes in New York City's and state's history. Founded under the "regime" of Superintendent Tom Sobol in the late 1980s, alas subsequent superintendents never followed up on the commitment to study the results of their work. But when the schools waivers were threatened... more »

Ms. Katie's Ramblings: Teaching in the Time of Obedience

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
Ms. Katie's Ramblings: Teaching in the Time of Obedience: Teaching in the Time of Obedience by KatieO Last night on facebook, I lamented about becoming a teacher during the craziness that is corporate education reform. I wrote: "I am in a foul mood. I feel this way anytime I look around and think about my career prospects. Why couldn't they have destroyed the teaching profession AFTER I spent my years in the classroom? I wish I had never become a teacher. #Selfish #PityParty" My friends were kind and supportive, offering many words of encouragement. But here is what I said in... more »

Shanker Blog » A Few Points About The Instability Of Value-Added Estimates

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
Shanker Blog » A Few Points About The Instability Of Value-Added Estimates: A Few Points About The Instability Of Value-Added Estimates by Matthew Di Carlo One of the most frequent criticisms of value-added and other growth models is that they are “unstable” (or, more accurately, modestly stable). For instance, a teacher who is rated highly in one year might very well score toward the middle of the distribution – or even lower – in the next year (see here, here and here, or this accessible review). Some of this year-to-year variation is “real.” A teacher might get better over the ... more »

Modern School: Teachers Lack of Rights at Work AND Home

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
Modern School: Teachers Lack of Rights at Work AND Home: Teachers Lack of Rights at Work AND Home by Michael Dunn In a stunning defeat for free speech and privacy rights a two-person appellate panel has upheld the firing of Jennifer O’Brien (see North O’Brien, you may recall, was the Paterson elementary school teacher who was suspended for posting to her Facebook page that she felt like a warden for future criminals (see Teachers, Check Your Freedoms at the Door). The panel ruled that her behavior was not protected by the First Amendment and that her right to make th... more »

The Educated Reporter: Common Core State Standards: New Assessments Mean New Challenges

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
The Educated Reporter: Common Core State Standards: New Assessments Mean New Challenges: Common Core State Standards: New Assessments Mean New Challenges by Emily Richmond My EWA colleague Mikhail Zinshteyn has a fine write-up over at EdMedia Commons on a new report digging deeper into plans by consortia of states to use the same assessments to measure the effectiveness and impact of the Common Core State Standards. Education Week's Catherine Gewertz also has a solid overview, which you can read here. The report, published Wednesday, comes from the National Center for Research o... more »

Pre-k paying off for Georgia according to study | Get Schooled

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 2 hours ago
Pre-k paying off for Georgia according to study | Get Schooled: Pre-k paying off for Georgia according to study by Maureen Downey Pre-k pays off, according to the early results of a new study. (AJC photo) There is near universal agreement in the research community that early childhood education benefits disadvantaged children despite the contention of skeptics that Georgia pre-k is just free daycare. To address that skepticism, Georgia commissioned a study to look at the impact of its pre-k program. According to the AJC: [image: Pre-k pays off, according to the early results of a new... more »

Charter School Growth In Michigan Brings Cautionary Tale On Quality

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 2 hours ago
Charter School Growth In Michigan Brings Cautionary Tale On Quality: Teachers With Poor Ratings Clustered In NYC, Charter School Quality: Ed Today by Joy Resmovits *Cluster Suck?* The New York Daily News takes another look at the StudentsFirstNY teacher distribution report and finds something stunning: 20 percent of teachers are "bad" teachers in each of 14 Brooklyn schools. To give you some perspective: only 3 percent of all city school teachers got these negative ratings. And two of those schools received "A" ratings from the Department of Education. (I should note here that th... more »

Sacramento News & Review - Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee's report card doesn't add up - Bites - Opinions - January 17, 2013

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 3 hours ago
Sacramento News & Review - Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee's report card doesn't add up - Bites - Opinions - January 17, 2013: Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee's report card doesn't add up California gets an F for bucking corporate education reform This article was published on 01.17.13. *Related stories:* Mayor Kevin Johnson and wife Michelle Rhee bring Students First education road show back to Sacramento The mayor asks, “Is education the civil-rights issue of our time?” SN&R, 02.02.12. [image: spacer] *Like a lot of local folks, Bites tuned in to The Education of* *Michell... more »

It’s final: State Board shifts policy on eighth grade Algebra | EdSource Today

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 3 hours ago
It’s final: State Board shifts policy on eighth grade Algebra | EdSource Today: It’s final: State Board shifts policy on eighth grade Algebra ** January 17th, 2013 | Add a Comment | By John Fensterwald Share on twitterShare on facebookShare on emailShare on print More Sharing Services The State Board of Education ended a decade-long controversial policy of pushing eighth graders to take Algebra I when members voted unanimously Wednesday to strip California’s Algebra I standards from the state’s eighth grade math standards. [image: Ilene Straus said the goal should be to encourage st... more »

U.S. Education Deserves the Same Statistical Sophistication as Baseball and Elections | toteachornototeach

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 3 hours ago
U.S. Education Deserves the Same Statistical Sophistication as Baseball and Elections | toteachornototeach: U.S. Education Deserves the Same Statistical Sophistication as Baseball and Elections by aristotlethewise [image: AchievementGap]*U.S. Education Deserves the Same Statistical* *Sophistication as Baseball and Elections* by Martin Carnoy (Co-authored with Richard Rothstein) For better or worse, we’re a nation that’s coming to respect statistics. Billy Bean convinced us that better statistics could beat bigger payrolls in sports. Nate Silver helped humble Karl Rove’s money machin... more »

Superintendent: Reforms could ‘wreak havoc’ on great schools

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 3 hours ago
Superintendent: Reforms could ‘wreak havoc’ on great schools: Superintendent: Reforms could ‘wreak havoc’ on great schools Posted by Valerie Strauss on January 17, 2013 at 4:00 am - [image: Smaller Text] [image: Larger Text] Text Size - Print - Reprints - Share: - - - More » [image: Madison Junior High School] Madison Junior High School Here is a letter sent to the New Jersey State Board of Education from Michael A. Rossi Jr., superintendent of Madison Public Schools, about the state’s school reform agenda and problems that officials have created for educato... more »

Schools Matter: The tests will survive, even if school doesn't

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 3 hours ago
Schools Matter: The tests will survive, even if school doesn't: The tests will survive, even if school doesn't by skrashen The US Department of Education reassures the public about funding: The new tests will survive, even if school doesn't. Press Conference held by the US Department of Education. Published in Language Magazine, January 2013: Dolores Umbridge, Assistant Secretary of Education, US Department of Education, reassured educators and parents today that the huge budget cuts mandated by the new budget agreement will not harm our ... more »

Why Hasn’t FLDOE Established New ACT and SAT Cut Scores? | Scathing Purple Musings

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 3 hours ago
Why Hasn’t FLDOE Established New ACT and SAT Cut Scores? | Scathing Purple Musings: Why Hasn’t FLDOE Established New ACT and SAT Cut Scores? by Bob Sikes This is a troubling story from Jeff Solocheck of the *Tampa Bay Times*: WESLEY CHAPEL — Alan Sourk thought his son had finally passed his exit-level high school reading test. The Wiregrass Ranch High School junior scored a 20 on the ACT reading test in December. That was two points above the mark listed on state documents as an acceptable replacement score for the FCAT graduation requirement. He excitedly returned to school in Ja... more »

Education in the Age of Globalization » Blog Archive » More Questions about the Common Core: Response to Marc Tucker

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 3 hours ago
Education in the Age of Globalization » Blog Archive » More Questions about the Common Core: Response to Marc Tucker: More Questions about the Common Core: Response to Marc Tucker by YongZhao I have been waiting for a serious conversation about the sensibility of the Common Core State Standards Initiative with its staunch supporters. I am thus very pleased to read Marc Tucker’s response to my five questions about the Common Core. I am honored that Tucker considers my questions worth responding to. His response, while thoughtful and more nuanced than the usual slogan-shouting, emo...more »

Special Late Nite Cap UPDATE 1-16-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 11 hours ago
*Nite Cap UPDATE**UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE* Quick action contemplated on new assessments, API rewrite The state commission charged with overhauling the Academic Performance Index may have recommendations ready as soon as May, officials said Thursday. Why The Rich Need To Scapegoat Teachers by Duke Every once in a while, the corporate media goes too far and gives away the game: So this is apparently a real thing from the Wall Street Journal. *The Onion* couldn't top this. Whether it's the sad faces of all these put-upon dejected rich people, or the elderly minority couple who is... more »

“American’s Didn’t Always Yearn for Riches.” « Deborah Meier on Education

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 14 hours ago
“American’s Didn’t Always Yearn for Riches.” « Deborah Meier on Education: “American’s Didn’t Always Yearn for Riches.” by debmeier Dear readers I’ve noticed that even amongst my allies on school reform that tracking by so-called ability (test scores of some sort nowadays) is now back in fashion, and charter schools are another way to make it happen. The arguments for the practice, now conducted by essentially separating kids by test scores as early as possible, has probably never been more popular. In some ways it was our victory over earlier forms of tracking that led to using t... more »

Florida Chamber of Commerce Legislative Goals: Merit Pay, Union Busting and Protecting High-Stakes Testing | Scathing Purple Musings

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 14 hours ago
Florida Chamber of Commerce Legislative Goals: Merit Pay, Union Busting and Protecting High-Stakes Testing | Scathing Purple Musings: Florida Chamber of Commerce Legislative Goals: Merit Pay, Union Busting and Protecting High-Stakes Testing by Bob Sikes After cutting through lofty platitudes in their legislative agenda the FCOC include these talking points about education. First in their letter to “Letter to Florida Business Leaders” *Education reform is hurting because union leaders make it about the adults when it should be all about kids. Union dues enable them to have thousand... more »

Report: Savings marginal after D.C. Public Schools closes schools |

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 15 hours ago
Report: Savings marginal after D.C. Public Schools closes schools | Report: Savings marginal after D.C. Public Schools closes schools *January 15, 2013 | 8:00 pm * Rachel BayeStaff writer - Montgomery County Closing 20 DC Public Schools will save the school system barely more money than it will cost to close them, according to a report released Tuesday by the DC Fiscal Policy Institute, or DCFPI. While closing the proposed schools could save DC Public Schools $10.4 million in the 2013-2014 school year, consolidating them could cost $10.2 million, signifi... more »

21st Century Skills and the Common Core — Whole Child Education

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 16 hours ago
21st Century Skills and the Common Core — Whole Child Education: THE WHOLE CHILD BLOG [image: Andrew Miller]21st Century Skills and the Common Core January 16, 2013 by Andrew Miller 21st century skills are quickly becoming taught and assessed in schools across the nation. Whether through explicit instruction or models like project-based learning, educators are quickly realizing that lower level content comprehension is not enough. The Whole Child Initiative calls for tenets that rely on these skills. We create a safe environment through collaboration. Critical thinking creates rigor... more »

Education - LA Daily News

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 16 hours ago
Education - LA Daily News: Hebrew-English charter school in Van Nuys approved by LAUSD By Barbara Jones, Staff Writer at Mobile_Education - 57 minutes ago A proposed Hebrew-English charter school in Van Nuys won the approval Tuesday of the LAUSD board, which also OK'd the renewal of two landmark charters and the conditional approval of a third. LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy warns suspending standardized tests would hurt at-risk students By Barbara Jones, Staff Writer at Mobile_Education - 57 minutes ago Los Angeles Unified Superintendent John Deasy has fired off a letter to the C... more »

What Teachers Are Trying to Tell Us About Guns in Schools - National - The Atlantic Wire

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 17 hours ago
What Teachers Are Trying to Tell Us About Guns in Schools - National - The Atlantic Wire: What Teachers Are Trying to Tell Us About Guns in Schools by David Wagner No matter what Obama says about putting armed police officers in schools, the NRA keeps on criticizing him. The President announced 23 executive orders aimed at limiting gun violence today, even offering to fund armed police officers for schools that request them. But that still wasn't enough to meet the NRA's demands for more guns in schools, and the pro-gun group accused him of "ignoring children." Lost in all that s... more »

UPDATE: California Adopts Modified Math Standards and Sweeping Updates to Career Technical Education Standards - Year 2013 (CA Dept of Education)

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 17 hours ago
California Adopts Modified Math Standards - Year 2013 (CA Dept of Education): California Adopts Modified Math Standards to Restore Local Decision Making *Required by Legislation, Move Allows Progress Toward Common Core* SACRAMENTO—The State Board of Education today voted to modify the California Additions to the adopted Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM). The Board's action will help the state continue its progress toward implementing the Common Core State Standards, and provides options for accelerating to higher mathematics in middle school while maintaining the... more »

President Obama’s Plan to Make Our Schools Safer | Blog

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 18 hours ago
President Obama’s Plan to Make Our Schools Safer | Blog: President Obama’s Plan to Make Our Schools Safer Posted on January 16, 2013 by Cameron Brenchley Earlier today, President Obama introduced a new plan to keeps guns out of the wrong hands, make schools safer, and increase access to mental health services. “While reducing gun violence is a complicated challenge,” President Obama said during the announcement. “Protecting our children from harm shouldn’t be a divisive one,” he said. [image: now is the time image]Admitting that we won’t be able to stop every violent act, the... more »

Inequality in American Education Will Not Be Solved Online - Ian Bogost - The Atlantic

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 18 hours ago
Inequality in American Education Will Not Be Solved Online - Ian Bogost - The Atlantic: Inequality in American Education Will Not Be Solved Online inShareJAN 16 2013, 4:27 PM ET 1 *With funding tight, the state of California has turned to Udacity to provide MOOCs for students enrolled in remedial courses. But what is lost when public education is privatized?* [image: 6036909731_cb40773ae4_z.jpg] Unlit road at night (MRBECK/Flickr) One night recently, it was raining hard as I drove to pick my son up from an evening class at the Atlanta Ballet. Like many cities, Atlanta's roads are in... more »

How important is preschool? If you are researching early education philosophies, not very. - Slate Magazine

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 18 hours ago
How important is preschool? If you are researching early education philosophies, not very. - Slate Magazine: The Early Education RacketIf you are reading this article, your kid probably doesn’t need preschool. By Melinda Wenner Moyer|Posted Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013, at 1:56 PM ET [image: To go to preschool or not to go to preschool ... ?] To go to preschool or not to go to preschool ... ? Jupiterimages/Getty Images/Thinkstock. One morning last September, my husband dragged himself out of bed at 5 a.m. and rode his bike to a nearby preschool. The moonlit block was empty but for the fi... more »

Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee and the missing memo

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 18 hours ago
Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee and the missing memo: Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee and the missing memo Posted by Valerie Strauss on January 16, 2013 at 3:37 pm - [image: Smaller Text] [image: Larger Text] Text Size - Print - Reprints - Share: - - - More » [image: (by Sarah L. Voisin/The Washington Post )] Former D.C. Schools chancellor Michelle Rhee. (by Sarah L. Voisin/The Washington Post ) There’s a new twist in the story about whether or not there was cheating on standardized tests in D.C. public schools during the period when Michelle Rheewas ... more »

Report on CUNY Protest Buries Evidence of Police Violence «

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 18 hours ago
Report on CUNY Protest Buries Evidence of Police Violence «: Report on CUNY Protest Buries Evidence of Police Violence January 16, 2013 in Administration, Campus Protests, Civil Liberties, Occupy Wall Street,Organizing, Police, Student Power, Tuition and Fees A new report on a 2011 CUNY protest that saw more than a dozen arrests leaves core questions unanswered while misrepresenting evidence of police violence. On November 21, 2011, City University of New York students and faculty assembled with others at Baruch College for a public meeting of the CUNY board of trustees. The gathe... more »

Using the Power of Litigation to End the Addiction to Testing and to Further Student Voice « Cooperative Catalyst

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 19 hours ago
Using the Power of Litigation to End the Addiction to Testing and to Further Student Voice « Cooperative Catalyst: Using the Power of Litigation to End the Addiction to Testing and to Further Student Voice POSTED BY JABREEL CHISLEY ⋅ JANUARY 16, 2013 ⋅ LEAVE A COMMENT Now that educators and parents are on a full revolt against the addiction to testing in the United States when it comes to public education, we have to arrive at a point where we have to consider the possibility of suing the U.S Department of Education and a few SEA’s. The suits would occur on the premise that NCLB ... more »

NYC Public School Parents: Quinn's speech on education: high and low points

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 19 hours ago
NYC Public School Parents: Quinn's speech on education: high and low points: Quinn's speech on education: high and low points by Leonie Haimson Speaker Christine Quinn, thought to be thefrontrunner in the race to replace Mayor Bloomberg, gave a major speech on education yesterday at the New School. The full transcript is here; there’s also a Video, including a brief Q and A by Clara Hemphill of InsideSchools. I highly recommend people read the speech and watch the video of the entire event. Some observations: The speech was pretty comprehensive and its strengths were that she... more »

UPDATE: Florida Charter Schools Are Trying to Exploit School Safety Issue + Pinellas SB Member on SB 736: “We are building on a very flawed and invalid system” | Scathing Purple Musings

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 20 hours ago
Pinellas SB Member on SB 736: “We are building on a very flawed and invalid system” | Scathing Purple Musings: How Florida Charter Schools Are Trying to Exploit School Safety Issue to Get More Funding by Bob Sikes From Sherri Ackerman’s post in *redefinED*: Some charter school supporters, meanwhile, are worried about the costs of new safety measures, especially if lawmakers mandate them. That could become a financial burden for charters, which already receive less in per-student funding than districts, and little in the way of capital outlay dollars, said Lynn Norman-Teck of the F...more »

Diane in the Evening 1-16-13 Diane Ravitch's blog

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 20 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog: Over 300 Schools Teaching Creationism with Public Funding by dianerav Zack Kopplin was honored earlier by this blog for his efforts to expose the teaching of creationism in voucher schools in Louisiana. He is a student at Rice University. He is not letting up on his efforts to expose the abuse of science by schools receiving vouchers. Here is a press release sent by him: Over 300 Schools Teaching Creationism on the Taxpayer Dime *Over 300 Schools Teaching Creationism on the Taxpayer Dime* *For Immediate Release* *Contact:* *Zack Kopplin* www... more »

Higher-Education Attainment Racial Gap: UNCF Chief Weighs In

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 20 hours ago
Higher-Education Attainment Racial Gap: UNCF Chief Weighs In: Education Is the 21st-Century LiberatorBlack Leaders on Education: UNCF's chief notes today's freedom struggle, 150 years after slavery. - By: Michael Lomax | Posted: January 16, 2013 at 12:12 PM Thinkstock (Special to *The Root*) *-- Continuing their historical practice of working together to address issues of concern to the African-American community, the NAACP, National Urban League, United Negro College Fund and NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund are working cooperatively to improve educational opportu... more »

District shares rationale behind each school closing recommendation | Philadelphia Public School Notebook

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 20 hours ago
District shares rationale behind each school closing recommendation | Philadelphia Public School Notebook: District shares rationale behind each school closing recommendationby Dale Mezzacappa on Jan 16 2013 Posted in Latest news ="" style="color: rgb(76, 153, 72); cursor: pointer; float: left; padding: 0px 2px;">Share on email COMMENTS (2)PRINT At the three regional community meetings held so far on school closings, the District has been displaying information explaining the reasons for each decision. Wednesday morning, officials shared three PowerPoint presentations and have poste... more »

Teacher Takes on StudentsFirst Machine in Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee's Back Yard - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 22 hours ago
Teacher Takes on StudentsFirst Machine in Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee's Back Yard - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher: Teacher Takes on StudentsFirst Machine in Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee's Back Yard by Anthony Cody Michelle Rhee has made her home in Sacramento, ever since she married the city's mayor, former basketball player Kevin Johnson. Since landing here, she has been working to expand the influence of her lobbying group, StudentsFirst. Last fall, a school board member resigned in nearby West Sacramento, too late to be replaced in the fall election... more »

How the privatizers work: SFCC: a teacher speaks out!

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 22 hours ago
How the privatizers work: SFCC: a teacher speaks out!: How the privatizers work: SFCC: a teacher speaks out! By Danny Weil on January 16, 2013 5:43 pm / no comments [image: gates2] I recounted the very recent past employment of the interim chancellor because the new things I’ve learned about her have led me to believe that she is part of the effort to privatize CCSF and all community colleges. Her consulting job with ACCT right before coming to CCSF shows her clear connection with and membership in a group funded by the very corporations that are trying to take control of and, I b... more »

Sen. Scott Schneider reintroduces bill to withdraw state from Common Core standards | Indianapolis Star |

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 22 hours ago
Sen. Scott Schneider reintroduces bill to withdraw state from Common Core standards | Indianapolis Star | Sen. Scott Schneider reintroduces bill to withdraw state from Common Core standards [image: Tuesday, January 15, 2013, Jamie Gass, director, Center for School Reform, Boston, Mass. (foreground) along with Indiana State Senator, Scott Schneider (R-Indianapolis), and Williamson Evers, held a news conference in support of Senator Schneider,s new proposal to withdraw Indiana schools from Common Core State Standards. (The news conference was held within Statehouse Se...more »

Arming teachers will not make schools safer | Lily's Blackboard

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 23 hours ago
Arming teachers will not make schools safer | Lily's Blackboard: [image: Lily's Blackboard Rotating Header Image] An alternative to arming teachers…Con mucho gusto by Lily An alternative to arming teachers…Con mucho gusto Jan 16th, 2013 by Lily. We are struggling to make sense of the senseless violence in an elementary school in Connecticut. *Good people all over the world are thinking about how to prevent another tragedy* and coming to very different conclusions. A friend, a devoted father, said he’d been thinking. “So, what’s wrong with just arming a few teachers in every schoo... more »

UPDATE: Seattle Schools Community Forum: In The News

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 23 hours ago
Seattle Schools Community Forum: In The News: Seattle Student Senate Supports MAP Opposition by Melissa Westbrook From Dexter Tang, President of the Seattle Schools Student Senate from their meeting at Ingraham High School: *The Seattle Student Senate, the main student advocacy organization of Seattle Public Schools, supports the opposition to the MAP test. * *The MAP test inefficiently uses district resources and consumes valuable instruction time. We support alternative methods of student evaluation. We encourage the district o explore alternative methods of assessing student... more »

UPDATE: FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Wednesday, January 16, 2013

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 23 hours ago
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: *11 elementary schools could be shuttered in Sacramento City Unified district* Education Headlines *Wednesday, January 16, 2013* Sadness, solidarity on display as classes resume at Taft Union High SchoolSadness, anxiety and even some hope were evident Tuesday as Taft Union High School resumed classes for the first time since Thursday's shooting left a student in critical condition and another facing attempted murder charges. Lodi Unified administrator's 'out-of-the-box' promotion saves $175,000The Lodi Unified School District has... more »

UPDATE: Vallas walks out and Damn it’s that poverty thing again… - Wait, What?

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 23 hours ago
Damn it’s that poverty thing again… - Wait, What?: Vallas walks out on Bridgeport BOE (Again), CT Post implies it is the Board’s fault. by jonpelto At 11:41 pm on January 14, 2013, CT Post reported Linda Lambeck posted a story to her blog entitled, “Yes, Bridgeport BOE will still keep talking when staff and audience walk out.” The CT Post reported, “Three hours into the city school board meeting Monday, and the panel still had not gotten to the heart of their agenda, which included a request to approve $200,000 in grants to help facilitate the opening of the district’s new high s... more »

UPDATE: The inbox. Ralph Martire in Crain’s. A pension fix. and Tim Furman takes over WTTW’s Chicago Tonight. « Fred Klonsky

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 23 hours ago
Ten minute drawing. Tim Furman takes over WTTW’s Chicago Tonight. « Fred Klonsky: The inbox. Ralph Martire in Crain’s. A pension fix. by Fred Klonsky Crain’s By: Ralph Martire January 16, 2013 There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth when the recent *lame-duck session in Springfield ended.* Why? No action was taken to address the $95 billion in debt owed to the state’s five pension systems. This leaves the systems with just 40 percent of the funding they should have currently, which is well below the 80 percent generally deemed healthy for public systems. Good government group... more »

Mother Crusader: Dear Bernie, An Open Letter About Consolidation To A Charter Cheerleader. From, Darlene

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 23 hours ago
Mother Crusader: Dear Bernie, An Open Letter About Consolidation To A Charter Cheerleader. From, Darlene: Dear Bernie, An Open Letter About Consolidation To A Charter Cheerleader. From, Darlene by darciecima My post about the hullabaloo in East Brunswick attracted a new sparring partner named Bertin Lefkovic. He has responded to my post both on Marie Corfield's Facebook page (sorry Marie!) and Diane Ravitch's blog (you can read the whole exchange there.) I decided to post my latest response to him on my blog, well, because I have one and I can, but also because he brings up an ... more »

Tucker Takes Zhao in Just One Round « The Core Knowledge Blog

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
Tucker Takes Zhao in Just One Round « The Core Knowledge Blog: Tucker Takes Zhao in Just One Round by E. D. Hirsch, Jr. Tucker Takes Zhao in Just One Roundby E. D. Hirsch, Jr. *January 16th, 2013* Tags: Common Core State Standards, Marc Tucker Posted in Education Theory, Educational Policy | No Comments » High praise for Marc Tucker’s thoughtful response to Yong Zhao’s well-meaning, but terribly misguided, critique of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Since I’ve decided to judge this boxing match, I’m calling a TKO. Tucker won round one so easily that it would be dangerous for ...more »

Louisiana Educator: Privatizing counseling services?

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
Louisiana Educator: Privatizing counseling services?: Privatizing counseling services? by Michael Deshotels Jindal & White want to *empower* local school boards to privatize counseling services and library services. The changes in Bulletin 741 proposed by White would have made professional counselors and librarians optional for local school systems and will eliminate the need for public schools to be accredited by outside accrediting agencies such as the Southern Association. It would seem that these two issues are not related but I think they are. You see, accrediting agencies ... more »

A Few Thoughts on MET :: Frederick M. Hess

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
A Few Thoughts on MET :: Frederick M. Hess: A Few Thoughts on MET *by Frederick M. Hess • Jan 16, 2013 at 9:37 am Cross-posted from Education Week* I've been preoccupied the past few weeks while the Gates Foundation issued its big, final Measures of Effective Teaching report. A lot has already been said summarizing and discussing the findings. No need for me rehash all that. Instead, thought I'd just take a moment to offer three thoughts on the whole thing. First, as much fun as it is to pick on Gates, I found MET a pretty exemplary case of strategic foundation investment in scho... more »

UPDATE: Joy Resmovits: Texas Zeroes Out Standardized Testing, Can Tablets Replace Textbooks? Ed Today

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
Joy Resmovits: Texas Zeroes Out Standardized Testing, Can Tablets Replace Textbooks? Ed Today: Obama On Guns: School Police Should Be Funded By Federal Government, But Not Required by Joy Resmovits President Barack Obama's recommendations in the wake of the Newtown, Conn., elementary school shooting leaves questions about school safety mostly to schools to answer. "We won't be able to stop every violent act, but if there is even one thing that we can do to prevent any of these events, we have a deep obligation -- all of us -- to try," Obama said in a statement. According to guide... more »

Your Privatization Score Card - 2013 Charter Law Ranking Chart

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
2013 Charter Law Ranking Chart: Public Charter Schools Reach New Milestone: Record 6,000 Schools Are Serving 2.3 Million Students *Data from Current School Year Shows 80% Growth in Enrollment Over Five Years* *Washington, D.C.* — The number of public charter schools operating in the United States has surpassed 6,000 for the first time in the 20-year effort to provide innovative alternatives to traditional public schools, the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools announced today. These new figures are based on estimates from the 2012-13 school year. The 6,000 public cha... more »

Modern School: California Flunks Rhee’s Reform Ratings—Badge of Honor?

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
Modern School: California Flunks Rhee’s Reform Ratings—Badge of Honor?: California Flunks Rhee’s Reform Ratings—Badge of Honor? by Michael Dunn Image adapted from Flickr image by Calsidyrose Michelle Rhee’s Students First advocacy group issued its ratings of state reform efforts last week. California was ranked 41st nationally, with an overall score of F, according to the Los Angeles Times. According to Students First, California has been asleep at the wheel with respect to the “reforms,” failing to limit teacher tenure and require student test scores to evaluate teachers. Richard... more »

Jersey Jazzman: It's Always Good To Be Chris Cerf's Friend!

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
Jersey Jazzman: It's Always Good To Be Chris Cerf's Friend!: It's Always Good To Be Chris Cerf's Friend! by Duke NJ Education Commissioner Chris Cerf has a history of taking care of his buddies. He got fellow Broad Superintendents Book Club Academy alumnus Marcia Lyles her job in Jersey City, complete with company car and a hefty relocation bonus. Another fellow Broadie, Mike Myles, was pulling down big bucks as a consultant in Paterson. Broadie Penny MacCormack was getting $1,000 a day as an NJDOE consultant before she was confirmed. Cerf's old pal from NYC and Edison, Joel Ros... more »

CP: Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee on Charters, Vouchers and StudentsFirst as a Political Player | Pith in the Wind

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
CP: Michelle Rhee on Charters, Vouchers and StudentsFirst as a Political Player | Pith in the Wind: *CP*: Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee on Charters, Vouchers and StudentsFirst as a Political PlayerPOSTED BY STEVEN HALE ON MON, JAN 14, 2013 AT 2:55 PM Over at *The City Paper*, Andrea Zelinski sits down with former Washington, D.C., schools chancellor and StudentsFirst leader Michelle Rhee. Rhee has been a major player in the national education debate for several years, and more recently she has gotten particularly involved in Tennessee, where she is a part-time resident. (Als... more »


coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] New Legal Challenge to Tax Credits in New Hampshire by dianerav Americans United for Separation of Church and State, the New Hampshire Civil Liberties Union, and the American Civil Liberties Union have filed a lawsuit challenging a state law that allows tuition tax credits, saying it subsidizes religious schools. Where are the lawsuits in Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Louisiana to challenge voucher programs that directly $50 Million. 3 Years. No Clue. by dianerav Gary Rubinstein, the brilliant math teac... more »

Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 1-12-13 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 1-5-13 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 12-29-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 12-22-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 12-15-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 12-8-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 12-1-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 11-24-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 11-17-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 11-10-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 11-3-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 10-27-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post 

Big Education Ape Nite Cap 1-16-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 1-15-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 1-14-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 1-13-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 1-12-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 1-11-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 1-10-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 1-9-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 1-8-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 1-7-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 1-6-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 1-5-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 1-4-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 1-3-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 1-2-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 1-1-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2