Tuesday, March 18, 2014

3-18-14 Wait What? The Malloy Administration’s Big Lie: Parents Can’t Opt Out. - Wait What?

The Malloy Administration’s Big Lie: Parents Can’t Opt Out. - Wait What?:

The Malloy Administration’s Big Lie: Parents Can’t Opt Out.

Governor Malloy’s Commissioner of Education, Stefan Pryor and his band of corporate education industry reforms continue their crusade to persuade Connecticut parents that they don’t have the right to opt out their children from the Common Core Smarter Balanced Assessment Field Test. Pryor claims that federal and state laws trump parental rights. He is lying… […]The post The Malloy Administration’s

3-17-14 Wait What?
Wait What?: Testimony on the Common Core Bill at last week’s hearingDespite the best efforts of the Malloy administration and Democratic leaders in the General Assembly, the Education Committee conducted a hearing on legislation impacting the he Common Core on March 12, 2014. Connecticut residents provided and submitted incredibly powerful testimony.  Here are just a few of the best examples.  Mor

The Education of Mr. Gates | Truth in American Education

The Education of Mr. Gates | Truth in American Education:

The Education of Mr. Gates

Filed in Common Core State Standards by  on March 19, 2014 • 0 Comments
OK. So what is the Common Core? It’s a very simple thing. It’s a written explanation of what knowledge kids should achieve at very various milestones in their educational career. So it’s writing down in sixth grade which math things should you know, in ninth grade which math things should you know, in twelfth grade which math things should you know.
That, indeed, is what content standards are supposed to be.
And you might be surprised to learn how poor those I’ll call those standards, but to be clear, it’s not curriculum. It’s not a textbook. It’s not a way of teaching. It’s just writing down should you know this part of algebra? Should you know trigonometric functions? Should you know be able to 

Rick Santorum Joins Fight Against Common Core
Former U.S. Senator and Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum joined the fight against Common Core.  Yesterday through his 501(c)4 organization, Patriot Voices, he sent the following email:It is clear that our country’s education system is not working. Even those who created Common Core agree that our public education system is flawed, but the problem is that Common Core advocates decided the answe

Privacy Legislation: How to protect your children and negotiate from a position of strength (Data opt-out) | Crazy Crawfish's Blog

Privacy Legislation: How to protect your children and negotiate from a position of strength (Data opt-out) | Crazy Crawfish's Blog:

Privacy Legislation: How to protect your children and negotiate from a position of strength (Data opt-out)

Posted on March 18, 2014

Tomorrow the Louisiana House Education Committee is poised to hear testimony on several bills related to protecting the rights of parents and students in regards to privacy. (I plan to stop by around lunchtime to meet with folks and compare notes, msg me if you want to try to meet up. . .) From what I have been hearing there are forces and plans already set in motion to confound any attempts at producing meaningful legislation. I’ve learned that LDOE will be calling in supporters of Big Data to scare legislators with the implications of scaling back our data collections. This is strategy that has been working well in other States and of course this should be entirely expected.
The Louisiana Department of Education needs your children’s data to justify its existence.
They need your data to have something to sell to inBloom and Big Data aggregators and merchants like them.
They need your data to produce their SPS scores which enable them to take over your local schools and turn them into shadowy RSD and charter schools that operate beyond any meaningful oversight.
They need your detailed data to calculate their VAM scores to make a case for firing experienced teachers. LDOE needs your data to make it easy for Course Choice providers to peddle their pseudo-educational wares to our children and stick us tax-payers with the bill.
LDOE needs data to identify students that are eligible for their “voucher” program which they 

Research Study: VAM-Based Bias |

Research Study: VAM-Based Bias |:

Research Study: VAM-Based Bias

 Researchers from Indiana and Michigan State University, in a study released in the fall of 2012 but that recently came through my email again (thanks to Diane Ravitch), deserves a special post here as it relates to not only VAMs but also the extent to which all VAM models yield biased results.

In this study (albeit still not peer reviewed, so please interpret accordingly), researchers “investigate whether commonly used value-added estimation strategies produce accurate estimates of teacher effects under a variety of…student grouping and teacher assignment scenarios.” Researchers find that no VAM “accurately captures true teacher effects in all scenarios, and the potential for misclassifying teachers as high- or low-performing can be substantial [emphasis added].”
While these researchers suggest different statistical controls to yield less biased results (i.e., a dynamic ordinary least square [DOLS] estimator), the bottom line is that VAMs cannot “effectively isolate the ‘true’ contribution of teachers and schools to achievement growth” over time. Whether this will ever be possible given mainly the extraneous variables that are outside of the control of teachers and schools, but that continue to confound and complicate VAM-based estimates deeming them (still) unreliable and invalid, particularly for the high-stakes decision-making purposes for which VAMs are increasingly being tasked, is highly suspect.
The only way we might reach truer/more valid and less biased results is to randomly assign students and teachers to classrooms, which as evidenced in a recent article one of my doctoral students and I recently had published in the highly esteemed American 

Big pushback against Christie, Cami | Bob Braun's Ledger

Big pushback against Christie, Cami | Bob Braun's Ledger:

Big pushback against Christie, Cami

A protester holds an anti-Anderson sign at Broad and Market.
A protester holds an anti-Anderson sign at Broad and Market.
Several hundred protesters yesterday shut down  Newark’s central business district in a rush-hour demonstration aimed at showing the growing strength of the organized opposition to the Christie Administration’s “One Newark”  plan that would close neighborhood public schools, expand charter school enrollment, and lay off experienced city teachers despite seniority.
Branden Rippy discusses protest plans with Lt. Robert Sarappa
Branden Rippy discusses protest plans with Lt. Robert Sarappa
“We are building our movement,” said Branden Rippey, the head of the Newark Teachers Union’s New Caucus and a lead organizer of the protest march that twice closed down Broad Street, the busiest business 

Hashtag Mayor Joe Petty | Worcester MagWorcester Mag #sayno2joe

Hashtag Mayor Joe Petty | Worcester MagWorcester Mag:

Hashtag Mayor Joe Petty

Posted By Walter Bird Jr.
A minor local Twitter firestorm has erupted over Mayor Joe Petty's move to have the School Committee reconsider votes it took more than a week ago related to a controversial new test for students.
The hash tag #sayno2joe has been created on Twitter and attached to a number of Tweets angrily denouncing Petty's call for reconsideration of several March 6 motions related to the controversial Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) exam that will be given to hundreds of students in Worcester in less than two weeks.There has been a push by some critics to allow children to opt out of the test, an element of the educational standard Common Core, despite a legal opinion from the state Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) that no such provision is available.
The committee at its last meeting took a voice-only vote on two motions, according to committee member Tracy O'Connell-Novick. One was her motion of sharing the protocol of how opting students out of the exam with parents, teachers and administrators. Novick also asked to have the protocol included as backup on the agenda for the next committee meeting, Thursday, March 20. A second motion included a number of requests, including one to send a letter to the state modeled after one sent by the Norfolk School District, which is allowing its students to opt out of the test.
In his motion for reconsideration, Petty has included several other items, but Novick says those were not voted on at the previous meeting. The committee also did not take a roll call vote, despite being afforded the opportunity to do so by the mayor.
"We're still going  to allow kids to opt out," says Petty. "You just send the wrong message [by sending a letter to the state]. People still can opt out of the exam if their child doesn't want to take the test."
While it is not unusual for elected bodies to reconsider items - the City Council regularly employs this practice - it is typically done at the same meeting.
Petty's move has spurred a Twitter movement of sorts and has given birth to #sayno2joe. One Tweet says: "@MayorPetty parents have right to refuse their kids useless tests!" Another asks: "Can the ppl of Worcester, MA do a re-vote for @mayorpetty's position?" A separate Tweet says: "Mayors promise to uphold dem! Parents refusing tests not used to help kids democracy." And another Tweet states: Hey @MayorPetty standing in way of parent right w refuse tests isn't very democratic!"

Waters accuses LA County of discriminating against minority-run Head Start centers | Pass / Fail | 89.3 KPCC

Waters accuses LA County of discriminating against minority-run Head Start centers | Pass / Fail | 89.3 KPCC:

Waters accuses LA County of discriminating against minority-run Head Start centers

Maxine Waters at LA County Office of Education

Deepa Fernandes

Congresswoman Maxine Waters surrounded by irate parents and their toddlers at the Los Angeles County Office of Education's Office in Downey
Surrounded by dozens of irate parents and their preschoolers, Congresswoman Maxine Waters held a press conference Tuesday accusing the Los Angeles County Office of Education of discriminating against Head Start programs run by Latinos and African Americans. She’s asking the federal Department of Health and Human Services to investigate.
“Why are they doing this to minorities?” she asked at a press conference outside the agency’s office in Downey.
Waters accused county officials strong-arming the CEO of Kedren Community Health Centers to relinquish its head start contract in January after violations were found. She claims this violates federal Head Start rules, which require notice to parents and a vote by the agency’s board. She said it wasn’t the only instance.
“The other Head Start centers serving the Los Angeles area, Urban League, Delta Sigma Theta, and Federation of Preschool and Early Education Center, were accused of violations, some of which were not substantiated, and given no opportunity by LACOE to appeal," she said in a letter to Daniel Levinson, Inspector General for HHS.
Kendren serves about 2,200 children at 31 sites – about a third of them in South Los Angeles communities like Watts and Cypress Park.
Officials with the L.A. County Office of Education said they will cooperate with any 

School Vouchers, Workman, Dwarf Tossing, Extremist Muslim Cleric: Connections | Reclaim Reform

School Vouchers, Workman, Dwarf Tossing, Extremist Muslim Cleric: Connections | Reclaim Reform:

School Vouchers, Workman, Dwarf Tossing, Extremist Muslim Cleric: Connections

How could school vouchers, Workman, dwarf tossing, and an extremist Muslim cleric be connected?
When greed and corruption, even legalized corruption, take precedent over the public good, the propaganda surrounding the greed/corruption hides the web of financial connections.
Dwarf tossing
In Florida recently my state representative, Rich “Ritch” Workman, attempted to legalize the cruelty of dwarf tossing as a game in bars throughout the state. Why? Job creation. As a “quest to seek and destroy unnecessary burdens on the freedom and liberties of people.” Read HERE.
Today, Rep. Workman and other legislators are attempting to pass HB 7099 which will allow corporations to create a voucher plan called the Tax Credit Scholarship Program. For every dollar the corporation gives to the program, the state awards the corporation a dollar in tax credits. (Yes, read that one again.) The state takes money from the education fund and hands it to the corporation as a “credit” for the dollar the corporation gave the voucher program. Hmm… isn’t that how money laundering is done? Read the Palm Beach Post for the vast amounts 

Nite Cap 3-18-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2

James Baldwin said it best: 

"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."


CURMUDGUCATION: Who Is Diane Ravitch?
CURMUDGUCATION: Who Is Diane Ravitch?: Who Is Diane Ravitch?At Reclaiming Public Education 101 (my website for ed reform neophytes), I'm trying to create and collect materials to answer some of the questions newby ed reform students might have. I'm not a fan of cults of personality-- any time I'm in a group that drops its mission to sing a hymn of praise to its leaders, I get itchy. But I also kno
These Seattle Teachers Boycotted Standardized Testing—and Sparked a Nationwide Movement | I AM AN EDUCATOR
These Seattle Teachers Boycotted Standardized Testing—and Sparked a Nationwide Movement | I AM AN EDUCATOR: These Seattle Teachers Boycotted Standardized Testing—and Sparked a Nationwide MovementBy I AM AN EDUCATOR on March 18, 2014[This article was written for Education Uprising, the Spring 2014 issue of YES! Magazine.  To support many of the MAP test boycott leaders who are now running for offic
Big Conferences: What’s their Goal? | My Island View
Big Conferences: What’s their Goal? | My Island View: Big Conferences: What’s their Goal?March 18, 2014 by tomwhitbyThis is a topic I have written about before, and I will probably continue to write about in the future. I guess we should start by defining a big education conference. For the purpose of this post and my experience let’s make it conferences of over 1,000 attendees. Most big education
NYC Educator: Why Is There a Revive NYSUT?
NYC Educator: Why Is There a Revive NYSUT?: Why Is There a Revive NYSUT?There are a lot of stories floating around the net about this. There's a grain of truth to some of them. Many of  them revolve around Governor Cuomo. They say that NYSUT President Richard Iannuzzi wanted to order three tickets for Andy Cuomo's thousand-dollar-a-plate birthday party, and that Executive Vice-President Andy Pallo
12 Excellent Reasons to Opt Out of Relentless Hi Stakes Testing Coalition for Public Education/Coalición por la Educación Pública
Coalition for Public Education/Coalición por la Educación Pública: 12 Excellent Reasons to Opt Out of Relentless Hi Stakes Testing 
Good-bye, Tests! Don’t Let the Door Hit You On the Way Out! | Gatsby In L.A.
Good-bye, Tests! Don’t Let the Door Hit You On the Way Out! | Gatsby In L.A.: Good-bye, Tests! Don’t Let the Door Hit You On the Way Out! Sayonara, test score mania!  Well, for two years, anyway.  The state of California has just suspended the calculation of API scores until 2016—an index of performance based on multiple choice state tests in every subject for every grade–in order to give schools
3-18-14 The Whole Child Blog — ED Pulse Poll Results: What Will Be the "Next Big Thing" in Education Tech? — Whole Child Education
ED Pulse Poll Results: What Will Be the "Next Big Thing" in Education Tech? — Whole Child Education: THE WHOLE CHILD BLOGED Pulse Poll Results: What Will Be the “Next Big Thing” in Education Tech?March 18, 2014 by Kit Harris, ASCD ResearchASCD continually seeks to provide solutions to the challenges that face educators of all levels. A recentASCD SmartBrief ED Pulse poll asked readers wh
Bronies Are Redefining Fandom — And American Manhood | Underwire | Wired.com
Bronies Are Redefining Fandom — And American Manhood | Underwire | Wired.com: Bronies Are Redefining Fandom — And American ManhoodBY ANGELA WATERCUTTER03.11.146:30 AMShare on Facebook1.2ksharesinShare62SIMILAR GALLERIESThese Are the Musicians Who Blew Our Minds at SXSWThe 15 Most Fascinating Filmmakers and Stars at SXSWSee What Famous Movie Locations Look Like Today With This Nifty AppThe 12 Most
3-18-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Tuesday Open ThreadA six-year-old calls Hasbro out on its Guess Who game (with 19 men and only 5 women on the game board).  They write back with a silly answer and her mom weighs in. A bipartisan bill has been introduced into the House of Representatives to cut down on high-stakes testing.  In the on-going debate about discipline, zero-tolerance discipline and how
Georgia State Professor: Gates Has Spent $2.3 Billion on Common Core | Truth in American Education
Georgia State Professor: Gates Has Spent $2.3 Billion on Common Core | Truth in American Education: Georgia State Professor: Gates Has Spent $2.3 Billion on Common CoreFiled in Common Core State Standards by Shane Vander Hart on March 18, 2014 • 0 CommentsJack Hassard, Professor Emeritus at Georgia State, provides evidence that Gates has spent $2.3 billion on the implementation and advocacy of the
3-18-14 LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD
LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District): LA Unified board talking lawsuits, budget, MelendezThelma Melendez The LA Unified Board meets this morning, with much of their business scheduled for a closed door session. In private, the six members will discuss various legal cases involving the district as well as updates on labor contracts and student
3-18-14 Schools Matter
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FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Tuesday, March 18, 2014
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: EdTracker: EdSource’s guide to education legislation | EdSource TodayEducation HeadlinesTuesday, March 18, 2014FCMAT provides links to California K-12 news stories as a service to the industry. However, some stories may not be accessible because of newspapers' subscription policies.Hacienda La Puente school district considers selling land to
Morning Wink 3-18-14 AM Posts #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
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LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 3-18-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
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Could Teaching Become A Team Sport? | Taking Note
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The Answer Sheet 3-18-14
The Answer Sheet: 50 terrible ideas for improving schoolsA valuable new book called “50 Myths &  Lies That Threaten America’s Public Schools”  takes a stark look at some of the worst ideas being promoted by school reformers around the country as ways to improve the public education.   The book — from which I am going to run a series of excerpts — […]    31 by Valerie Strauss / 5hThe Answer She
3-18-14 Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida
Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida, red in Washington, dark sky-blue in Israel and public school in Education: Florida’s New Testing Non-Profit Has Received $36 Million in Grants From Gates FoundationYou just knew there had to be a catch. Yesterday’s news that Education Commissioner Pam Stewart had selected a new testing company to replace FCAT. Erin Jester reports in the Gainesv
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3-18-14 Ed Notes Online Week
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4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 3-18-14
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: State Board makes it official: NO API SCORES FOR NEXT TWO YEARSBy John Fensterwald | EdSource Today http://bit.ly/1kFiAHs March 14th, 2014   ::  With federal approval finally in hand to give a Common Core-aligned practice test this spring, the State Board of Education took the inevitable next step this week. It suspended the Academic Performance Index,
3-18-14 With A Brooklyn Accent Go BATs All Week
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3-18-14 the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness by P. L. Thomas, EdD
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3-18-14 Perdido Street School Week
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Deborah Meier, Libertarian? - Bridging Differences - Education Week: Deborah Meier, Libertarian?By Guest Blogger on March 18, 2014 9:13 AMRobert Pondiscio of Democracy Prep writes again to Deborah Meier today.Dear Deborah,One of the joys of sharing this space with you is how often you surprise me, acknowledging last week, for example, that in some ways you are "exceedingly conservative."
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EdTracker: EdSource’s guide to education legislation | EdSource Today
EdTracker: EdSource’s guide to education legislation | EdSource Today: EdTracker: EdSource’s guide to education legislationMarch 17th, 2014 | Add a Comment | By EdSource staffLast year California state legislators passed the Local Control Funding Formula, transforming how schools are funded. They ended the state’s existing system of standardized testing and created a roadmap for introducing new as
Cami, where are the books? | Bob Braun's Ledger
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Survey: Few Southern California school districts can afford comprehensive arts instruction | Pass / Fail | 89.3 KPCC
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Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: 'Let's finish the job'
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Special Late Nite Cap UPDATE 3-17-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
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FROM THE BAT CAVE Schoolhouse Live
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Vergara v. California: The most dangerous lawsuit you probably haven't heard of
Vergara v. California: The most dangerous lawsuit you probably haven't heard of: Vergara v. California: The most dangerous lawsuit you probably haven't heard ofbyDante AtkinsFollowforDaily Kos    Email  91 Comments / 91 NewEducation privatizers are using the courts to get at a larger slice of the apple.Ask yourself one question: what's the biggest challenge preventing children from economically di
Nite Cap 3-17-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAP4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 3-17-144LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: L.A. Unified’S Decision To Move Students Sparks FurorOfficials didn't take into account long-standing (community+gang) rivalries when they decided to