Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Privacy Legislation: How to protect your children and negotiate from a position of strength (Data opt-out) | Crazy Crawfish's Blog

Privacy Legislation: How to protect your children and negotiate from a position of strength (Data opt-out) | Crazy Crawfish's Blog:

Privacy Legislation: How to protect your children and negotiate from a position of strength (Data opt-out)

Posted on March 18, 2014

Tomorrow the Louisiana House Education Committee is poised to hear testimony on several bills related to protecting the rights of parents and students in regards to privacy. (I plan to stop by around lunchtime to meet with folks and compare notes, msg me if you want to try to meet up. . .) From what I have been hearing there are forces and plans already set in motion to confound any attempts at producing meaningful legislation. I’ve learned that LDOE will be calling in supporters of Big Data to scare legislators with the implications of scaling back our data collections. This is strategy that has been working well in other States and of course this should be entirely expected.
The Louisiana Department of Education needs your children’s data to justify its existence.
They need your data to have something to sell to inBloom and Big Data aggregators and merchants like them.
They need your data to produce their SPS scores which enable them to take over your local schools and turn them into shadowy RSD and charter schools that operate beyond any meaningful oversight.
They need your detailed data to calculate their VAM scores to make a case for firing experienced teachers. LDOE needs your data to make it easy for Course Choice providers to peddle their pseudo-educational wares to our children and stick us tax-payers with the bill.
LDOE needs data to identify students that are eligible for their “voucher” program which they