Saturday, June 29, 2013

Big Education Ape - Morning Wink 6-29-13 AM Posts #edreform #EDCHAT #P2


LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 6-29-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 5 minutes ago
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Gary Rubinstein: Another Miracle School Bites the Dust by dianerav The New York Daily News found another of those “miracle” schools that, on examination, isn’t. Gary Rubinstein is a master debunker of miracle schools, and his antennae went up when he read about a charter school in the South Bronx where almost every student graduates. The Daily News wrote: “Of the 66 12th graders at Hyde Leadership Charter School, 62 graduated — a 95% rate that crushes the citywide... more »

Ed Notes Online: Norm in The Wave: Education News You Can’t Live Without

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 10 minutes ago
Ed Notes Online: Norm in The Wave: Education News You Can’t Live Without: Norm in The Wave: Education News You Can’t Live Without by ed notes online I was going to use the final column to review the bad and ugly (there was little good) of education coverage, but with the start of summer vacation for my teacher readers I decided to pass. But I did write a newsy story on a Stop and Frisk march held last Saturday in Rockaway organized by Josmar Trujillo, one of the very interesting people I've met out here. More about the march and Josmar in a follow-up piece later or tomorrow. *Educa... more »

Jersey Jazzman: Is Corporate "Reform" Coming to Denmark?

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 13 minutes ago
Jersey Jazzman: Is Corporate "Reform" Coming to Denmark?: Is Corporate "Reform" Coming to Denmark? by Duke *Mermaids need free play, too!* Does this sound familiar? A center-left government is pushing an unproven series of education "reforms," including longer school days and less time for free play, over the objections of many parents. And to facilitate this, the government has gone out of its way to diminish the collective bargaining rights of teachers, insisting they work more hours without consultation from their unions. Sounds like Chicago or Philadelphia or Los Angeles, rig... more »

4 changes to English so subtle we hardly notice they’re happening | toteachornototeach

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 14 minutes ago
4 changes to English so subtle we hardly notice they’re happening | toteachornototeach: 4 changes to English so subtle we hardly notice they’re happening by aristotlethewise *4 changes to English so subtle we hardly notice they’re happening* By Arika Okrent Everyone knows that language changes. It’s easy to pick out words that have only been recently introduced (bromance, YOLO, derp) or sentence constructions that have gone out of style (How do you do? Have you a moment?), but we are constantly in the middle of language change that may not be noticeable for decades or even centuries.... more »

The Unreliable Narrator | Gary Rubinstein's Blog

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 15 minutes ago
The Unreliable Narrator | Gary Rubinstein's Blog: The Unreliable Narrator by Gary Rubinstein An expression that has been popping up in many of the blogs by new TFA corps members is “behavior narration.” This is, evidently, the big new ‘thing’ that the new TFAers are leaning as a classroom management tool. Back in 1991 when I was a CM, myself, the first edition of the book ‘Assertive Discipline’ was the guide that our classroom management training was based on. Back then the big thing was writing students names on the board for the first consequence and putting a check by the name... more »

Daily Kos: thoughts on privatization of public services

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 17 minutes ago
Daily Kos: thoughts on privatization of public services: thoughts on privatization of public services by (teacherken) none of which will be original to me, but I think have some worth in bringing together. First, we need to recognize how broad the tendency of privatizing public services has become - we have private security forces in lieu of police in some gated communities and in many corporate settings. Support services for the military,even in combat zones, are now provided by contractors. Many activities that should be military or other government services a... more »


mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 19 minutes ago
@ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER: [image: gears] Thought for the Day by plthomasedd On my WeatherBug smartphone App, the pollen tab notes: This lack of change in airborne pollen will continue to affect those who suffer from allergies and those who live with allergy sufferers. How is it, then, that the “no excuses” education reform crowd is unable to admit that poverty affects those living in poverty and […] *All Week 6-29-13 @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER* mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 34 minutes ago @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER: [image: gears] Tho... more »

Update: Vallas out because he lacked the qualifications necessary to be superintendent - Wait, What?

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 25 minutes ago
Update: Vallas out because he lacked the qualifications necessary to be superintendent - Wait, What?: Update: Vallas out because he lacked the qualifications necessary to be superintendent by jonpelto *May have to return his Broad Prize* Despite the best efforts of Governor Malloy, Commissioner Pryor, Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch, Bridgeport Board of Education Chairman Kenneth Moales and Paul Vallas himself, the issue they simply couldn’t overcome was the fact that under Connecticut law (even after it was changed to try and accommodate Vallas), Vallas was unwilling or unable to do t... more »

Why judge ordered Paul Vallas removed as Bridgeport schools chief

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 30 minutes ago
Why judge ordered Paul Vallas removed as Bridgeport schools chief: Why judge ordered Paul Vallas removed as Bridgeport schools chief By Valerie Strauss, Published: June 29, 2013 at 3:57 amE-mail the writer 6 Comments More [image: Paul Vallas] Paul Vallas A Superior Court judge in Connecticut has ordered that Paul Vallas, a major school reformer who has run schools in Chicago, New Orleans and Philadelphia, be removed from his job as superintendent in Bridgeport because he hadn’t complied with a state law requiring him to take a school leadership program. The judge, Barbara Bellis, wrot... more »

Michigan Legislatures “to put brakes on” Common Core | Scathing Purple Musings

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 32 minutes ago
Michigan Legislatures “to put brakes on” Common Core | Scathing Purple Musings: Michigan Legislatures “to put brakes on” Common Core by Bob Sikes Another state with republican governors has a legislative body actively opposing Common Core Standards. Bob Kellogg on *OneNewsNow* has this from Michigan: The Michigan legislature has blocked implementing the controversial Common Core Standards until vigorous debate about those standards can take place. The Michigan Senate approved the state’s education budget with an amendment that prevents the department from spending money to impleme... more »

Saturday coffee. | Fred Klonsky

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 34 minutes ago
Saturday coffee. | Fred Klonsky: Saturday coffee. by Fred Klonsky [image: BeverlyHall] It is coffee in the lobby of the downtown Atlanta Hilton. Atlanta is an appropriate city to hold the 2013 Representative Assembly of the National Education Association. I was talking to a fellow delegate to the Retired Conference yesterday who thought it was wrong to hold our national meetings in so-called * Right-to-Work* states. Which Georgia is. But so is the rest of the South. And with Koch brother backing, there are a growing number of Right-to-Work laws up north as well. If we don’t start winni... more »

“Financial Irresponsibility and Incompetence”: Louisiana Superintendent John White Perfectly Describes School Voucher Program | Crazy Crawfish's Blog

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 45 minutes ago
“Financial Irresponsibility and Incompetence”: Louisiana Superintendent John White Perfectly Describes School Voucher Program | Crazy Crawfish's Blog: "Financial Irresponsibility and Incompetence": Louisiana Superintendent John White Perfectly Describes School Voucher Program by crazycrawfish Reblogged from CenLamar: [image: Click to visit the original post] Yesterday, after more than a year of sustained criticism in the state, national, and even international media,Louisiana Superintendent John White (no relation) announced the Department of Education was banning the New Living Wo... more »

4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 6-29-13

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 49 minutes ago
*4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit:* *4LAKIDS - SOME OF THE NEWS THAT DOESN'T FIT* UNIVERSITY OF NORTH DAKOTA DONATES $25,000 TO LAUSD AVIATION SCHOOL smf at 4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit - 14 minutes ago By Dana Bartholomew, Staff Writer, LA Daily News | 6/27/2013 06:02:35 PM PDT/Updated: 6/27/2013 08:33:59 PM PDT :: A University of North Dakota group is giving thousands of dollars to a top-flight LAUSD mechanics school that trains students at Van Nuys Airport for high-paying jobs in aviation. The University of North Dakota Aerospace F...more »

This Week's Education Research Report 6-29-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 55 minutes ago
Education Research Report *THIS WEEK'S EDUCATION RESEARCH REPORT* * * New NAEP Report Compares Today’s Student Performance With That of 40 Years Ago Jonathan Kantrowitz at Education Research Report - 1 day ago * Long-term trend assessment shows improvement for black and Hispanic students since the 1970s* Today’s 9-and 13-year-old students scored higher in reading and mathematics than their counterparts did 40 years ago according to The Nation’s Report Card: Trends in Academic Progress 2012, a long-term trend assessment designed to track changes in the achievement of students ages 9,... more »

All Week 6-29-13 @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 57 minutes ago
@ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER: [image: gears] Thought for the Day plthomasedd at @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER - 3 hours ago On my WeatherBug smartphone App, the pollen tab notes: This lack of change in airborne pollen will continue to affect those who suffer from allergies and those who live with allergy sufferers. How is it, then, that the “no excuses” education reform crowd is unable to admit that poverty affects those living in poverty and […] Have Four Decades of Test Based Accountability Closed the Public and Catholic School Score Gaps? Jim Horn at @ THE CHAL... more »

Sacramento School Closures Lawsuit by Hmong Innovating Politics - GoFundMe

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 9 hours ago
Sacramento School Closures Lawsuit by Hmong Innovating Politics - GoFundMe: Sacramento School Closures Lawsuit Please support parents, students and Hmong Innovating Politics (HIP) in our efforts to protect our community's civil rights and stop the closures of the seven neighborhood schools in the Sacramento City Unified School District (SCUSD). All proceeds will go toward costs incurred by the lawsuit and the campaign thus far. Please make an urgently needed donation to support this fight against SCUSD's intentional discrimination and violation of our community civil rights. For qu... more »

Thinking About Schools: Random Thoughts on Ed Reform

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 10 hours ago
Thinking About Schools: Random Thoughts on Ed Reform: Random Thoughts on Ed Reform [image: My Photo] JHSTLMt. Kisco, New York, United StatesSuperintendent of the Bedford Central School District, NY. Lifetime public school teacher, principal, and superintendent. Blog is solely my opinion. 1. The word “education” does not appear in the Constitution but education is all about the Constitution 2. Don’t blame high expectations and standards for high-stakes and excessive testing 3. High-stakes test scores and ranking teachers are a politician’s low-hanging fruit 4. Char... more »

California: A Midsummer Night's Dream comes true...

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 14 hours ago
California holds first gay wedding since 2008, in San Francisco [image: Hundreds of gay rights supporters gathered in West Hollywood on Wednesday to celebrate the Supreme Court rulings on the Defense of Marriage Act and California's Proposition 8.] CAPTIONS - - 1/23 By Maria L. La Ganga June 28, 2013, 5:26 p.m. SAN FRANCISCO -- California held its first gay marriage since 2008 as state Atty. Gen. Kamala D. Harris performed the wedding ceremony for Kris Perry and Sandy Stier, plaintiffs in the landmark court case that challenged Proposition 8. They were married in San Franci... more »

The Committee of Ten and the 4th of July: Making a Mockery of Democracy | Reclaim Reform

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 14 hours ago
The Committee of Ten and the 4th of July: Making a Mockery of Democracy | Reclaim Reform: The Committee of Ten and the 4th of July: Making a Mockery of Democracy by kenpreviti On July 27 I received a bunch of mail with 4th of July ads. Mattresses, groceries, hardware store stuff, the whole works. Independence Day 2013. Big deal. In Illinois *The Committee of Ten* was appointed and met on July 27. Yes, appointed. Why? To decide how to break the Illinois Constitution and the U.S. Constitution in order to open the gates to plunder teacher pensions, demean teachers and dismantle publi... more »

Myth busters. Bond ratings and our pensions. | Fred Klonsky

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 14 hours ago
Myth busters. Bond ratings and our pensions. | Fred Klonsky: Myth busters. Bond ratings and our pensions. by Fred Klonsky [image: mythbusters_pullout_method] I got interested in the state bond rating mythology when I noticed a post on Capitolfax Wednesday. “The state received more than $9 billion in bids Wednesday from 145 investors for $1.3 billion in General Obligation bonds,” said the post titled “Apparently, it wasn’t much of a catastrophe.” For years the issue of the state’s bond ratings have been used as a club beat up on retirees for their promised state pension systems. Four 6... more »

Jersey Jazzman: Congratulations Gary Rubinstein and Arthur Goldstein!

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 15 hours ago
Jersey Jazzman: Congratulations Gary Rubinstein and Arthur Goldstein!: Congratulations Gary Rubinstein and Arthur Goldstein! by Duke *h/t Mother Crusader* Last week, the eldest Jazzboy graduated from one of New Jersey's pubic high schools: you know, the schools of which Education Commissioner Chris Cerf says: This data “will make clear that *there are a number of schools out there that perhaps are a little bit too satisfied with how they are doing* when compared with how other schools serving similar populations are doing." The Jazzboy's own high school is so overhyped that he wil... more »

UPDATE: Connecticut Superior Court orders Paul Vallas removed as Bridgeport Superintendent - Wait, What?

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 15 hours ago
Connecticut Superior Court orders Paul Vallas removed as Bridgeport Superintendent - Wait, What?: Connecticut Superior Court orders Paul Vallas removed as Bridgeport Superintendent Send Paul Vallas Over *Read the decision here:** *Copy of court decision ousting Paul Vallas as Bridgeport Superintendent* jonpelto at Wait, What? - 15 minutes ago Categories: - Uncategorized Let’s try it this way. This link should access the court decision written by Connecticut Judge Bellis ousting Paul Vallas as Bridg...more »

Conservative Firebrand Bob Barr Makes Most Blistering Condemnation to Date of Common Core | Scathing Purple Musings

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 18 hours ago
Conservative Firebrand Bob Barr Makes Most Blistering Condemnation to Date of Common Core | Scathing Purple Musings: Conservative Firebrand Bob Barr Makes Most Blistering Condemnation to Date of Common Core by Bob Sikes Wow. Writing for the *Marietta Daily Journal*, Jon Gillooly has the story: MARIETTA — During the public comment portion of the Cobb Board of Education meeting Thursday, former Congressman Bob Barr of Smyrna blasted the controversial Common Core standards as a packed room of supporters cheered. The audience waving signs denouncing Common Core and wore T-shirts oppo... more »

UPDATE: Last Words from a Sweet, Decent Young Woman Seattle Schools Community Forum: Advanced Learning Service Delivery Models

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 18 hours ago
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Advanced Learning Service Delivery Models: Advanced Learning Service Delivery Models by Charlie Mas The District will appoint a Task Force this fall to answer the question: *What service delivery model should we use for Advanced Learning?* It's a question that can have only one answer. There can be only one answer because there is a bigger question that takes precedence: *Will we deliver service or not?* Students and families don't care if they get no service from a small group instruction model or whether they get no service from a "walk to" model. ... more »

Remembering closing Philly schools | Philadelphia Public School Notebook

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 18 hours ago
Remembering closing Philly schools | Philadelphia Public School Notebook: Remembering closing Philly schoolsby thenotebook on Jun 28 2013 Posted in Latest news ="" style="color: rgb(76, 153, 72); cursor: pointer; float: left; padding: 0px 2px;">Share on email COMMENTS (0)PRINT *by Sonia Giebel* In the wake of 24 school closings this year, photographer Zoe Strauss introduced the Philadelphia School Closings Photo Collective to document this unprecedented mass school closure. Various photographers have contributed to the collective, with hundreds of photos already posted. Seventeen sc... more »

New State Trustee for Inglewood Unified Schools - Year 2013 (CA Dept of Education)

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 18 hours ago
New State Trustee for Inglewood Unified Schools - Year 2013 (CA Dept of Education): State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson Appoints State Trustee for Inglewood Unified School District [image: Photo] INGLEWOOD—State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson today appointed Dr. Don Brann as State Trustee for the Inglewood Unified School District. "Bringing the district back to sound financial footing—so that it can continue serving students and their community—remains my top priority, and Don Brann has the experience and vision to make it happen," Torlakson said. "Dr. Brann will... more »

Two Pennsylvania Republican Lawmakers Introduce Strong Anti-Common Core Legislation | Scathing Purple Musings

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 18 hours ago
Two Pennsylvania Republican Lawmakers Introduce Strong Anti-Common Core Legislation | Scathing Purple Musings: Two Pennsylvania Republican Lawmakers Introduce Strong Anti-Common Core Legislation by Bob Sikes From *The Sentinel in*: The package of legislation, including bills authored by State Rep. Stephen Bloom, R-199, and State Rep. Rob Kauffman, R-89, seeks to prevent Pennsylvania’s schools from being forced to align curricula and assessment to unproven nationally-developed Common Core Standards which were never approved by full vetting and vote of the General As... more »

Diane in the Evening 6-28-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 19 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Latest on Vallas’ Ouster by dianerav From Linda Hall, Connecticut resident: The latest from the CT Mirror: In April, the state board approved an independent study created for Vallas by the University of Connecticut as a valid program. But the judge said Friday that the short, independent study he completed in May at UConn was Jon Pelto on the Arrogance of Power by dianerav More than anyone else other than the plaintiffs, Jonathan Pelto has been a persistent critic of Paul Vallas, Stefan Pryor, and their indiffere... more »

President nominates California attorney to lead civil rights office | EdSource Today

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 19 hours ago
President nominates California attorney to lead civil rights office | EdSource Today: President nominates California attorney to lead civil rights office - by Kathryn Baron by Kathryn Baron By Kathryn Baron Share on twitterShare on facebookShare on emailShare on print More Sharing Services [image: Catherine Lhamon, Director of Impact Litigation at Public Counsel Law Firm, is President Obama's nominee to lead the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights. (Photo: Public Counsel Law Firm).] Catherine Lhamon, director of impact litigation at Public Counsel Law Firm, is Pr... more »

The Power of Latino Leadership: Culture, Inclusion and Contribution ~ Review « NewsTaco

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 19 hours ago
The Power of Latino Leadership: Culture, Inclusion and Contribution ~ Review « NewsTaco: The Power of Latino Leadership: Culture, Inclusion and Contribution ~ Review by Melanie Mendez-Gonzales [image: image] Melanie Mendez-Gonzalez, Que Means What? Disclosure: Que Means What did receive a complimentary book to review as reviewing this book as part of a Condor Book Tour. No other compensation was received. All opinions are my own. Bestselling author Juana Bordas has written a new book entitled *The Power of Latino Leadership: Culture, Inclusion and Contribution* and it is utterly ti... more »

What Do We Have in Common Core? #StudentVoice

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 19 hours ago
Student Voice: What Do We Have in Common Core? by Editor Admin Designed to create commonality, Common Core State Standards are, ironically, not commonly understood. In an area of educational policy that aims to combat common predicaments, much energy is being squandered combatting one another — energy that could potentially be harnessed to formulate solutions. Having said that, misunderstanding Common Core is not akin to misvaluing Common Core. After all, Common Core, like the majority of past educational reforms, is aiming at a goal held by all of us: improve the standard of edu... more »

Investing in our Future: The Impact of Federal Budget Decisions on Children | First Focus

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 20 hours ago
Investing in our Future: The Impact of Federal Budget Decisions on Children | First Focus: Investing in our Future: The Impact of Federal Budget Decisions on Children CONGRESSIONAL TESTIMONY Search resources June 26, 2013 By Jared Solomon Download this Resource First Focus President Bruce Lesley testified at a June 26, 2013, hearing of the Senate Budget Committee. This first-of-its-kind hearing, chaired by Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) examined the impacts of federal budget decisions on America's children. The attached document includes his testimony as prepared for delivery, as well ...more »

Principals Shift Focus to Learning — Whole Child Education

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 20 hours ago
Principals Shift Focus to Learning — Whole Child Education: THE WHOLE CHILD BLOG [image: Klea Scharberg]Principals Shift Focus to Learning June 28, 2013 by Klea Scharberg Principals are key in providing strong instructional leadership as a path to student achievement. This clip provides tips and focus questions for principals working with teachers to ensure good teaching is matched by student engagement, meaningful tasks, and, ultimately, student learning. Learn more with *ASCD Express*. Source: From *Leadership Strategies for Principals* (DVD), 2007, Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

NYC Public School Parents: CNN story on inBloom and important update: NYS districts must choose dashboards populated with inBloom data by fall

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 20 hours ago
NYC Public School Parents: CNN story on inBloom and important update: NYS districts must choose dashboards populated with inBloom data by fall: CNN story on inBloom and important update: NYS districts must choose dashboards populated with inBloom data by fall by Leonie Haimson A CNN story about inBloom Inc. was posted this morning and will be aired at 3 PM tomorrow, Saturday June 29. I have also posted it below; please check it out. It contains an interview with Karen Sprowal, NYC parent activist, a short excerpt from ourBrooklyn town hall meeting, and comments from the CEO of inB... more »

Brown’s line-item vetoes eliminate equalization money for special ed SI&A Cabinet Report – News & Resources

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 21 hours ago
SI&A Cabinet Report – News & Resources: Brown’s line-item vetoes eliminate equalization money for special ed Among the line-item vetoes imposed on the final state budget by Gov. Jerry Brown is one that will eliminate what was hoped to be a first step in equalizing funding among special education programs statewide. Just as the new budget seeks to streamline a complex funding system for schools overall, the 2013-14 spending plan also calls for consolidation of a number of programs and the elimination of restrictions on the use of that money. But because of long-standing provisions ... more »

This Week In Education: Thompson: What's New in the Latest CREDO Charter School Study?

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 21 hours ago
This Week In Education: Thompson: What's New in the Latest CREDO Charter School Study?: Thompson: What's New in the Latest CREDO Charter School Study? by john thompson [image: Coverstory1-1]The new CREDO study, National Charter School Study, 2013, shows that charter schools perform about the same as traditional public schools. This prompts the question of why "reformers" use charters as the default in improving urban schools. As Diane Ravitch asks in New Charter Study Shows Improvement, Raises Questions, given all the advantages they've been granted, why are charters not doing bette... more »

Tony Bennett’s “Assessment Regimen for Common Core” Evasion | Scathing Purple Musings

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 22 hours ago
Tony Bennett’s “Assessment Regimen for Common Core” Evasion | Scathing Purple Musings: Tony Bennett’s “Assessment Regimen for Common Core” Evasion by Bob Sikes Both Rick Scott and Tony Bennett have learned not to take on a room full of teachers by themselves. So when time came for yesterday’s roundtable discussion both were there to respond to 40 state teachers of the year. James Call of the *Florida Current *provides this comment from Bennett: “The implication of Common Core will be one of the largest policy implications lifts the states have engaged in the history of education,”... more »

FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Friday, June 28, 2013

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 22 hours ago
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: *Antonio Villaraigosa Leaves His Mark On L.A. Schools* Education Headlines *Friday, June 28, 2013* CVUSD adopts 'placeholder' budget, $14.7 million deficit could decreaseThe Coachella Valley Unified school board on Thursday adopted a budget with a $14.7 million deficit, which would nearly exhaust the district’s cash reserves. Oxnard School District introduces new superintendentCesar Morales will be the new Oxnard School District superintendent effective July 1, succeeding Jeff Chancer, who is retiring after leading the element... more »

Best of the Ed Blogs | National Education Policy Center

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 22 hours ago
Best of the Ed Blogs | National Education Policy Center: Best of the Ed Blogs *Best of the Ed Blogs* features a frequently updated selection of interesting and insightful blog posts on education policy. The views expressed by the bloggers on our blog roll are thoughtful, original, and entirely their own. We hope you make *Best of the Ed Blogs* your first stop for concise takes on today's most important education topics. Why These Students Disaffiliated from SFER National Best of the Ed Blogs Stephanie Rivera June 28, 2013 Debunking the Latest NY Daily News ‘Miracle School’ Best of ... more »

Jersey Jazzman: Will Anyone Ask Chris Christie Some Real Questions?

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 23 hours ago
Jersey Jazzman: Will Anyone Ask Chris Christie Some Real Questions?: Will Anyone Ask Chris Christie Some Real Questions? by Duke *I don't need to answer anyone's questions! Just report my insults to teachers and go away!* So here we are, well into the summer campaign for New Jersey governor, and Chris Christie is already spouting utter nonsense: [NJ Governor Chris] Christie said parents must stand up to organizations who he said care more about pensions, wage increases, generous benefits packages and *summers off* than about extending quality education to all students. [emphasis m... more »

Going to Bed Hungry | Q&A |

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
Going to Bed Hungry | Q&A | Going to Bed Hungry April 5, 2013 by Theresa Riley The United States is the world’s wealthiest nation, yet we still have families and children who don’t have enough to eat. We caught up with Joel Berg of NYC’s Coalition Against Hunger to learn what it means to be food insecure and what we can do to ensure that no child goes to bed hungry. *Theresa Riley: What does it mean to be “food insecure”? How many American children now live in “food insecure” households?* Joel Berg *Joel Berg: *Food insecure means families don’t have enough money to ... more »

Student Loan Rates to Double on Monday as Congress Heads Home | NEA Today

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
Student Loan Rates to Double on Monday as Congress Heads Home | NEA Today: Student Loan Rates to Double on Monday as Congress Heads Home by twalker *By Tim Walker and **Miguel Gonzalez* With student loan rates scheduled to double from 3.4 percent to 6.8 percent on July 1, Congress is getting ready to leave town for the July 4 recess without taking action. Senators have introduced a one-year extension of the current interest rates in order to allow enough time to work out long-term solution. ““We urge Congress to put students before politics and put aside partisan bickering. Our st... more »


mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
@ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER: [image: gears] In Case You Were Wondering…? by Timothy D. Slekar Follow Tim Slekar on Twitter: @slekar Center for American what? Progress? I don’t think so. @EdProgress by Chalk Face, PhD My behavior on social media differs from others. Folks claim RTs aren’t endorsements and that to me seems rather silly. Why would I propagate information and send it forward to followers if I don’t think it should be spread? Se...more »

Bush Foundation Snubs Florida Republican Senators Who Voted Against Parent Trigger | Scathing Purple Musings

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
Bush Foundation Snubs Florida Republican Senators Who Voted Against Parent Trigger | Scathing Purple Musings: Bush Foundation Snubs Florida Republican Senators Who Voted Against Parent Trigger by Bob Sikes *Sunshine State News* chief legal correspondent Eric Giunta has become the go-to journalist when Jeb Bush’ Foundation for Excellence in Education (FEE) wants to get something out there. One only needs to consider hishit piece on the parent advocate groups who opposed Parent Trigger and this similarly themed spin on Fund Education Now. Giunta carries FEE’s water again today in pu... more »

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 6-28-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Maureen Reedy: Great News for Brooklyn’s Chess Champions! by dianerav Ohio master teacher Maureen Reedy has great news for the championship chess team at I.S. 318 in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. She writes: Great news! The national championship chess team of I.S. 318, a public school with a high poverty rate in NYC, will live on! Please consider a contribution to combine with the $20,000 being raised by the tireless efforts of my friend, Fred Tennessee Parents and Tea... more »

Daily Kos: Charter Schools, the Invisible Hand, and Gutless Political Leadership

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
Daily Kos: Charter Schools, the Invisible Hand, and Gutless Political Leadership: Charter Schools, the Invisible Hand, and Gutless Political Leadership by (plthomasEdD) Billy Pilgrim becomes unstuck in time in Kurt Vonnegut's * Slaughterhouse-Five*. Billy's experience introduces readers to Tralfamadorians: The creatures were friendly, and they could see in four dimensions. They pitied Earthlings for being able to see only three. They had many wonderful things to teach Earthlings, especially about time....The Tralfamadorians can look at all the different moments ju... more »