Monday, February 17, 2014

2-17-14 Perdido Street School Week

Perdido Street School:

NYSED Admits Cuomo's APPR Teacher Evaluation System Is A Mess
Governor Cuomo threatened the Board of Regents last week if they made any adjustments to his APPR teacher evaluation system.A day later, the Regents backed off and decided to table any changes to teacher evaluations for a few months.Today we learned the following about Cuomo's "state of the art" APPR teacher evaluation system: State education officials for the first time are acknowledgin
New York City Democrats Must Not Vote For Andrew Cuomo
Fred Dicker in today's Post:Gov. Cuomo’s re-election strategy is to sacrifice New York City’s interests, take on Mayor de Blasio and pander to anti-tax and pro-business sentiments upstate, where he’s politically the weakest, angry Democrats from the city charge. Whether it’s Cuomo’s battles with de Blasio over pre-K funding or the city’s ability to hike the minimum wage on its own, his support for

Andrew Cuomo's Hypocrisy Over SUNY

Governor Cuomo announced the following plan yesterday: ALBANY -- Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said Sunday the state will expand the opportunity for inmates to get college degrees as a way to keep them from returning to prison and save tax dollars. Cuomo said the state pays $60,000 a year to keep a prisoner incarcerated and 40 percent return to prison. Current college programs in prison cost taxpayers just
2-16-14 Perdido Street School Week
Perdido Street School: UFT Stands For - Utterly Failing TeachersJames Eterno posts that he received the following note from a teacher passing along an administrator's demands to the staff for Danielson walk-throughs:Dear Staff,Please note that I will be looking at the following in a walk through tomorrow.Please have these items labeled in a central location where I do not have to interrupt instruc