Wednesday, January 15, 2014

1-15-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum

Seattle Schools Community Forum:

Education Reading List for 2014?
Fascinating reading provided via the Center on Reinventing Public Education (our local ed reform think tank).  They are recommending the list "top eight books that schools reformers should read" from Dropout Nation.  Boy, are there some interesting picks.One is I Got Schooled by none other than "I see dead people" director, M. Night Shymalan.  Here's what Dropout Nation says:Wr

Jam-packed exciting C & I meeting
The C & I meeting on Monday began with a change to the agenda. An update on Advanced Learning was added as an eighth discussion item.Yearbook Contract. I learned a lot. The staff brought forward the news that they will recommend a one-year extension of the contract with the yearbook publisher at about $400,000 from the ASB budget. This will be the third year of a one-year contract with options
Annual Program Placement report
I picked up a draft copy of the annual program placement report at Monday's C & I meeting. It was written by Misa Garmoe, the recently hired Executive Director of School Operations. She has been on the job for about three months. This is a new job which is different from the Assistant Superintendent for Operations.The copy I saw was clearly labelled as a draft and the final report won't be rel

1-14-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Another Reason the Seahawks are GreatIt's not just Russell Wilson and his quiet leadership (and off-the-field history of helping others). It's not just Marshawn Lynch who doesn't just power past the opposition's defense; he shoves them out of the way despite their size (and his).It's this guy - Derrick Coleman - who is the first deaf player in the NFL. Picked on an