Wednesday, January 15, 2014

1-15-14 The Answer Sheet

The Answer Sheet:

A case study in misconceived urban school reform
School reformers are looking at a plan being considered in Kansas City, Missouri, to dismantle the school system as the wave of the future for urban districts. This plan calls for the creation of a collection of schools that will each by run by non-profit organizations under a new central authority, all  conceived under the […]    

The kids aren’t all right — an infographic
(Produced by Healthcare Administration Degree Programs)    

A creepy letter school sent to parents
This is an actual letter sent to parents from a school in Georgia. The parent who provided it asked to remain anonymous, along with the school — but administrators know who they are.   Real GA school letter threatens to hold back kids if parents don’t teach test taking strategies at home. #UniteBlue — […]    

1-14-14 The Answer Sheet
The Answer Sheet: And now, the Bunkum Awards (you wouldn’t want to win)We just watched the Golden Globe Awards, and now we have the Bunkum Awards. The Bunkum Awards? Presented by the National Education Policy Center, which brings together interdisciplinary scholars at the University of Colorado, Boulder, these awards are given for what the presenters say is “shoddy” educational research, “work bas