Wednesday, July 26, 2023



In a move that has left book lovers across the state of Texas reeling, Governor Greg Abbott has signed into law the Restricting Explicit and Adult-Designated Educational Resources Act (READER Act). While the name might suggest that this is simply a tool to help educators choose appropriate reading material for their students, the reality is far more sinister. In fact, the READER Act is nothing more than a thinly-veiled attempt to ban books that deal with sexual content from Texas schools.

Under the new law, all book vendors who sell to Texas public schools are required to rate books based on the presence of sexual content. Books that are rated as "sexually explicit" are prohibited from being sold to schools, while those that are rated as "sexually relevant" can only be sold with parental permission. While this might sound reasonable on the surface, the devil is in the details.

Critics of the law, including booksellers, publishers, and librarians, argue that it is overly broad and violates free speech. A group of them filed a federal lawsuit seeking to block the law from taking effect. The lawsuit argues that the law is unconstitutionally vague because it does not define what constitutes "sexually explicit" or "sexually relevant" material. It also argues that the law violates the First Amendment by restricting the free speech rights of booksellers and publishers.

While the lawsuit is pending in federal court, the public has not been shy about expressing their own opinions on the matter. Some have argued that the law is an attempt to censor books that deal with LGBTQ+ issues. Others have argued that it is unnecessary and that parents should be able to decide for themselves what books their children read.

But let's be real here - this isn't about protecting children from inappropriate content. This is about politicians trying to score points with their conservative base by pandering to their fear of anything remotely sexual. It's like they've never heard of sex education or something.

And let's not forget that this is just one example of a growing trend of book banning in the United States. It seems like every other week there's some school or library trying to ban a book because it deals with race, religion, or politics. It's like we're living in some kind of dystopian society where knowledge is only allowed if it fits within a narrow set of parameters.

But fear not, dear readers! There are still plenty of ways to get your hands on all the sexy, scandalous books you could ever want. Just head on over to your local independent bookstore and ask for their "banned book" section. You might be surprised at what you find there.

In conclusion, while the READER Act might seem like a harmless attempt to protect children from inappropriate content, it is anything but. It's just another attempt by politicians to control what we read and think. But as long as we keep fighting for our right to read whatever we damn well please, they'll never be able to silence us. So go forth, my fellow book lovers, and read on!

Texas book ban: Federal lawsuit takes aim at sexual content ratings 

Federal lawsuit seeks to block Texas book ban over sexual content ratings | News Channel 3-12