Wednesday, July 26, 2023



Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to face the music and accept the hilarious reality that AI is taking over our jobs. Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI and the creator of ChatGPT, has confirmed what we already knew deep down inside: some jobs are "definitely going to go away" due to the rise of AI. But fear not, my fellow humans, for new jobs will be created. Unfortunately, not all displaced workers will benefit. Oopsie!

In an interview with the Economic Times, Altman said that "every tech revolution leads to job change." No kidding, Sherlock! We didn't need a genius to tell us that. But he did point to the Industrial Revolution as an example, noting that many jobs were lost when machines replaced manual labor. However, he also said that new jobs were created, such as engineers and factory managers. Well, whoop-de-doo! I'm sure the coal miners who lost their jobs were thrilled to hear that they could become factory managers. 

Altman believes that the same thing will happen with AI. He said that "some jobs are going to go away. There will be new, better jobs that are difficult to imagine today." Oh boy, I can't wait to see what those new, better jobs will be! Will I get to be a robot's personal assistant? Or maybe a self-driving car's GPS system? The possibilities are endless! 

But wait, there's more! Altman also warned that "the thing that might be different about this is the speed at which this could happen." Oh great, just what we needed - a faster way to lose our jobs! He said that governments and businesses need to start thinking about how to prepare for the job losses that AI will cause. Yeah, good luck with that one. I'm sure our government will get right on it after they finish arguing about which bathroom people should use.

Altman's comments are in line with the findings of a number of studies that have predicted that AI will lead to significant job losses in the coming decades. A study by McKinsey Global Institute found that up to 800 million jobs could be lost to automation by 2030. However, the study also found that 950 million new jobs could be created, for a net gain of 150 million jobs. Wow, what a relief! I was really worried there for a second. 

The challenge will be to ensure that the new jobs are created in a way that benefits everyone, not just the wealthy and powerful. Governments and businesses need to start thinking about how to retrain and redeploy displaced workers, and how to create a more equitable society in which everyone can benefit from the fruits of technological progress. Yeah, good luck with that one again. I'm sure our government will get right on it after they finish arguing about which Twitter account to ban.

In conclusion, my fellow humans, it's time to bendover and kiss our jobs goodbye. But let's not forget to laugh along the way. After all, if we can't laugh at ourselves for being replaced by machines, what can we laugh at? So go ahead and make some robot jokes, because soon enough they'll be the ones making fun of us.

ChatGPT creator says AI advocates are fooling themselves if they think the technology is only going to be good for workers: 'Jobs are definitely going to go away' via @YahooFinance 

ChatGPT creator Sam Altman says jobs will go away because of AI, it will not just be a supplement for humans - India Today 

ChatGPT Creator Sam Altman Says 'Jobs Are Definitely Going to Go Away'