Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Oakland Teachers Strike Day 4: Negotiations at a Standstill, but the Picketing Continues!


Oakland Teachers Strike Day 4: Negotiations at a Standstill, but the Picketing Continues!

It's Day 4 of the Oakland teachers strike, and the negotiations between the Oakland School District and its teachers are still at a standstill. The teachers are asking for what are called "common good goals" in their contracts, which revolve around resources for students in need. But it seems like the district is only interested in bargaining over wages and working conditions.

Meanwhile, 3,000 members of the Oakland Education Association are picketing outside schools, asking for better pay, more resources for students, and better working environments. And they're not backing down anytime soon.

The district has offered a historic pay raise totaling around $70 million, which gives teachers up to a 22 percent pay raise and a $5,000 bonus. But the group said it really wants resources for unhoused students, including places for them to stay.

This is all happening just two weeks before summer vacation and impacting almost 35,000 kids. And it's not just the students who are affected. Parents and the entire community of Oakland are feeling the ripple effects of this fight.

The School District's board president Mike Hutchinson said he hopes an agreement is made before the district has to decide to extend the school year or call an early end to it. But it seems like both sides are standing firm in their views.

Teachers are saying the district is bargaining in bad faith, while the District is saying it has given a good offer. It's a classic case of he said, she said. But one thing is for sure: this fight is a domino effect that hits everyone.

The teachers are fighting for what they believe is right, and they're not going to give up until they get it. They're not just fighting for themselves; they're fighting for the students who need those resources and support.

And let's be real, teachers deserve better pay and better working conditions. They're the ones who are shaping the minds of the next generation, and they should be compensated accordingly.

So let's hope that the negotiations start moving forward, and an agreement is made soon. In the meantime, let's support our teachers and show them that we appreciate everything they do for our kids. After all, they're the ones who are shaping the future.

Big Education Ape: NOT QUITE A CIRCLE JERK: OAKLAND STRIKE DAY 3 http://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2023/05/not-quite-circle-jerk-oakland-strike.html

Big Education Ape: Common Good Demands Take Center Stage in Oakland Teacher Strike Negotiations http://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2023/05/common-good-demands-take-center-stage.html

Big Education Ape: Oakland Teachers on Strike DAY 2: Fighting for Better Pay and Services, Billionaires Fight for Profitable Charter Schools http://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2023/05/oakland-teachers-on-strike-day-2.html

Big Education Ape: Oakland Teachers Strike Again, Demand Better Pay and Protection from Billionaires Hellbent on Destroying Public Education! http://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2023/05/oakland-teachers-strike-again-demand.html