Sunday, January 3, 2021


 Big Education Ape


COVID and Schools: The Data and Science Then and Now | Cloaking Inequity - via @ProfessorJVH

Teachers start getting coronavirus vaccines -- but only in some places - The Washington Post -

Newsom offers $2 billion plan to bring back in-person instruction – Daily Democrat -

Covid-19 Live News: Confusion and Shortages Impede Some U.S. Vaccination Campaigns - The New York Times -

Two Teachers Reflect On Lessons Learned Amid The Pandemic : NPR - on @NPR

Sunday’s Must-Read Articles & Must-Watch Videos On School Reopenings | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - on @Larryferlazzo

Plunging enrollment hits Los Angeles Catholic schools - Los Angeles Times -

How D.C. and its teachers, with shifting plans and demands, failed to reopen schools

Disney, Pixar and Netflix are teaching your children the wrong messages about pain | -

The year that was: 2020 blew up the bathroom via @nondocmedia

Trump Plans to Keep Fighting Even After Congress Certifies Electoral College Votes | Diane Ravitch's blog - via @dianeravitch

Broadway Stars: “Georgia on My Mind” | Diane Ravitch's blog - via @dianeravitch

Breaking News: Trump Called Georgia Secretary of State and Pressured Him to Change State Vote | Diane Ravitch's blog - via @dianeravitch

Sunday, December 27, 2020 CATCH UP WITH CURMUDGUCATION + ICYMI: So I Guess This Is A New Year Edition (1/3)
CURMUDGUCATION: ICYMI: So I Guess This Is A New Year Edition (1/3) So I Guess This Is A New Year Edition I'm not sure I've ever felt less enamored of our habit of celebrating the passing of an arbitrary line in the sand that we drew ourselves, but it's not the most terrible human activity, either, so carry on. Also cross your fingers and say a prayer for everyone going back to school tomorrow. In
Big Education Ape THE TOP BANANA TODAY'S EDUCATION HEADLINES COVID and Schools: The Data and Science Then and Now | Cloaking Inequity - via @ProfessorJVH Teachers start getting coronavirus vaccines -- but only in some places - The Washington Post - Newsom offers $2 billion plan to bring bac
Americans’ Secular Faith in Schooling (Part 1) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
Americans’ Secular Faith in Schooling (Part 1) I have completed a draft of my next book called “Confessions of a School Reformer.” The first part of the Introduction to the book follows. Just see wherever we peer into the first tiny springs of the national life, how this true panacea for all of the ills of the body politic bubbles forth—education, education, education. Andrew Carnegie, 1886 [i]
Teachers start getting coronavirus vaccines -- but only in some places - The Washington Post
When will teachers get vaccinated? Some already have — but most are nervously waiting A small number of teachers and school nurses in a few states have been vaccinated against the coronavirus, but most are still waiting amid a stumbling rollout of the vaccine across the country. Even as a new, highly contagious strain of the coronavirus has been confirmed in some U.S. states and a few thousand p
The New York Times Should Add a Former Teacher to Its Editorial Board | Diane Ravitch's blog
The New York Times Should Add a Former Teacher to Its Editorial Board The New York Times published an editorial correctly blasting Betsy DeVos as the worst Secretary of Education in the 40-year history of the Department of Education. Unfortunately, the balance of the editorial was a plea to administer tests to find out how far the nation’s children had fallen behind because of the pandemic. This
Treehouse teaching and laundry art: Educators find creative ways to reach kids - The Washington Post
Treehouse teaching and laundry art: Educators find creative ways to reach kids The year 2020 was tough for everyone — and unprecedented for the U.S. educational system, which was forced to go online overnight, with innumerable glitches at the start and long-term consequences that are still becoming clear. But while school districts grappled with health metrics and decisions to open or close buil
A Warning: Who Is Paying for Your State’s Civics Courses? | Diane Ravitch's blog
A Warning: Who Is Paying for Your State’s Civics Courses? If you have a few minutes to do some research, you might wonder about the connections among these three links: First is from the extreme rightwing group called the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), funded by DeVos, Charles Koch, and major corporations. ALEC has 2,000 members who are state legislators. They get a free trip ever
A VERY BUSY DAY Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... The latest news and resources in education since 2007
Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... | The latest news and resources in education since 2007 Big Education Ape: THIS WEEK IN EDUCATION Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... The latest news and resources in education since 2007 - ‘I No Longer Give Grades on Student Writing Assignments, and It’s the Best T
Education Matters: Greene and the school boards silence is deafening
Greene and the school boards silence is deafening The pandemic is out of control as staff and students are about to return, and all we get is silence from the superintendent. Veteran teachers are about to get a pay cut and the school board a raise, and they have been silent on that as well. The district is pushing more children and staff back into schools without commenting on how both will be k
NYC Educator: What Is De Blasio Waiting For?
What Is De Blasio Waiting For? School buildings open tomorrow, despite an explosion of COVID in Fun City. You look at this and you have to ask yourself why exactly it's so important. There are a number of possibilities. The most obvious is that the upper middle class white community has leaned on him to keep schools open. I am, frankly, shocked at some of the people who have clamored for buildin
CURMUDGUCATION: The New York Times Adds One Plus One And Gets Three
The New York Times Adds One Plus One And Gets Three You might have been excited yesterday if you saw a New York Times editorial board headline talking about " The Wreckage Betsy DeVos Leaves Behind " and thought that maybe, for a change, the greyest lady was going to stands up for public education. But then you read it. Sigh. There is much that they get right. They open by noting that the depart
John Thompson: What Teachers Should Do When Schools Re-Open | Diane Ravitch's blog
John Thompson: What Teachers Should Do When Schools Re-Open John Thompson, historian and retired teacher in Oklahoma, followed the debate about what to do “after COVID,” and he shares his wisdom here. I’ve been wrestling with two quandaries regarding post-COVID schools. Yes, in the short-run, the tactical use of digital technology has been prioritized, but the longer term priority must be human-
Will they close school buildings in NYC in January? | JD2718
Will they close school buildings in NYC in January? There are so many issues with the QUESTION! Schools are open – the question is about the buildings Notice “school buildings”? That’s because our schools have remained open, and will remain open, for remote instruction. High Schools and Middle Schools are open – but those buildings are closed and will remain closed. Also, high school and middle
Isaac Asimov, January 2, 1920 | Live Long and Prosper
Isaac Asimov, January 2, 1920 On the occasion of Isaac Asimov’s 101st birthday, I offer some quotes relevant to today’s political and cultural environment. ON IGNORANCE A Cult of Ignorance , by Isaac Asimov. Newsweek, January 21, 1980 It’s hard to quarrel with that ancient justification of the free press: “America’s right to know.” It seems almost cruel to ask, ingenuously, ”America’s right to k


TOP POSTS THIS WEEK 1/2/21 #REDFORED #tbats #COVID-19 #TOPBANANAHEADLINES #edsec #newyear #BestOf2020
Big Education Ape TOP POSTS THIS WEEK 1/2/21 ‘Slaying Goliath’: Diane Ravitch argues in new book that public education advocates have beat back efforts to privatize schools - The Washington Post The real story of New Orleans and its charter schools - The Washington Post THE TOP 

 Big Education Ape