Saturday, September 5, 2020

NYCDoE Denies Medical Accommodations for Serious Risk Factors | JD2718

NYCDoE Denies Medical Accommodations for Serious Risk Factors | JD2718

NYCDoE Denies Medical Accommodations for Serious Risk Factors

Unconfirmed – but likely true.
Update – they denied MOST, not all
It appears that the New York City Department of Education has denied every request most requests for accommodation by a school nurse – even those with serious risk factors (eg. immunocompromised) and multiple risk factors.
The DoE needs nurses in every building to open.
The drive to open is folly. Political folly. de Blasio’s political folly. The only big school system in the country to open. Whether or not it is safe. Whether or not it is possible. And as the DoE finds obstacles, which they have and they will, since it is not time to open, they dump the problems on principals, or they ignore them, or they come to some horrible compromise with the UFT (insert reference to “instructional lunch” here.)
One big obstacle de Blasio faced was not enough nurses. We were 400 nurses short earlier in the summer. They promised to hire them. Mulgrew said schools would not open without them. But I do not think any have been hired. This will be an issue Tuesday. It will be a far larger issue September 21. The CONTINUE READING: NYCDoE Denies Medical Accommodations for Serious Risk Factors | JD2718