Saturday, September 5, 2020

Breaking! Federal Judge Rejects DeVos’ Efforts to Give Federal Funding to Private Schools | Diane Ravitch's blog

Breaking! Federal Judge Rejects DeVos’ Efforts to Give Federal Funding to Private Schools | Diane Ravitch's blog

Breaking! Federal Judge Rejects DeVos’ Efforts to Give Federal Funding to Private Schools

Secretary of Education DeVos issued a rule requiring states to share coronavirus relief funds with private schools, irrespective of need or low-income status.
News from the NAACP, the Education Law Center, and the Southern Poverty Law Center:
September 4, 2020
Contacts: Ashley Levett, (334) 296-0084 /
Sharon Krengel, (973) 624-1815, x24 /
Parents, Districts, and NAACP Win Major Victory as Federal Court Blocks
Illegal DeVos Rule Nationwide
WASHINGTON D C – Late this afternoon the U S District Court for the District of Columbia
Judge Friedrich wrote: “Congress expressed a clear and unambiguous preference for apportioning funding to private schools based on the number of children from low-income families…” The court continued: “Contrary to the Department’s interim final rule, that cannot mean the opposite of what it says.”….The court ruled in favor of the plaintiffs in NAACP v. DeVos, striking down a rule that imposes unlawful conditions on federal emergency aid for public schools. Judge Dabney L. Friedrich ruled that Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and the U.S. Department of Education violated the clear language of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act in issuing a regulation that would illegally divert desperately needed funds away from public school students for the benefit of private schools.
“This decision sends a clear signal that Secretary DeVos cannot use illegal means to advance her agenda of funneling scarce public resources to private education, to the detriment of our highest need students in public schools across the country,” said Tamerlin Godley, a partner at Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP, who argued the plaintiffs’ motion for partial summary judgment. “We are particularly grateful that the court issued this decision quickly so that public school districts do not lose any CONTINUE READING: Breaking! Federal Judge Rejects DeVos’ Efforts to Give Federal Funding to Private Schools | Diane Ravitch's blog