Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Harvard Propaganda Supports Mind Trust Madness | tultican

Harvard Propaganda Supports Mind Trust Madness | tultican

Harvard Propaganda Supports Mind Trust Madness

By Thomas Ultican 2/4/2020
Ivy League schools are losing their luster to the stranglehold of billionaire money. The Program on Education Policy and Governance at the Harvard Kennedy School produces Education Next. It is not the kind of objective journal expected from an academic institution. Influenced by super-wealthy people like Bill Gates and the Walton family, Education Next’s reform ideology undermines democratic control of public schools. It promotes public school privatization with charter schools and vouchers. The contributors to their blog include Chester E. Finn, Jay P. Greene, Eric Hanushek, Paul Hill, Michael Horn, Robin J. Lake and Michael Petrilli. Robin Lake’s new article The Hoosier Way; Good choices for all in Indianapolis” is an all too common example of Education Next’s biased publishing.

The Propaganda Source

The portfolio model was a response to John Chubb’s and Terry Moe’s 1990 book, Politics, Markets, and America’s Schools, which claimed that poor academic performance was “one of the prices Americans pay for choosing to exercise direct democratic control over their schools.” It is interesting that the late John Chubb was a committed conservative living in Charles Koch’s hometown of Wichita, Kansas. His widow, Angela Kennedy-Toon, still lives there and is a Managing Partner at an Ed Tech company. Her company profile lists Angela’s close education follows as Chester Finn, Michael Horn, Frederick Hess, Wendy Kopp and Jeanne Allen.
It was a social scientist Paul Hill who developed the portfolio model of school management.
Paul Hill studied political science at Seattle University then completed a Masters in political science at Ohio State in 1966. With the election of Richard Nixon in CONTINUE READING: Harvard Propaganda Supports Mind Trust Madness | tultican