Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Graduation Requirements: Should We Move the Bar Upwards? | Ed In The Apple

Graduation Requirements: Should We Move the Bar Upwards? | Ed In The Apple

Graduation Requirements: Should We Move the Bar Upwards?

Occasionally at the end of a class when a kid was leaving room s/he would say, “Gee Mr. G; that was really hard.” I smiled; I knew I was doing my job.
I knew if students came to my class every day, and stayed engaged, the Regents Examination would be a breeze.  In my first period class I would bring a box of donut holes, enough for half the class, first come, first served: I had surprisingly good attendance at 8 am.
The Board of Regents (BOR) and the New York State Department of Education (NYSED) are engaged in a lengthy review of high school graduation requirements, called Graduation Measures: view the webpage here.
Regional Meetings will be held across the state from now until April, see the date, time and location of the meetings here.
The format of the meetings will be tables of attendees, facilitated by the host district, discussing five questions. Read a thorough description of the process here,