Saturday, December 28, 2019

Using Students with Severe Special Education Needs As Lab Rats In An Education “Reform” Experiment

Using Students with Severe Special Education Needs As Lab Rats In An Education “Reform” Experiment

Using Students with Severe Special Education Needs As Lab Rats In An Education “Reform” Experiment

Outcome 7 – Part 1: Reduce the number of students with moderate to severe disabilities ages 6-18 at special education centers by a total of 33% over three years.”– Chanda Smith Modified Consent Decree

Nick Melvoin justifies his plans to force a school serving students with severe special education needs from the Fairfax High School campus by claiming that these students “had already been displaced from their home school which is on the west side of LA.”  With this argument, the Los Angeles Unified School District Board Member is either making another attempt to rewrite reality or is ignorant of the function of Career and Transition Centers (CTCs). These schools serve young adults who have already culminated from high school and do not have a “home school.” Instead, they attend regionalized schools like CTC West that were established to fulfill the District’s legal obligation to provide vocational and life skills training until students with severe disabilities reach the age of 22.
Whether in an attempt to purposefully deceive or due to a lack of understanding of the subject, Melvoin seems to be confusing CTCs with the Special Education Centers that education “reformers” have been attacking for years. These specially designed centers serve CONTINUE READING: Using Students with Severe Special Education Needs As Lab Rats In An Education “Reform” Experiment