Saturday, December 28, 2019

Congratulations! | The Merrow Report

Congratulations! | The Merrow Report

I recently hired a high tech data-crunching firm to analyze my 5,000 person mailing list. Their task was to divide my list into three groups based on their disposable income: “Significant,” “Reasonable,” and “Negligible.”
Lucky you!  You are in the “Significant” category!  Happily for all concerned, this news comes during ‘The Giving Season,’ meaning that you can help others while helping yourself (because charitable donations are tax-deductible).
To cut to the chase: Below are links to some worthy organizations.  (Not surprisingly, many have a connection to education.)
  1.  If you want to help education reporters do a better job: CONTINUE READING: Congratulations! | The Merrow Report