Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Organizations with the Audacity to Blame Teachers for Poor NAEP Reading Scores!

Organizations with the Audacity to Blame Teachers for Poor NAEP Reading Scores!

Organizations with the Audacity to Blame Teachers for Poor NAEP Reading Scores!

The latest “criticize teachers for not teaching the ‘science’ of reading” can be found in “Schools Should Follow the ‘Science of Reading,’ say National Education Groups” in the Gates funded Education Week. 
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funds most of the organizations in this report that criticize public schools and teachers for low NAEP scores. Yet they are behind the Common Core State Standards, which appear to be an abysmal failure.
Most individuals and groups never teach children themselves, but they create policies that affect how and what teachers are forced to teach. They have always been about privatizing public education.
Reading instruction is the conduit for corporate school reformers to reach their privatization goals. Reading has always been one of the most important functions of a public school.
Here are the organizations blaming schools.
This group put Common Core State Standards in place in 2010, ten years ago.
How can they blame teachers and public schools for reading failure? Most teachers have worked fearfully towards these standards. CONTINUE READING: Organizations with the Audacity to Blame Teachers for Poor NAEP Reading Scores!