Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Campbell Brown’s “The 74” Does Not Like Elizabeth Warren | Diane Ravitch's blog

Campbell Brown’s “The 74” Does Not Like Elizabeth Warren | Diane Ravitch's blog

Campbell Brown’s “The 74” Does Not Like Elizabeth Warren

Campbell Brown was a CNN anchor. Then she became the new face of the Education Disruption movement after the disappearance of Michelle Rhee. Brown advocated for charters and vouchers and she opposed teachers’ unions and teacher tenure. She claimed in various articles in the New York City press that the schools were overrun by teachers who were sexual predators, protected by the union. She created a news site called “The 74” to express her views; it was funded by the usual cast of billionaires (Walton, Bloomberg, Gates, Broad, etc.). She is anti-public school, anti-union, anti-tenure and pro-privatization. When Betsy DeVos was chosen as Secretary of Education, Campbell Brown acknowledged that she was a personal friend and that Betsy funded “The 74,” while Brown served on the board of Betsy’s pro-voucher American Federation for Children.
Those with a longish memory might recall that Brown started the “Partnership for Educational Justice” to file court cases in several states in an effort to destroy teacher tenure–a copycat of the Vergara lawsuit in CONTINUE READING: Campbell Brown’s “The 74” Does Not Like Elizabeth Warren | Diane Ravitch's blog