Monday, September 2, 2019

What are 2020 candidates saying about labor unions? - Education Votes

What are 2020 candidates saying about labor unions? - Education Votes

What are 2020 candidates saying about labor unions?

By Amanda Menas
Even on Labor Day, the National Education Association is focused on preparing its members for the major role they will play in the 2020 election. NEA’s 3 million members are directly impacted by state and federal labor laws that affect their rights to advocate for their profession and their students.
Some candidates offer specific policies to support union membership, while others express their support more broadlyThere is a divide between candidates on whether union workers will stay on their healthcare plans or move into a public option.
But whether they are debating safety, pay, health insurance, or retirement, all candidates agree that union organizing has helped create the American middle class and are willing to fight for it.
In their own words:

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