Monday, September 2, 2019

The Past and Future of Labor Unions: An Interview with Stephen Greenhouse | Diane Ravitch's blog

The Past and Future of Labor Unions: An Interview with Stephen Greenhouse | Diane Ravitch's blog

The Past and Future of Labor Unions: An Interview with Stephen Greenhouse

Stephen Greenhouse was the labor reporter for the New York Times for 19 years.
In this interview with the California-based Capital & Main, Greenhouse reviews the history of the labor movement, the role it played in building a middle class, and its decline. He goes on to describe strong portents of a revival of power for working people.
Greenhouse has written a new book about the labor movement and why it matters. The book is titled Beaten Down, Worked Up: The Past, Present and Future of American Labor.
He said,
One of the reasons I wrote this book is that there’s a phenomenon that far too few Americans understand. Worker power in the United States, not just union power, but worker power overall, has fallen to its lowest level, certainly since World War II and probably since the Great CONTINUE READING: The Past and Future of Labor Unions: An Interview with Stephen Greenhouse | Diane Ravitch's blog