Thursday, September 19, 2019

The California city where students with disabilities are 'segregated' | US news | The Guardian

The California city where students with disabilities are 'segregated' | US news | The Guardian

The California city where students with disabilities are 'segregated'

Stephen’s teachers started sending him to the separate room when he was in first grade.
Now 10, Stephen has been diagnosed with autism and anxiety. His mom said that when he got frustrated and behaved in ways teachers found disruptive – breaking pencils, blurting out or crumpling paper – educators swiftly removed him from the classroom, sending him to a room where he would sit the rest of the day without access to school work.
Sometimes the school simply sent him home for the day – it happened more than 80 times by the time Stephen reached fifth grade, his mom said. Eventually, school staff started urging his mom to agree to place Stephen in a separate classes exclusively for students with disabilities where they said he’d be “happier”. His mom believes Stephen’s race makes him a target. Students called him CONTINUE READING: The California city where students with disabilities are 'segregated' | US news | The Guardian