Thursday, September 19, 2019

Petition · Investigate Nick Melvoin ·

Petition · Investigate Nick Melvoin ·

 Investigate Nick Melvoin
A California Public Records Act (CPRA) request of past emails shows that in February 2018, Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD ) Board Member Nick Melvoin attended a meeting identified as 'Facilities Proposal Meeting' with the California Charter Schools Association (CCSA). At that meeting, emails indicate that Nick Melvoin shared confidential legal information pertaining to the LAUSD school board with the opposing party suing the district—the California Charter Schools Association (CCSA). As an elected official of our LAUSD School Board, Mr. Melvoin took an oath to represent the interests of all of the students in his district (LAUSD District 4)‚ not just the students attending charter schools.
Due to this serious breach, we the undersigned parents, teachers and members of the public demand the following actions:
1 -- a full investigation into Nick Melvoin’s communication with CCSA, which we believe is unethical and potentially illegal;
2 -- that Mr. Melvoin not act as a voting member of the board until this investigation is resolved;
3 -- that all measures put forward by Nick Melvoin be tabled until the conclusion of this investigation, to insure that he was acting in good faith;
4 -- pending investigation, the school board should not adopt any measure that Nick Melvoin has introduced unless he has been cleared of any wrongdoing.

Nick Melvoin’s unprofessional and potentially unethical behavior is the sort of thing that erodes public and parent trust in our LAUSD Board. After the Deasy scandal, the secret backroom deal to hire Beutner, and the delayed resignation of indicted and convicted felon Ref Rodriguez, The LAUSD Board of Education cannot afford any more corruption. We will be reporting Mr. Melvoin to the City Attorney and the State Bar Association.
The Board must act now.