Friday, August 23, 2019

The Utility of Student Perception Surveys to Give Teachers Feedback : An Introduction to the My Teacher Questionnaire | VAMboozled!

The Utility of Student Perception Surveys to Give Teachers Feedback : An Introduction to the My Teacher Questionnaire | VAMboozled!

The Utility of Student Perception Surveys to Give Teachers Feedback : An Introduction to the My Teacher Questionnaire

This is another guest post for the followers of this blog.
In short, Rikkert van der Lans of the University of Groningen’s Department of Teacher Education, emailed me a few months ago about an article I published with one of my PhD students titled “Student perception surveys for K-12 teacher evaluation in the United States: A survey of surveys.” In this piece, he was interested in our review of the “many untested [student] questionnaires that are applied by schools [to evaluate teachers],” and “thought [I] might also be interested [in his and his colleagues’] work around the ‘My Teacher’ questionnaire.” Apparently, it has been applied globally across 15 different countries and, importantly, not only given it is research-based but also researched with psychometric characteristics actually warranting its use. Hence, I asked him to write a guest post, particularly for those of you who, post the U.S.’s passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA; see prior posts about ESSA here and here), are looking to implement a researched/validated instrument for student evaluation purposes. Below is his post.
Thank you Audrey Amrein-Beardsley for inviting me to write this blog post. I live in the Netherlands and despite living across the Atlantic, I recognize many of the issues identified by you and your coauthor with student surveys, including their increased use, their novelty, and the small knowledge base about how to use them (reliably and validly). In my writing, I mentioned our own validated survey: the “My Teacher” questionnaire (MTQ) which currently is in use in 15 countries,1 with English and Spanish2 versions also having been developed.
In many ways, the MTQ is similar to other survey instruments, which is a good thing but not much of a selling point. So, let me introduce some evidence of validity unique to the MTQ and related to the topics (1) formative feedback and (2) use of multiple measures. Unique to the MTQ is the evidence in support of an interpretation of scores in terms of teachers’ stage of development (for details see these publications 345). I have myself used the MTQ to give feedback (face-to-face) with over 200 teachers, and what they CONTINUE READING: The Utility of Student Perception Surveys to Give Teachers Feedback : An Introduction to the My Teacher Questionnaire | VAMboozled!