Friday, August 23, 2019

Free Kids From 180 Days Of Stress | Real Learning CT

Free Kids From 180 Days Of Stress | Real Learning CT

Free Kids From 180 Days Of Stress

A recent article in The New York Times claims that our children and adolescents are under great stress because we, as a society, have given up on childhood. While economic, racial, and familial factors contribute to that stress, the education given to our children and adolescents every school day through the application of the Common Core Standards can be a major stress as well. That stress occurs because those standards were created without addressing the cognitive, psychological, and social development of children and adolescents.
We need to investigate how mandating standards that are not based on the needs of  children and adolescents contributes to their stress.
1. Could it be that making kindergarten “the new first grade” is part of the problem?
2. Could it be that focusing on teaching kindergarteners skills to make them “college and career ready” instead of helping them to learn through play and by using their imagination is part of the problem?
3. Could it be that mastering 90 discrete skills in kindergarten instead of learning through active exploration and hands-on play-based learning is part CONTINUE READING: Free Kids From 180 Days Of Stress | Real Learning CT