Friday, May 3, 2019

Three Chicago Charter Schools on Strike. Three. | deutsch29

Three Chicago Charter Schools on Strike. Three. | deutsch29

Three Chicago Charter Schools on Strike. Three.

Market-based ed reform is likely in shock today.
Teachers at three Chicago-based charter schools went on strike. Not one school (which is bad enough for corporate ed reform True Believers). Three. I could have been five charter schools, but teachers at two schools struck deals prior to striking.
According to idealized market-based ed reform, the CEO is supposed to be the one with the power, and collective bargaining should not exist. The charter school CEO calls the shots, and if the teachers don’t like it, they can either suck it up or leave.
Ahh, but that dastardly unionizing– it threatens the concetration of power with a CEO. If those teachers each take their bits of power and combine those bits, then the poor CEOs will have to do what market-based ed reform promises powerful CEOs what they should never have to do:
Unionized educators halted classes and hit picket lines at three Chicago schools Thursday morning, as part of a coordinated strike that marks the latest phase in a citywide wave of labor unrest at taxpayer-funded campuses.
Workers affiliated with the Chicago Teachers Union called a strike as of 5 p.m. Wednesday, though one negotiating team huddled early into CONTINUE READING: Three Chicago Charter Schools on Strike. Three. | deutsch29