Friday, May 3, 2019

The Best School Innovation Would Be More People | gadflyonthewallblog

The Best School Innovation Would Be More People | gadflyonthewallblog

The Best School Innovation Would Be More People

Public schools thrive on innovation.
In nearly every classroom around the country you’ll find teachers discovering new ways to reach students and foster skills, understanding and creativity.
But if you pan out to the macro level, the overwhelming majority of innovations aren’t organic. They’re imposed on us by bureaucrats and functionaries from outside the classroom:
And each and every one of them is pure bullshit.
They are corporate schemes written by the wealthy to cash in on education dollars for themselves. Big business hands them out to their paid political lapdogs to push through our state and federal legislatures to become laws and policies the rest of us have to obey.
They have nothing to do with helping students learn. Their purpose is to boost profits.
Just look at the difference between the ways the word innovation is defined.
Merriam Webster says the word signifies “the introduction of CONTINUE READING: The Best School Innovation Would Be More People | gadflyonthewallblog