Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Trump’s Education Budget Pushes Forward Education Industrialization | Metro Center Blog

Trump’s Education Budget Pushes Forward Education Industrialization | Metro Center Blog:

Trump’s Education Budget Pushes Forward Education Industrialization

Image result for kids on a conveyor belt

Recently a short clip of a young Black child naming a supposed Donald Trump, “a disgrace to the world”, has gone viral. Trump has of course branded it as “fake news” because the Trump in the video was actually an impersonator from a show called “The President.”
But the message is still clear.
Young Black children and many children generally, are completely in tune with the disaster of our government that is Donald Trump. His hatred, misogyny, racism, insensitivity, divisiveness, and outright disgusting beliefs, practices, and policies are portrayed in the exact light that he presents them: with (cringeworthy) clarity and honesty. So, though the person in this video was not actually Donald Trump, he was a representation of the 45, and this young girls reaction was undoubtedly representative of the feelings of millions of children, especially those directly attacked by his administration, all across the world.
His disdain for the working class and issues affecting the vast majority of this country was perhaps most on display with his pick for Secretary of Education. Betsy DeVos, grand contributor of the Republican Party and staunch anti-public education advocate is the single most under-qualified cabinet member.
With the release of the education budget, Ms. DeVos and her counterpart Trump have brought this viral video and the sentiment it represents to life.
The education budget privatization agenda presented as a budget cuts nearly 15% of the total education budget and features deep cuts to programs meant to aid poor and working class families. Some 22 programs are eliminated, including after-school programs, teacher trainings, programs for gifted students, international education, arts education and nearly anything good and enriching for students and especially students of color or from low-income families. The budget does however, increase charter school funding by 50% to over $500 million, as well as introduce a Trump’s Education Budget Pushes Forward Education Industrialization | Metro Center Blog: