Tuesday, May 23, 2017

CURMUDGUCATION: Religious Voucher Schools

CURMUDGUCATION: Religious Voucher Schools:

Religious Voucher Schools
Image result for big education ape devos religious vouchers

Like everyone else in the education universe, I was talking vouchers on line, and in the midst of a conversation, this tweet popped up: 

Remember that question, because it's going to be part of how this debate is framed-- mean old flat-Earth public education advocates trying to deny poor families their choices. This carefully constructed question gets one things right, and several things wrong, all worth remembering in the days ahead:

Vouchers are about private religious schools.

Where vouchers have been put into effect, the effect has been to funnel all sorts of public money into religious school coffers. Take a look at this piece from Jersey Jazzman's website. It breaks down exactly what schools are receiving voucher money, and in all cases, we're talking overwhelmingly about private religious schools. In Indiana, 97% of vouchers go to religious schools. In Milwaukee, 93% of vouchers go to religious schools. In Louisiana, 93% of vouchers go to religious schools (75% Roman Catholic).

So Petrilli is correct in making this about religious schools-- because vouchers are by and large about private religious schools. But everything else about his question is wrong.

Private Religious Schools Choose

There is no system that would allow poor families to choose religious schools. Well, I take that back
CURMUDGUCATION: Religious Voucher Schools:

Image result for big education ape devos religious vouchers