Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 2/7/17

Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 2/7/17

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DeVos confirmed. NPE will fight her agenda. - Network For Public Education

DIANE RAVITCH: Betsy DeVos Confirmed Despite Massive Protests - BillMoyers.com
Betsy DeVos Confirmed Despite Massive Protests - BillMoyers.com : Betsy DeVos Confirmed Despite Massive Protests Despite the insult DeVos represents to public education, her nomination did unite the organizations fighting against its privatization. This post originally appeared at DianeRavitch.net . The confirmation of Betsy DeVos as secretary of Education is an outrageous insult to the millions
DeVos foes promise to make her job hell - POLITICO
DeVos foes promise to make her job hell - POLITICO : DeVos foes promise to make her job hell The fight to derail DeVos, while unsuccessful, has united a wide variety of advocates. It was a fight to end confirmation fights — for an Education secretary, no less. And after all the protests and phone calls against Betsy DeVos culminated in an all-night Democratic vigil on the Senate floor, Vice Presi
CURMUDGUCATION: The New Friedrichs Anti-Union Case
CURMUDGUCATION: The New Friedrichs Anti-Union Case : The New Friedrichs Anti-Union Case Well, that didn't take long. The Center for Individual Rights has filed a lawsuit against the state of California and the California Teachers Association -- Yohn v. CTA. CIR is the same right-wing group that brought us the Friedrich's lawsuit , and this is basically the same suit with a new teacher used as a p
Who Defines Progressive in Education? - LA Progressive
Who Defines Progressive in Education? - LA Progressive : Who Defines Progressive in Education? LA School Board President Steve Zimmer W ant to make a Democrat furious when arguing a point on Civil Rights? Have a Republican claim that it was their party that was against slavery and cared the most about African Americans. Any intelligent high school sophomore would know how to refute that specious
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Has Been Confirmed; And the Resistance Has Too | I AM AN EDUCATOR
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Has Been Confirmed; And the Resistance Has Too | I AM AN EDUCATOR : Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Has Been Confirmed; And the Resistance Has Too Betsy DeVos–platinum card member of the 1% and leading corporate education reformer–was voted in today by the Senate as the next U.S. Secretary of Education. With the vote deadlocked at 50-50, Vice President Mike Pence,
Randi Weingarten on DeVos confirmation: 'A sad day for children' | TheHill
Teachers union on DeVos confirmation: 'A sad day for children' | TheHill : Teachers union on DeVos confirmation: 'A sad day for children' The president of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) is blasting Tuesday's Senate vote to confirm Betsy DeVos as secretary of Education, saying it is a “sad day for children." “If she wants to work with the educators who work hard every single day—in dist
The senators who opposed DeVos represent 36 million more people than her supporters do
The senators who opposed DeVos represent 36 million more people than her supporters do : The senators who opposed DeVos represent 36 million more people than her supporters do Democracy! The Senate barely confirmed Betsy DeVos, President Trump’s nominee to be the next Secretary of Education, on Tuesday. Senators split 50–50, with Vice President Pence casting the tie-breaking vote. DeVos attracted
DeVos confirmed. NPE will fight her agenda. - Network For Public Education
DeVos confirmed. NPE will fight her agenda. - Network For Public Education : DeVos confirmed. NPE will fight her agenda. Betsy DeVos was confirmed by the Senate this morning. Although we share your deep disappointment, we cannot become disheartened. Our nation’s children need us more than ever before. The opposition that you helped generate was so intense, that the Vice President had to step in t
DeVos Survives Confirmation Battle But Her Agenda May Not
DeVos Survives Confirmation Battle But Her Agenda May Not : DeVos Survives Confirmation Battle But Her Agenda May Not Hundreds of educators, parents, civil rights activists, and U.S. senators assembled across from the U.S. Capitol on Monday evening to urge “just one more” senator to stand up and cast the deciding ‘no’ vote on Betsy DeVos as U.S. Education Secretary. Coming on the eve of the confi
You inspire me. Thank you! - Lily's Blackboard
You inspire me. Thank you! - Lily's Blackboard : You inspire me. Thank you! Today I watched as the Vice President broke a tie vote to confirm Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education, ignoring the voices of over a million Americans. I am not deterred because of what we accomplished together. Betsy DeVos may be education secretary, but she has no mandate. In fact, she has the opposite because of you.
The Unprecedented Opposition to Betsy DeVos's Nomination - The Atlantic
The Unprecedented Opposition to Betsy DeVos's Nomination - The Atlantic : The Sensation Known as Betsy DeVos Never before has an education secretary aroused so much controversy. Could her confirmation be a boon for schools? A 40-second scene on Saturday Night Live this past weekend featuring Kate McKinnon as the beleaguered Betsy DeVos, now the nation’s education secretary, blew up almost instant
Get Woke Stay Woke Resistance Manual Get educated. Get organized. Take action.
Resistance Manual : Resistance Manual Home This is the approved revision of this page, as well as being the most recent. This is the approved revision of this page, as well as being the most recent. Dial tel:(844)-6-RESIST to tell Congress to support ACA and vote against Jeff Sessions. Action begins with information. There are more of us who believe in equity and justice than those who support Do
The DeVos Vote - Network For Public Education
The DeVos Vote - Network For Public Education : The DeVos Vote Below is a list of U.S. Senators and how they voted on the nomination of Betsy DeVos. You can search for your Senator, and click on their name to find their phone number. Give them a call and thank them for voting against her or let them know how you feel about their yes vote. Column visibility Copy CSV Excel PDF Print Show entries Se
NPE furious that DeVos was approved: Campaign to thwart privatization efforts begins - Network For Public Education
NPE furious that DeVos was approved: Campaign to thwart privatization efforts begins - Network For Public Education : NPE furious that DeVos was approved: Campaign to thwart privatization efforts begins The Network for Public Education furious over the approval of Betsy DeVos. Begins campaign to thwart any attempts to privatize schools. The Network for Public Education (NPE) announced its campaig
Audit finds Ed. Department mishandled school complaints :: SI&A Cabinet Report :: The Essential Resource for Superintendents and the Cabinet
Audit finds Ed. Department mishandled school complaints :: SI&A Cabinet Report :: The Essential Resource for Superintendents and the Cabinet : Audit finds Ed. Department mishandled school complaints (Calif.) Local educational agencies have failed to uniformly investigate complaints alleging violations of state or federal law, according to a new report from the California State Auditor’s office. I
Union 101: Making the Most of Membership - NEA Today
Union 101: Making the Most of Membership - NEA Today : Union 101: Making the Most of Membership It was early in Joseph Daily’s teaching career when he got married and started having kids. With more expenses, he was looking for ways to economize. He decided to drop his NEA membership to save on union dues, but he soon realized that not belonging came at a higher cost. Even without dues expenses, m
A professor's proposed Black History Month course for one student: President Donald Trump - The Hechinger Report
A professor's proposed Black History Month course for one student: President Donald Trump - The Hechinger Report : A professor’s proposed Black History Month course for one student: President Donald Trump AFAM 0045 African-American History for Clueless Presidents (and Black Folk who’ve seen LaLa Land) Spring 2017 Bayard Rustin Education Bldg., Room 1963 Course Description This course is an introd
Senate to vote today on confirmation of Betsy DeVos - The Washington Post
Senate to vote today on confirmation of Betsy DeVos - The Washington Post : Senate to vote today on confirmation of Betsy DeVos The Senate is moving toward a noon vote Tuesday on confirmation of Betsy DeVos as education secretary, with the outcome expected to be the narrowest approval of a Cabinet nominee in the nation’s history. The entire Democratic caucus of 48 senators is expected to vote aga
Betsy DeVos and the Dems | The Huffington Post
Betsy DeVos and the Dems | The Huffington Post : Betsy DeVos and the Dems Right now it looks like the Democrats in the senate are finally digging in their heels at one of the nominations – the rabid Christian fundamentalist Betsy DeVos who has dedicated her inherited fortune to dismantling public education. DeVos is about as far out a nominee as you could get. Bring in a climate denier for the De
A Virtual Disaster for Rural Schools | Schott Foundation for Public Education
A Virtual Disaster for Rural Schools | Schott Foundation for Public Education : A Virtual Disaster for Rural Schools Hopefully, responsible senators from substantially rural states spent the weekend taking cues from their peers from Maine and Alaska and learning why the potential impact of school privatization on their constituents should cause them to oppose Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education
With A Brooklyn Accent: Donald Trump's Rude Awakening
With A Brooklyn Accent: Donald Trump's Rude Awakening : Donald Trump's Rude Awakening The last few weeks have been a bit of a comedown for Donald Trump. After an historic campaign where he beat the odds and attracted huge adoring crowds, he now finds himself under siege in the White House, unable to go to any large city in the US without inspiring huge demonstrations, mocked by comedians and jour
Senate Will Vote at Noon on DeVos Nomination; Protests Continued through Last Night | janresseger
Senate Will Vote at Noon on DeVos Nomination; Protests Continued through Last Night | janresseger : Senate Will Vote at Noon on DeVos Nomination; Protests Continued through Last Night Stopped by Senate rules from filibustering to delay the vote on a Cabinet nominee, Senate Democrats tried the closest thing to it yesterday and throughout last night: a 24 hour marathon of speeches against Betsy Dev
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Death by 1,000 cuts at CPS
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Death by 1,000 cuts at CPS : Death by 1,000 cuts at CPS "Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them." -- Frederick Douglass Donald Trump thinks Frederick Douglass is still alive. In one sense (certainly not the one intended) he may be right. Douglass' words, his
WATCH LIVE: #Holdthefloor: Senate Democrats’ All-Night Vigil Against DeVos
#Holdthefloor: Senate Democrats’ All-Night Vigil Against DeVos : #Holdthefloor: Senate Democrats’ All-Night Vigil Against DeVos This is going down to the wire Senate Democrats, channeling public opposition to Trump’s nomination of Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education while venting their own outrage over her lack of qualifications for the job, are occupying the Senate floor for 24 hours ahead of
"‘Toxic’ Steve Perry should embarrass charter supporters" - Wait What?
"‘Toxic’ Steve Perry should embarrass charter supporters" - Wait What? : “‘Toxic’ Steve Perry should embarrass charter supporters” Oklahoma educator and education advocate Dr. John Thompson is an award-winning historian and inner-city teacher. He is the author of A Teacher’s Tale: Learning, Loving and Listening to Our Kids . He recently attended a speech given by charter school owner Steve Perry
Illinois’ Grand Bargain will include a major attack on Special Education. Nobody is reporting this. Take action now. | Fred Klonsky
Illinois’ Grand Bargain will include a major attack on Special Education. Nobody is reporting this. Take action now. | Fred Klonsky : Illinois’ Grand Bargain will include a major attack on Special Education. Nobody is reporting this. Take action now. Senate President John Cullerton’s Grand Bargain with the Repubs includes an attack on special ed. From Bev Johns. In a speech on Monday, Senate Pres
How and Why I Research Exemplars of Technology Integration | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
How and Why I Research Exemplars of Technology Integration | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice : How and Why I Research Exemplars of Technology Integration For over 30 years, I have examined the adoption and use of computers in schools ( Teachers and Machines , 1986; Oversold and Underused , 2001, Inside the Black Box , 2013). I looked at the policy hype, over-promising, and pre
Betsy DeVos: “School Choice Programs Lead to More Integrated Schools” | deutsch29
Betsy DeVos: “School Choice Programs Lead to More Integrated Schools” | deutsch29 : Betsy DeVos: “School Choice Programs Lead to More Integrated Schools” In response to Senator Patty Murray’s question 115 (among 139 written questions asked by Murray of DeVos following DeVos’ January 17, 2017, Senate HELP Committee hearing), DeVos states that school choice programs increase integration: Murray: If
CURMUDGUCATION: The DeVos Alarm Clock : The DeVos Alarm Clock The Betsy DeVos nomination, in its sturm and drang and distress and noise, is quite different from any nomination we've ever seen. And yet, Betsy DeVos is not that much different from what we've seen before. As a political operative seeking to remake public education in her own preferred image, DeVos is a bush-league Bill Gates. "I'm r


Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 2/6/17
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 2/6/17 Featured Post WATCH LIVE: Senate Democrats conduct 24-hour speech marathon to oppose Betsy DeVos Breaking - Malloy proposes half-baked scheme to reform education funding - 

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