Friday, September 25, 2015

Seattle - What happens when teacher union leaders step up to support teachers, students, parents and public schools - Wait What?

Seattle - What happens when teacher union leaders step up to support teachers, students, parents and public schools - Wait What?:

Seattle – What happens when teacher union leaders step up to support teachers, students, parents and public schools

For those union members, education advocates and parents who are consistently frustrated by the fact that some union leaders spend more time maintaining their close relationship with the power elite than fighting for their members and public education, the recent teacher strike in Seattle, Washington is proof that real champions have been stepping up in Seattle, Chicago, at the state level in New York and Massachusetts, and elsewhere.  These teacher union leaders are making a fundamental difference in the fight to improve public schools and provide greater support for teachers, students and parents.
For an update on the Seattle Teacher Strike check out, The surprising things Seattle teachers won for students by striking.
The post appears on Valerie Strauss’s blog, The Answer Sheet.  Strauss is a reporter with the Washington Post and her bog is one of the most important resources in the nation for information about education policy and the unprecedented assault on public schools and public school teachers by the Charter School and Corporate Education Reform Industry.
If you don’t read Strauss’ blog you should book mark it and sign up for her regulator updates at:
Seattle teachers went on strike for a week this month with a list of goals for a new contract. By the time the strike officially ended this week, teachers had won some of the usual stuff of contract negotiations — for example, the first cost-of-living raises in six years — but also some less standard objectives.
For one thing, teachers demanded, and won, guaranteed daily 
Seattle - What happens when teacher union leaders step up to support teachers, students, parents and public schools - Wait What?: