Friday, September 25, 2015

Join us at the Northwest Teaching for Social Justice Conference (NWTSJ) | Seattle Education

Join us at the Northwest Teaching for Social Justice Conference (NWTSJ) | Seattle Education:

Join us at the Northwest Teaching for Social Justice Conference (NWTSJ)

Educators, students and parents are invited to attend the Northwest Teaching for Social Justice Conference
October 17, 2015
“We Still Need to Trouble the Water: Race, Revolution and the Struggle for Quality Education”
8AM to 4:30PM
Chief Sealth High School, Seattle
Sample Workshops:
A Human Face on War: Poetry and Art
Prison Labor Cycle: Players in a System
Building an Opt-Out Movement in Your Community
Papers Black Students’ Lives Matter Educating Activist Allies
Hashtag Essay Writing
OVER 60 Workshops in three different sessions
Register online at
Hosted by: Puget Sound Rethinking Schools, Portland Area Rethinking Schools, Social Equality Educators, Oregon Writing Project at Lewis & Clark College, and Rethinking Schools magazine
Wayne Au, Jesse Hagopian and I (Dora Taylor) will be hosting a workshop titled:
Testing, Charters, and Strikes, Oh My! : Resisting Corporate Education Reform in Seattle and Beyond
The Seattle area has been a hotbed of education activism in recent months, including significant victories in the defense of democracy and public education. In this panel discussion and conversation, local education activists Dora Taylor, Jesse Hagopian, and Wayne Au will talk about the local movement to opt out of high-stakes testing, the political gains earned during the Seattle educators’ strike, and the recent Washington State Supreme Court ruling declaring charter schools unconstitutional here. Local strategies as well as implications and nation connections will be discussed.
I have found these conferences to be not only full of relevant information but also energizing and uplifting. It is a highly recommended event.