Sunday, March 1, 2015

“I must do right by the children… I refuse to administer the PARCC.” | Reclaim Reform

“I must do right by the children… I refuse to administer the PARCC.” | Reclaim Reform:

“I must do right by the children… I refuse to administer the PARCC.”


And today, in March of 2015, Peggy Robertson is being targeted by her school district for speaking truth to power. SUPPORT PEGGY ROBERTSON AND #defendchildren. See The Denver Post article
Originally posted on Reclaim Reform:
“I must do right by the children…”
Do we realize that saving our children requires that we ALL “must do right by the children”?
I know Peggy Robertson, a mom and a Colorado teacher who helped found United Opt Out.
I have more respect for her as a human being and as a teacher than I have for any of the bought-and-paid-for politicians who shill for the profit making CCSS (Yes, it is private. Yes, it was created to make profits.) and all of the profit making multinational fund managers and “philanthropic” foundation investors who are part of the coup against sane levels of valid testing.
Bill Gates once famously and publicly stated that it would take another ten years to see if the present “experiment” will work. Since his own children are not being experimented on, “I must do right by the children… I refuse to administer the PARCC.” | Reclaim Reform: