Sunday, March 1, 2015

Educator's refusal to give PARCC called into question by district - The Denver Post #defendchildren #optout #refusethetests

Educator's refusal to give PARCC called into question by district - The Denver Post:

#solidarity #defendchildren #optout #refusethetests @PegwithPen @UnitedOptOut

Educator's refusal to give PARCC called into question by district

 Peggy Robertson is a Hero

Among parent activists fed up with standardized tests, Peggy Robertson is a hero — an experienced educator who has witnessed damage wrought by high-stakes tests and is doing something about it.
Last fall, the Aurora Public Schools educator took to her blog and addressed a manifesto of sorts to the "citizens of Colorado."
"I am writing to let you know that I will be refusing to administer the PARCC in the 2014-15 school year," Robertson wrote, referring to new math and English tests debuting in Colorado schools this week.
The post spread far and wide. A Washington Post blogger wrote about it.
District officials, however, contend Robertson is in no position to take her provocative, potentially job-endangering stand.
Aurora Public Schools spokeswoman Patti Moon said Robertson is a teaching partner at Jewell Elementary who helps with instruction. Moon said Robertson is not a teacher, "so she is not actually responsible for giving the test."
Robertson called that an "interesting twist" and news to her. She disputed the district's characterization, saying everyone helps with state tests and she was required to give them last year.
Robertson said her principal even assigned her to younger students during PARCC testing so she won't have to give the tests.
The veteran educator is a co-founder of United Opt Out, a national group that has been organizing local meetings and citing cases of parents refusing tests being intimidated by school officials.
To Robertson, the PARCC tests are part of an effort to privatize schools and enrich corporations.
"I think people understand why I'm doing it," Robertson said. "Someone has to step up and say this is educational malpractice."
At least two local teachers unions — in Aurora and Denver — have adopted resolutions supporting teachers who refuse to give the tests.
Pam Shamburg of the Denver Classroom Teachers Association made clear the DCTA board did not vote to encourage teachers to refuse test administration.
Kerrie Dallman, president of the Colorado Education Association, said the state's largest union hasEducator's refusal to give PARCC called into question by district - The Denver Post: 

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