Monday, June 9, 2014

Schools Were Getting Much Safer Until 2010, Government Report Says

Schools Were Getting Much Safer Until 2010, Government Report Says:

Schools Were Getting Much Safer Until 2010, Government Report Says

Posted: Updated: 

President Barack Obama signs a series of executive orders about the administration's new gun law proposals in January as children who wrote letters to the White House about gun violence, (L-R) Hinna Zeejah, Taejah Goode, Julia Stokes and Grant Fritz, look on in the Eisenhower Executive Office building, on January 16, 2012 in Washington, DC. One month after a massacre that left 20 school children and 6 adults dead in Newtown, Connecticut, the president unveiled a package of gun control proposals | Mark Wilson via Getty Images

 American public and private schools are generally much safer than they were 10 years ago, but school crime began a slight climb in 2010, according to a government report released Tuesday.

The rate of non-fatal incidents in which students felt victimized at school decreased to 35 per 1,000 students in 2010, from 181 per 1,000 students in 1992, according to the 2013 School Crime and Safety Report. The rate rose to 52 per 1,000 students in 2012, the report found. Any type of school crime, the report noted, increases the likelihood of dropouts, teacher turnover and student transfers.
"Over the long term, schools are getting safer," said Thomas Snyder, the report's project officer. "That doesn't mean there's not a lot of room for improvement."
The 208-page study is the 16th annual report by the U.S. Education Department and Bureau of Justice Statistics. It aggregates information from various surveys, tracking schools through 2012. Snyder said school crime data mirror overall crime trends.
"There's good news and reason for concern," said David Esquith, who directs the Education Department's Office of Safe and Healthy Students. "Schools are safer than ever. At the same time, there are data points in there that point to some alarming behaviors -- the data on forcible sex crimes on campuses, which are alarming and disturbing; the data on bullying indicates that we continue not to make a lot of progress in that area."
The report showed that most fatal crimes against students happen outside school buildings. During the 2010-2011 school year, 11 of 1,336 homicides that killed kids ages 5 to 18 took place in school. In 2010, three of the 1,456 suicides in that age group were in schools.
But in 2012, more students experienced other types of crimes in schools than they did Schools Were Getting Much Safer Until 2010, Government Report Says:

Making Learning Relevant | Connected Principals

Making Learning Relevant | Connected Principals:

Making Learning Relevant

CC licensed image shared by Flickr user Steve Heath
CC licensed image shared by Flickr user Steve Heath
What is the purpose of K-12 schooling?
Think for a moment before coming up with an answer. Consider what you believe truly matters. Is it preparation for college? Preparation for a career? Support in growing to be an individual who is morally and ethically grounded? Is it guidance in the development of core skills and habits of being needed to successfully navigate the complex, rapidly changing realities of the world our children will inherit? Is it all of the above?
While I venture most educators would answer “all of the above” and even share additional goals, most K-12 schools seem in practice to focus almost exclusively on college preparation or perhaps college preparation and character development. While many schools are grappling with ways of personalizing learning to meet students’ individualized needs and supporting students to set and strive for their own goals, so much more is possible.
Early in the year, my first year as Head of School at Solomon Schechter School of Queens, a father of a child in our middle school challenged me, stretching my thinking and sending me on a quest to consider ways of making learning more relevant. Why is it, he asked, that schools don’t teach financial literacy? He explained that to him, the need for finanical literacy in any profession or vocation a child might choose is self evident. He questioned me as to why financial literacy skills are not a staple of K-12 education. I didn’t have a good answer or a ready solution. And so I began to explore, learn, and imagine. I wondered ways to prepare children for responsibly managing their own finances, and beyond that goal I wondered  ways of helping children consider and prepare for the complex, rapidly changing world of work. I wondered ways of helping children recognize their own strengths, talents, and interests and consider careers or vocations that might be meaningful to them. In time, I came up with what I feel is a start; a two pronged approach to making learning more relevant and taking “career readiness” seriously: a financial literacy curriculum for kindergarten through eighth grade and a career related electives program for  seventh and eighth grade. The complementary programs aim to instill both the critical thinking and critical action skills Making Learning Relevant | Connected Principals:

Why Philly Needs to Persist the Anger Past Protesting | Philly in Focus

Why Philly Needs to Persist the Anger Past Protesting | Philly in Focus:

 Why Philly Needs to Persist the Anger Past Protesting

PHILLYACTIVE™ (NEWS THAT GETS PHILLY ACTIVE) The angry protesters shut down the City, but for how long?

By Christopher “Flood the Drummer®” Norris

6.9.14: Philadelphia – (Politics/Activism): Today’s protest in front of the Urban League of Philadelphia, and later at the Comcast Center, was like many direct actions I’ve seen before: plenty of hand-drawn signs, top-of-the-lung chants and a promise to shut the City down unless demands of fair funding are met. And while the angry group of more than 300 parents, students, teachers, and activists was successful in blocking off main Center City streets during rush hour traffic, that intense level of activism won’t be displayed everyday – although it should – so the question is: how do we sustain and harness our anger to make systemic change that transform communities?

(Photo Credit: C. Norris – ©2014)

(Photo Credit: C. Norris – ©2014)

If you look around town at the former school buildings that’ll soon be swanky condos, the poverty and hopelessness in which most Philadelphians are dressed in, and the out-of-touch, of-out-their mind politicians who apparently perceive large-scale protest as a parade celebrating their servant-leadership, you’ll see that there’s plenty to be angry about; there’s certainly no lack in unresolved issues.
Many of our schools have no full time nurses, music and arts programming have become a dream deferred, the quality of education has never been worse, and the quantity of teaching and learning resources have been diminished to a point where mediocre feels like a compliment. And despite what’s becoming an annual Negro-led tap-dancing pity party – which starts at 440 N Broad Street and ends up at City Hall with a hand-out and no plan – the anger subsides and the promise of “no justice, no peace” is broken.

(Photo Credit: C. Norris – ©2014)

(Photo Credit: C. Norris – ©2014)

There seems something very illegal about what’s happening in Philadelphia, yet it’s the passionate activists who are fighting for the City’s young that are arrested. The funding of public education here in Philadelphia seems like a complex issue, yet it’s the innocent students who are doing the most pontificating: thinking of ways to stay alive, learn and graduate in a building that used to be a school. There’s a lot at stake when it comes to fairly funding public education, but it seems only the teachers, students and parents are sacrificing – I’ve never heard of a stadium being closed because the team didn’t make the points or a politician’s salary being drastically cut to make ends meet.
There’s very few things that are right in Philadelphia – and the obnoxious gentrification efforts isn’t one of them. There’s plenty to be angry about and countless ways to show it; using your voice and your dollar are the two most effective tools.
Spend nothing, say everything. Don’t shut up, but shut everything down. To hell with staying in school: stay in the offices of your elected officials until they’re forced to stand with you. Don’t play by the rules, because your enemies Why Philly Needs to Persist the Anger Past Protesting | Philly in Focus:

6-9-14 Jersey Jazzman: Unions to Corrupted @GovChristie: "Keep Your Promises"

Jersey Jazzman: Unions to Corrupted @GovChristie: "Keep Your Promises":

Unions to Corrupted @GovChristie: "Keep Your Promises"
Good:UPDATE, 2:35 p.m.: Six more unions have filed a separate lawsuit against Gov. Chris Christie's pension plan. They are the Communications Workers of America, the Professional Firefighters Association of New Jersey, the American Federation of Teachers, the Fraternal Order of Police, the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, and the Service Employees International Uni

6-8-14 Jersey Jazzman Chartery Snake Oil: Tennessee Grade
Jersey Jazzman: Chartery Snake Oil: Tennessee Grade: Chartery Snake Oil: Tennessee GradeYou know what really bugs me these days? Especially in the world of education "reform"?Smugness.I'm not talking about pride. Pride is great (to a point). Everyone who works at a school should be proud of their students, their staff, their leaders. If you talk up the good things happening at your schoo

My response to @NCTQ’s attempt to legitimize bullsh!t—#optout! – @ THE CHALK FACE

My response to @NCTQ’s attempt to legitimize bullsh!t—#optout! – @ THE CHALK FACE:

My response to @NCTQ’s attempt to legitimize bullsh!t—#optout!

It’s official.  Anthony Cody just posted on the Education Bloggers Network that NCTQ will host a “media conference call” to release its 2014 Teacher Prep Review.
Please understand that I am not in any way upset with Anthony.  He simply shared a press release from the propaganda machine that calls itself the National Council for Teacher Quality.  When I read the press release this is just what I decided to post.
My take.  Don’t respond to their press conference.  It legitimizes their miserable existence.  OPT OUT!
As “WE” continue to discuss the future of teacher prep and teacher education we must resist the urge to take part in a scripted dialogue where all the rules and parameters have been set by NCTQ.  Chomsky reminds us that those who control the debate set the parameters of the debate and allow “vigorous debate” within the confines of the script.
I refuse to follow NCTQ’s script.  If they want to debate, discuss, or even simply dialogue it will be under the the direction of the professionals that actually do teacher education everyday.
I’m sorry but I have a lot of hard work to do on a daily basis.  I have no time to mount a bullsh!t defense against self appointed teacher education experts. I must ensure that our (Edgewood’s) teacher education program rests upon a solid research and theoretical base and that ALL of our candidates deeply internalize the advocacy mission they 
My response to @NCTQ’s attempt to legitimize bullsh!t—#optout! – @ THE CHALK FACE:

Teacher Union President: The Right Is Not Going To Be Won Over On Common Core

Teacher Union President: The Right Is Not Going To Be Won Over On Common Core:

Teacher Union President: The Right Is Not Going To Be Won Over On Common Core

But American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten says the emphasis on testing is damaging Common Core’s reputation elsewhere.posted on June 9, 2014, at 1:56 p.m.
Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Rebecca Cook / Reuters
WASHINGTON — Conservatives won’t ever support Common Core on ideological grounds, but hearts and minds are still winnable when it comes to the education standards.

At least that’s what Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, said in an interview with BuzzFeed.

The Common Core education standards, meant to teach students critical thinking skills and move away from the memorization-focus of George W. Bush’s No Child Left Behind, have faced a sharp backlash this year. The standards have put the teachers union in a unique position: Although they support Common Core, the AFT broadly opposes immediate testing-based implementation when it comes to federal education standards.

Weingarten said the backlash against Common Core is part ideological and part based on poor implementation and organizations that put too much emphasis on testing.

“The right’s vitriol is ideological. The losing of parents and teachers is a matter of incompetence,” Weingarten said. She attributed the program’s poor reception to groups like the Gates Foundation “wanting to measure more than wanting to teach.”

The last few weeks have been tough for Common Core and its proponents. Near the end of May, South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley banned Common Core after the next school year. In Oklahoma, Gov. Mary Fallin signed a bill banning the standards, effective immediately.

Opposing Common Core has become a rallying cry for conservatives, who sometimes dub the standards as “Obamacore.” Even governors who initially supported the program, like Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana, are now walking back their previous stances.

“All these conservative governors left to their own devices initially supported the standards,” she said. “What changed? The Koch brothers decided not to support the standards, ALEC didn’t support the standards, others who fund right-wing causes don’t support the standards.”

But Weingarten wasn’t as concerned about losing conservative states like South Carolina or Indiana, where she said those in charge will do anything to “undermine public schooling in America.” She emphasized that no matter what she does, the Teacher Union President: The Right Is Not Going To Be Won Over On Common Core:

American Federation of Teacher’s Weingarten Fights Forward with President Obama on Student Loan Reform

  • Written by Press Release
  • Category: Commentary
WASHINGTON—(ENEWSPF)—June 9, 2014. Statement of American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten on President Obama's executive order to make student loans more affordable.  Several AFT members will join President Obama for today's announcement.
"No student should have to face the triple threat of skyrocketing higher education cost, high interest rates and crushing student loan payments.  We must reclaim the promise of higher education by making college affordable and accessible to all Americans.
"The president's new executive order to ease the burden of student loan debt will allow an additional 5 million borrowers—including tens of thousands of AFT members—to finally have a fighting chance at the American dream.  This action is just one step in the right direction.  Now is the time for lawmakers in Washington to join the president in pushing for more student loan reform, including the passage of Sen. Elizabeth Warren's bill allowing students to refinance their federal and private loans.
"The AFT stands with students and their families, and we will continue to fight until this mountain of student loan debt is no more."
Follow AFT President Randi Weingarten:

There Is Probably No “Crisis” In American Education | Paul Bruno

There Is Probably No “Crisis” In American Education | Paul Bruno:

There Is Probably No “Crisis” In American Education

When you look at that chart, do you see a crisis?
No? Me neither.
How about in these charts of reading and math achievement on the NAEP for 17-year-olds, broken down by race?reading17
Still hard to see a crisis, at least to my eyes.
Certainly, it’s fair to say that American education has many problems related to effectiveness, efficiency, and equity.
And it’s probably reasonable to say that our country and the world face a number of bona fide crises – war, climate change, poverty, or criminal justice, for example – each  with some relationship to education, however complex or indirect.
But next time you hear someone claim – or are yourself tempted to claim - that There Is Probably No “Crisis” In American Education | Paul Bruno:

Nite Cap 6-9-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2

James Baldwin said it best: 

"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."


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SKrashen: LA Times editorial and some reactions re bilingual education and SB 1174
SKrashen: LA Times editorial and some reactions re bilingual education and SB 1174: LA Times editorial and some reactions re bilingual education and SB 1174" Over the last 16 years, academic research has largely found that good bilingual programs are just as effective at teaching English skills, and often slightly better at it, than classes that immerse students in English."This is bette
Spring Cleaning at the NYCDOE Spring Cleaning at the NYCDOECome one, come all to the; NYCDOE SPRING CLEANING RALLY!This Tuesday, June 10, 2014 from 4:30-5 PM EDT in front of the Tweed Courthouse on Chambers St. (Take 4, 5, or 6to City Hall or A train toChambers St.)Endorsed by DTOE, MORE, Change the Stakes, and the Badass Teacher's Association.The hundreds of lawyers hired by the Bloomberg admi
To Jindal: Dump Common Core, PARCC, and White | deutsch29
To Jindal: Dump Common Core, PARCC, and White | deutsch29: To Jindal: Dump Common Core, PARCC,and WhiteJune 8, 2014Governor Bobby Jindal is apparently trying to muster up the courage to remove Louisiana from the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and associated Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Career (PARCC) assessments that he signed Louisiana on for in the first place.Of c
Can you get fired for talking to a reporter? | Twin Cities Daily Planet
Can you get fired for talking to a reporter? | Twin Cities Daily Planet: Can you get fired for talking to a reporter?By Sarah Lahm, TC Daily PlanetJune 08, 2014So, what’s it like working for the clampdown?For the past few weeks, I’ve wanted to pose this question to my friends and contacts who work for the Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS).Why? Because the district, via communications chief Stan All
The “Almost Outrageous” Opposition to Bill Gates’ Market-Based Ed Reform | Educating The Gates Foundation
The “Almost Outrageous” Opposition to Bill Gates’ Market-Based Ed Reform | Educating The Gates Foundation: THE “ALMOST OUTRAGEOUS” OPPOSITION TO BILL GATES’ MARKET-BASED ED REFORMLindsey Layton inteviewed Bill Gates about his involvement in the Common Core,ending her article with Bill and Melinda’s motivation behind their financial backing of it. Lindsey reports:“Gates dismissed any suggestion tha
6-8-14 Wait What? - Jonathan Pelto: Gubernatorial Candidate and A Really Nice Guy
Will politics prevent justice from being served – the Kenneth Moales Story Continues - Wait What?:   Wait What? All WeekWill politics prevent justice from being served – the Kenneth Moales Story ContinuesThe controversy surrounding Reverend Kenneth Moales, Jr. expands even further Documents on file with the Connecticut Superior Court and the City of Bridgeport reveal that while Reverend Kenneth Mo
On watching “Mr. Holland’s Opus” in Jersey in June | Bob Braun's Ledger
On watching “Mr. Holland’s Opus” in Jersey in June | Bob Braun's Ledger: On watching “Mr. Holland’s Opus” in Jersey in JuneThe fictionThe realityBy now, hundreds of teachers throughout the state, most non-tenured, have received non-renewal notices. A few tenured teachers also are likely to lose jobs because their positions have been eliminated. But thousands of older, more experienced teachers hav
Nite Cap 6-8-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAP6-8-14 Jersey Jazzman Chartery Snake Oil: Tennessee GradeJersey Jazzman: Chartery Snake Oil: Tennessee Grade: Chartery Snake Oil: Tennessee GradeYou know what really bugs me these days? Especially in the world of education "reform"?Smug