Saturday, August 16, 2014

Stephen Krashen Blog 8-16-14


Pre-K = childhood's end?

Comment posted following “As the first day of school approaches, the city trains thousands of universal pre-K teachers,” on ChalkbeatPosted on August 12.I wonder how many of those interested in teaching Pre-K in New York have read the "New York State Prekindergarten Foundation for the Common Core." The document is 62 pages long, filled with an astonishing list of standards that cover Ap

AUG 10

High scores on reading tests, but little interest in reading
Sent to the Los Angeles Times, August 10, 2014Walt Gardner  (letters, August 9) pointed out that high test scores may be accompanied by negative attitudes.   Gardner may be right. Students in some countries with spectacular reading scores are not enthusiastic readers. Hong Kong ranked first in the 2011 PIRLS reading test, given to ten year olds in over 40 countries. But only 21% of Hong Kong child
Australia to require "the phonics method"
Sent to the Sydney Daily Telegraph (Australia) Re the new "phonics requirement": ("Education minister orders universities to teach phonics or face losing accreditation," August 10) "Phonics" could mean "systematic, intensive phonics,": teaching all phonics rules to all children in a strict sequence. Research done by Prof. Elaine Garan shows that systematic

AUG 07

Rating Schools: Use Library Quality
Response to LA Times editoral: Grading California's Schools, August 7 More relevant than using outcomes (test scores, graduation rates) in rating schools is an "input" factor: the quality of the library.Study after study shows that that students living in states with better school libraries do better on tests of reading achievement.  California ranks near the bottom of the country in s