Saturday, August 16, 2014

8-16-14 Hemlock on the Rocks

Hemlock on the Rocks The LAUSD board is supposed to be overseeing the Superintendent. Should somebody tell them? By Carl Petersen ____________________________________________ "I can't remember the last time we got an update on the program...and we don't supervise anyone who works for the superintendent, which is who was running it" - Tamar Galatzan The LAUSD What is the role of the public schools? The Center for Ethical Leadership (founded in 1991) says that public education is foundational to a healthy democracy and developing our humanity—not to have every student achieve high scores on standardized tests. After you read this post, you decide if the U.S. public schools are doing their job and what

What's the deal with LAUSD? A Swift Summary is a criminal organization that exploits children, fleeces taxpayers and abuses employees unless they are insulated in a distruct offices. The comment about the languages is misguided as immigration did not build taj mahal schools on toxic sites or leave the hood schools in terrible states.Dirty, neglected,grim , Angeles Unified told teachers to stop using the new district-wide computer system Thursday, after days of dealing with glitches and other problems that have lost records and kept students from starting in the proper classes.According to an email from district administrators, "in order for

Dismantling Public Accountability & Transparency in the Name of Accountability & Transparency? | School Finance 101 and thoughts on public and private school funding in the U.S. This post comes about as a follow up to a previous post where I critiqued the rationale of the Students First policy agenda.  It should be noted that the Students

Georgia teacher fired after students post her naked selfies online  - NY Daily News
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California Teacher Credential Corruption Ignored
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I’m a teacher—“Why’s everybody always pickin’ on me?” - Los Angeles Public Education |
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Big Education Ape: As Long As You’re Filling Out School Forms – How About One For Opting Out? | Missouri Education Watchdog
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Big Education Ape: Bill Gates’ Market-Driven Experiments Are Not Read...
Big Education Ape: Bill Gates’ Market-Driven Experiments Are Not Read...: Bill Gates’ Market-Driven Experiments Are Not Ready for Prime-Time Public Ed | Teachers' Letters to Bill Gates : Bill Gates’ Market-Dr...
PR Firm for LAUSD Uncovers Child Abuse Records | NBC Southern California
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Become a "Highly Effective" Teacher Without Any Teaching Experience!
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All this money, and only an 8% voter turnout? - LA Times
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On crime and education, you can't always trust the data - LA Times
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L.A. school board approves new parent trigger rules - LA Times
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LAUSD says it's not subject to state's 'parent trigger' law this year - LA Times
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In Case you wonder how well Privatizers are faring outside of public education -- Sue Corporate Killers and Then Put Them In Prison; The VA Scandal Gets Bigger
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McKenna Victory: ‘Proof That the People … Outraged and United … Can Do Any Damned Thing We Must’
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WalMart Sends Mixed Messages About Wage Slavery
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Incredibly Irresponsible Rhetoric in Response to LAUSD system glitches from CalWatchDog LAUSD system does not compute | CalWatchDog August 14, 2014 - By John Seiler You'd think a state that's still by far the center of the global computer industry could produce government
Gulen-Linked Schools in Calif. to be Investigated by State | Asbarez Armenian News Gulen-Linked Schools in Calif. to be Investigated by StateMagnolia Science Academy 6 in Palms is one of the schools cited for financial mismanagement SACRAMENTO, LOS ANGELES—The Joint
Gulen-Linked Schools in Calif. to be Investigated by State | Asbarez Armenian News Gulen-Linked Schools in Calif. to be Investigated by StateMagnolia Science Academy 6 in Palms is one of the schools cited for financial mismanagement SACRAMENTO, LOS ANGELES—The Joint Legislative Audit Committee on
5 States With the Worst Public Schools 5 States With the Worst Public Schools Source: Thinkstock Terms like immigration and health care have really
Close to Home: Disruptive innovation in education | The Press Democrat Close to Home: Disruptive innovation in education | The Press Democrat
Due Process Blues for Brown and Greene who Laments Teaching without Tenure /Ravitch to tenure as due process is a very simple yet effective rhetorical concession we should make as comments here confirm. For the public tenure is offensive and for good reason. As we all know, there are bad teachers, administrators and officials. The system is infested with
The War on Education The War on EducationI've been involved in education for over forty years. For most of that I didn't do it for a living but managed to keep at it never the less. It was actually John Holt's How Children Fail that got me involved back in
National Education Association's Lily Eskelsen Garcia on teaching, testing, and fighting back National Education Association's Lily Eskelsen Garcia on teaching, testing, and fighting back Both major teachers unions, the National Education Association
Teachers union calls for 'improvement' plan for Arne Duncan, but AFT is in Need of Improvements of its own Teachers union calls for 'improvement' plan for Arne Duncan The American Federation of Teachers followed the National Education Association in passing a resolution sharply critical of
Detroit schools emergency manager raises class size to emergency levels Detroit schools emergency manager raises class size to emergency levels As Detroit struggles with bankruptcy, its public schools are struggling, too. They even have their very
Let's Be Honest: We Don't Know How to Make Great Teachers - Education Week Teacher
LAUSD says it's not subject to state's 'parent trigger' law this year - LA Times LAUSD says it's not subject to state's 'parent trigger' law this year
Wal-Mart, Don't Discount the Power of Teachers | MomsRising's Blog
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AUG 13

STANDARDIZED : Lies, Money, & Civil Rights: How Testing Is Ruining Public Education
For decades, standardized testing has been a part of public education. Within the last ten years, however, education reform has promoted even more testing. Test scores, mistakenly viewed as effective assessments of student ability and teacher/school effectiveness, are anything but. STANDARDIZED sheds light on the invalid nature of these tests, the terrible consequences of high-stakes
Big Education Ape: Why Is the FBI Investigating Charter Schools Run b...
Big Education Ape: Why Is the FBI Investigating Charter Schools Run b...: Why Is the FBI Investigating Charter Schools Run by a Secretive Islamic Movement? - The Atlantic : Why Is the FBI Investigating Gulen Charters? 
Must See Video On How Districts Like Christina Suffered Through The Unaccredited Broad Superintendents Academy Experience
Christina School District hired three of these Supers [Wise, Lowery and Lyles] and see where that got us.... Diane Ravitch's Blog ~ House of Cards: The Broad Superintendents This video, made by the Badass Teachers Association, is part of a series that will dissect the corporate reform effort to privatize American public
TRANSLATING California Law - GOVERNMENT CODE [GOV Sections 814. - 827.],
California Law - GOVERNMENT CODE [GOV Sections 814. - 827.] : Section 820.6.If a public employee acts in good faith, without malice, and under the apparent authority of an enactment that is unconstitutional, invalid or inapplicable, he is not liable for an injury caused thereby except to the extent that he would have been liable had the enactment been constitutional, valid and applicable.http://
Gremlins Subvert LAUSD's New Attendance System, Derailing First Day of School for Some Pleads the 5thwww.hemlockontherocks.comcavete tyrannisqui doecet in doctrina
The Advanced Placement numbers racket - LA Times The Advanced Placement numbers racket
outside the box: in bidding students first ffarewelll - a glossarhee
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Top Ten Scariest People in Education Reform: # 5 – Bill Gates
   Bill Gates: Scary Philanthropy Countdown # 5  This is the fifth in a countdown series of introductions, a list of the top ten scariest people leading education in America.  For numbers 6, 7, 8,  9 and 10,  click here. The biggest philanthropist on earth comes across as the epitome of sincere, nerdy nice-guy.  And he probably is very nice and very sincere.  But does
L.A.'s school crossing-guard cutbacks draw criticism - LA Times
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LAUSD senior teachers, watch out! - Los Angeles Public Education |
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I Am Tired Of “School Reformers” Using The Civil Rights Movement Legacy To Support Their Agenda
        Los Angeles Schools Superintendent John Deasy spoke today at USC on the Vergara lawsuit (see The Best Resources On California Court Case Attacking Teacher's Rights). Los Angeles Times reporter Howard Blume is not going to write a story about his speech, but he did send out these tweets: This
New Report Shows Widespread Test Score Corruption | FairTest says Cheating in 37 states
STANDARDIZED EXAM CHEATING CONFIRMED IN 37 STATES AND D.C.;NEW REPORT SHOWS WIDESPREAD TEST SCORE CORRUPTION As an Atlanta grand jury considers indictments against former top school officials in a test cheating scandal and the annual wave of high-stakes standardized exams begins across the nation, a new survey reports confirmed cases of test score manipulation in at least 37 states and
Crenshaw choir director released from 'teacher jail' Eight months after being yanked off campus, long-time choir director Iris Stevenson returned to Crenshaw High School today. Stevenson, who's led an award-winning music program at the school for nearly three decades, was pulled from teaching last
Release: George McKenna Declares Victory in LAUSD District 1 Race
NationBuilder FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAugust 12, 2014 PRESS CONTACTJewett Walker(310)
iPads + schools = a business opportunity? |
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McKenna wins key L.A. school board seat, according to unofficial results - LA Times
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FAQ & About - Los Angeles Teacher Ratings - Los Angeles Times
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LA schools' Wi-Fi networks to cost about $800 million | 89.3 KPCC
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What happens if the cost of textbooks drops to zero? | PandoDaily
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The Answer to the Great Question of Education Reform? The Number 42
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Teacher Observations & Traffic Stops- If They Want to Get You, They’ll Get You. - Educator Fights Back
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A Back Door to Common Core
Remember, Sleazy Deazy, who bought his doctorate by exchanging favors with his university professor, has already flushed a billion in school bond money in Los Angeles to buy IPads loaded with Pearson content that has to be renewed every three years. Morath and Mike Miles are lining up Dallas, Texas to follow the Sleazy Deazy model of flushing billions in schools taxes to support more
Michelle Malkin | » Why parents are “paranoid” about Common Core
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MICHELLE RHEE changes her name to Johnson and takes over St. Hope, her husband's charter management company, August 8, 2014 12:32 PM  ::  Controversial education reformer Michelle Rhee made news again recently as it was announced she would be the new chairwoman of St. Hope, a charter management organization based in Sacramento, California.  Some see this as a la
THE PERIMETER PRIMATE: “The Broad Effect”: Part Two
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Eli Broad Wins ; Public Schools Lose
What irony that Obama denounces AIG while allowing Eli Broad to write the presidential education agenda. Bill Gates' ex-associate, Tom Vander Ark, wrote, "Eli Finally Won" after Obama's St. Louis speech on education. Broad has been one of AIG's major U.S. investors, having sold his own company, SunAmerica, to AIG for $18 billion. Googling "Eli Broad AIG" reveals Forbes.Com and

AUG 12

A Few Reasons You Should Vote for George McKenna in Los Angeles School Board Race ACCORDING TO ELLEN LUBIC Lubic of Los Angeles sent the following roundup of editorials and news stories endorsing George McKenna for the school board race in Los Angeles. Control of the board hinges on the outcome of this election. The vote takes place August 12. Ellen Lubic writes: Forgive this very long
GOOD RIDDANCE.: Michelle Rhee Will Step Down as CEO of Students First | Diane Ravitch's blog Resmovits of Huffington Post reports that Michelle Rhee is stepping down as leader of StudentsFirst, a group she founded in 2010. She is likely to remain a board member. She recently changed her name to Michelle Johnson. "StudentsFirst was launched on Oprah's TV talk show in late 2010 an
California’s 2014-2015 budget attacks education -JERRY BROWN, UNIONS AND LCFF CONSPIRE AGAINST TEACHERS By Theo Mclean 8 August 2014
Seeking to regain credibility, US teachers unions criticize Obama’s education secretary - World Socialist Web Site  By Phyllis Scherrer 22 July 2014 After spending the last five-and-a-half years collaborating with the Obama administration's attack on teachers' jobs and conditions, the two teachers' unions in the US recently passed resolutions seeking to distance themselves from
Irresponsible Is As Irresponsible Does: LAUSDeasy Calls the Kettle Black – redqueeninla
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Your Vote Counts, South La
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LAUSD Superintendent: "Let Us Begin Repair" | NBC Southern California
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The political issues facing Los Angeles teachers
 The following article from 12 August 2014 WSWS:]Introductory paragraphs below. Use this link to read full article and concolusion. Dan Conway and Jerry White 12 August 2014 Negotiations for a new three-year labor agreement are underway between the United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA) and the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD).

AUG 11

"We Do the Best We Can": Miramonte Moves Forward With Start of School Year | NBC Southern California "We Do the Best We Can": Miramonte Moves Forward With Start of School Year news > local
Rich Gibson Encourages Teachers in LA to Confront Bullies and Rene Diedrich on Conflicted Interests By Building Resistance from the Bottom Up
LA Struggles over Education quality -- and equality .This is a political - economic struggle of wider conflicting interests being fought out  in various ways, tactics,  some nasty etc . You cannot deal with this  'hubris' or megalomania of large bureacracies without countervailing  human social forces   marching with  you !THIS has to be BUILT , consciously from the bottom -up from inside the
Mathew Taylor Haunts LAUSD and UTLA Treacherous Lecherous
Unknown Author I don't believe in ghosts, but if there ever was a troubled spirit trying to right some wrongs in the afterlife it would be Mathew Taylor.  Please note the timeline of events in Mathew's life.  First, he outs the Union Power Slate for conspiring with Deasy.  Next, he is placed in teacher jail at Beaudry.  Finally, he is stressed out to the point of death.I was browsing Mat Taylor's
Fact-checking Campbell Brown: What she said, what research really shows - The Washington Post
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A strange definition of a ‘bad’ teacher - The Washington Post
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Fwd: CPS starving its schools to justify privatization - Chicago Sun-Times BY TIMOTHY MEEGAN July 30,
Trial Set to Begin in Atlanta Cheating Case - Education Week
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Voter Guide: 5 Differences Between LAUSD Candidates Alex Johnson and George McKenna | The Informer | Los Angeles | Los Angeles News and Events | LA Weekly
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Chicago Teachers’ New Political Awakening | Living in Dialogue
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Ranking and Sorting: The Sordid History of Standards and Tests | Living in Dialogue
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AUG 10

Fwd: “A Farewell to Arms” – Take a deep breath. Get ready to face school closure, displacement , kill sites and lots of broken promises
,"A Farewell to Arms" – Take a deep breath. Posted on May 30, 2011 by savehphs Things are winding down. For those of us who have been in the fray of battle for many months, but will now find ourselves in the hinterland of displacement, hearing those hints that we should seek placement in one of the other reconstituting schools, yet breathing a sigh of both
Former LAUSD ESL Student, UTLA REP & Rabble-rouser, State Bar Test Bombarder and the Once and Future King , Villaraigosa on Teachers Unions Villaraigosa on Teachers Unions POLITICS-Former Los Angeles mayor, California Assembly Speaker, and importantly, teacher union organizer, Antonio Villaraigosa had some sharp words for teachers unions in a Wall Street
Journey for Justice Project Files Title VI Complaints Against School Closures | Advancement Project
On behalf of Journey for Justice organizations, Advancement Project filed three complaints under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination in use of federal funds, alleging discrimination in Newark, New Jersey; Chicago and New Orleans – each a city deeply impacted by school closures. The complaints, which detail the racially discriminatory impact of school closures
Eli Broad: " Tough Choices , Tough Times "💩
                                 What irony that Obama denounces AIG while allowing Eli Broad to write the presidential education agenda. Bill Gates' ex-associate, Tom Vander Ark, wrote, "Eli Finally Won" after Obama's St. Louis speech on education. Broad has been one of AIG's major U.S. investors, having sold his own company, SunAmerica, to AIG for $18 billion. Googling "Eli Broad
The Torch of Liberty?
Does it come with a pitchfork?👹🔥The typical U.S. household headed by a person age 65 or older has a net worth 47 times greater than a household headed by someone under 35, according to an analysis of census data released Monday.They like to refer to us as senior citizens, old fogies, geezers, and in some cases dinosaurs. Some of us are "Baby Boomers" getting ready to retire. Others hav
Fed Up Teacher Exposes. UTLA LEADERSHIP and Bootlickers who enable their betrayals
Franciscos wrote: First, this guy (Alex Caputo Pearl) has been member ofthe BOD and he knows that in the last 5 years we have lost over 10,000teachers and he never did anything significant to stop that. Instead, heblamed Fletcher and tried to make it look like he and his own bodies hadnothing to do with this situation. You got to understand that three membersof his administration were also part
No Raise for LAUSD Teachers; Pension Costs Increase, SEIU Gets Raise - Los Angeles Public Education |
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UTLA ACTUALLY Scores a Point for Convincing LAUSD to delay of MiSiS in PART
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MOODY WSJ assigns Aa2 to Los Angeles Unified School District's (CA) G.O. bonds....Big Business coming to a school near you! $138.4 new debt affected; rating affirmed on outstanding parity and COP debt New York, July 25, 2014 -- Moody's Rating Issue: General Obligation Bonds, Election of 2004
LAUSD - The Making of a Trojan Horse by Mark Hemphill - The Making of a Trojan Horse by Mark Hemphill (LAUSD - La realización de un caballo de Troya por Mark Hemphill)(Mensaje se repite en Español) (For a national view of public education reform see the end of this blog post)If you're expecting a retelling of Homer's Iliad here, you're going to be
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When I Saw How 'School Reform' Cheats Our Kids, I Declared War
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UTLA Release-Another LAUSD Technology Fiasco | PressReleasePoint
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When I Saw How 'School Reform' Cheats Our Kids, I Declared War
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How education reform drives gentrification | Al Jazeera America
Emma Christ, center, a Cleveland High School senior, at a rally organized by the Portland Student Union and the Portland Teachers Solidarity Campaign. The rally attracted students, parents and other unions in support of teachers during contract negotiations.Stephanie Yao Long/The Oregonian/Landov Public
NYC Educator: Bill Gates Experiments on Millions of American Children...
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The Contemporary Condition: The Assault on Public Education: Inspired by Actual Events
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Ben Austin on Parent Trigger