Tuesday, July 22, 2014

7-22-14 Ed Notes Online

Ed Notes Online:

MORE Steering Committee: A Lesson in Democracy
You can't talk about democracy in the UFT unless your own group has established democratic procedures itself. And if done openly, so much the better. And boy is this tough, especially as you grow and try to scale up. If I was in a caucus in contention with Unity that was not practicing democracy, I would walk because we don't need a "new boss, same as old boss scenario." Democracy is not

Lee Sustar on #AFT14 Convention: Lots of Tough Talk - But Watch What They Do
....to Randi Weingarten, "fighting forward" apparently means embracing the New York contract as a template for the entire union. The supposed benefits of the deal were hammered home throughout the convention. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, whose administration negotiated the agreement, spoke to delegates through a recorded video message, following a breathless introduction by UFT Pr

7-21-14 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: Rockaway Theatre Company's Gypsy: Weekend Sellout - Some PhotosIt's tough to have to spend less than 5 minutes on stage with no lines and basically nothing to do other than have the actors move you around and then spend the next 2 hours backstage until the curtain call trying to get out of everyone's way. When I'm done I'll share the column for The Wave I'm working on the total ex