Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Answer Sheet 6-11-14

Answer Sheet:

A silver lining in the Vergara decision?
A decision by a California judge on Tuesday to strike down — pending appeal — five state statutes that provide job protections to teachers has deeply troubled many teachers and teacher activists concerned about the effect on the profession should the ruling stand. Here is a detailed look on what might be a silver lining […]
A summer reading list from college admissions counselors
Here is a rather unusual summer reading list. It was assembled by Brennan Barnard, director of college counseling at  The Derryfield School in Manchester, New Hampshire, who asked college admissions deans and high school counselors to send him recommendations of books that are great summer reads for parents, students and everybody else. The list includes books about […]
Assessing learning without tests
In this era in which standardized tests are the be-all and end-all of accountability, it may seem impossible to imagine a teacher evaluating how well students are learning without giving them a test. Joanne Yatvin actually did it and she explains it in this post. Yatvin is a past president of the National Council of […]


Is this the beginning of the end of teacher tenure?
Teachers’ unions just got whacked by a California judge who bought the specious argument offered in the “Vergara trial” that state laws giving tenure, seniority and other job protections to public school teachers deprive students of their constitutional right to an adequate education.  Though he stayed his Tuesday decision striking down five state statutes on teacher […]

Answer Sheet 6-10-14
Answer Sheet: Why math fills so many of us with dreadIf you are someone who suffered from math anxiety, you may not believe that it does not have to be a permanent condition. That’s what author  Annie Murphy Paul, who concentrates on how we learn and how we can do it better, explains in the following post. Paul is a contributing writer  for Time magazine, writes a weekly […]1 by Valerie Strauss /