Wednesday, June 11, 2014

6-11-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum

Seattle Schools Community Forum:

Odds and Ends on Math Adoption
The Times finally got around to writing an article on this issue.  I didn't really like their take on it but I'm not surprised that it is made to sound like the cost was the main issue.  The article said that MIF is "nearly twice as expensive" as enVision but forgot to say that was based on the staff's reading of it.  The article then waits until nearly the end to say "the exact cos
And I Mean This Sincerely
There are a number of people who are very worked up about the School Board's recent decision to adopt Math in Focus as the instructional materials for K-5 math. A lot of the opposition has been expressed as outrage that the Board did not follow the expert recommendation of the Materials Advisory Committee. Is that really the beef? Really?I find it very difficult to accept this claim as sincere fro

6-10-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Tuesday Open ThreadA recap of the Curriculum and Instruction meeting to come.  I perceive this is not quite the done deal it appears to be. Got a grad?  A great story asking prominent/interesting people "If I were 22 again..." Written probably for college grads but still worth letting your own graduate read.  I was at a high school graduation party this w