Tuesday, April 29, 2014

4-29-14 Schools Matter

Schools Matter:

CorpEd Profiteers and Privatizers on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown Over Test Refusal
NEWSWashington PostMalloy: CT could lose money if many students opt out of standardized testsThe CT MirrorGov. Dannel P. Malloy said Monday that federal law restricts students from opting out of taking standardized tests, and if the state were to give students ...Flag as irrelevantMinneapolis Star Tribune (blog)Superintendent responds on test opt-outsMinneapolis Star Tribune (blog)Superintendent r

Defending the Indefensible in the Late Days of the Testing Orgy
The testing madness is underway this week in Tennessee, where a week of TCAP counts 15-25 percent of a student's grade and 35-50 percent of a teacher's evaluation for the other 195 days of the school year.  Is that reason enough for 3rd graders to be vomiting and having nosebleeds on their test booklets this week? But the insanity does not stop there.  The State of Tennessee is funding the use of
4-28-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Poll of the uninformedPublished in the San Francisco Chronicle, April 28, 2014"Most in state approve of policy shifts in education," April 24: Yes, 69 percent of Californians polled said they liked the Common Core standards after hearing a brief statement about them. The statement said only that they "are designed to ensure that students graduating from high school h