Tuesday, April 29, 2014

4-29-14 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

Tell Me Again Why Eva Moskowitz Can't Pay Rent?
Eliza Shapiro at Capital NY:The Success Academy charter school network raised more than $7 million at a spring dinner headlined by former Florida governor Jeb Bush last night, according to a report in Business Insider. About 750 people attended the second annual spring benefit at Cipriani 42nd Street, which a spokesperson said was intended to be closed to the press.The attendees included board mem

Clueless Elwood District Officials Double Down On Decision To Cancel Kindergarten Show
More educrats who ought to be forcibly removed from office and hit with a restraining order to stay away from anyone under the age of 18:Elwood school officials Monday night stood behind the principal's decision to cancel a traditional Harley Avenue Primary School kindergarten event due to scheduling constraints. "I believe we made the right decision for the right reason," Superintendent
King, Tisch And The Regents Still Don't Get It
The Board of Regents held a meeting yesterday and other than Regents Betty Rosa and Kathleen Cashin raising questions about the current reform agenda policies, it was pretty much full speed ahead for reform as King, Tisch and at least one other Regent staunchly defended the Common Core tests:Regents chancellor Merryl Tisch and education commissioner John King defended the tests. King explained tha

4-28-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Daily News Says New UFT Contract Will Add Time To Teachers Schedule For "Professional Development"Here is what the News says may happen: The city is closing in on a multiyear contract with the teachers union that could include significant retroactive raises, sources said. One deal being discussed with the United Federation of Teachers would give them retroactive ra